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EPA Administrator Jackson resigns

Another illustrious and unqualified Obama employee steps down. Although it feels like a victory in a sense, the EPA will probably appoint somebody who is just as bad if not worse.
I'm sure ole Barry has another leftwing loon waiting to step into this oldbats shoes.
Old School Wrote:I'm sure ole Barry has another leftwing loon waiting to step into this oldbats shoes.

You're right it's Hussein's call. He was the one who appointed Jackson.
Is there anyone in the Obama administation that is not and out and out crook?
Bob Seger Wrote:Is there anyone in the Obama administation that is not and out and out crook?

The only one with a legit shot would be Bo, and I'd advise him to stay out of kitchen.
Bob Seger Wrote:Is there anyone in the Obama administation that is not and out and out crook?

I don't know if they are all crooks but they appear to all be reprobates.
Bob Seger Wrote:Is there anyone in the Obama administation that is not and out and out crook?

In a word, no. This is the heyday for special interest groups. Not only have they managed to deplete the US treasury, they have managed to get legislation passed to ensure their continued prosperity as far as the political horizon permits. Left loons cheer as traditional America is bulldozed down by gay rights activists, social justice activists, and the green gestapo, while being closely supervised by misguided liberal democrats. The inmates are now running the asylum. Bill Ayers couldn't wipe the smile off his face if he had a textile mill, and Obama is so smug he has given new meaning to the term arrogant.
Over the past few months ive seen MSHA guys come out and do nothing but come out and downright abuse some coal companies.

I seen em fine a company $1000 yesterday because they didnt have a no smoking sign on there CLEAR GLASS building that had acetelyne torches in it. After the owner told him he would go get one not knowing that rule (theres 5,000 different rules on each thing) had to be enforced since he had it through a clear gas storage unit.
Instead of letting the guy put one on it and help him out, he fined him.
This is what pisses me off. They should be there to help. It wouldnt have taken 30 seconds for him to do that, he had the sign, but that guy was a jerk.
He tried getting me one day and i flew off on him. He has no bearings over me, i have my card, and when im not employed by the company he cant say a thing. It pisses him off everytime he sees me.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Over the past few months ive seen MSHA guys come out and do nothing but come out and downright abuse some coal companies.

I seen em fine a company $1000 yesterday because they didnt have a no smoking sign on there CLEAR GLASS building that had acetelyne torches in it. After the owner told him he would go get one not knowing that rule (theres 5,000 different rules on each thing) had to be enforced since he had it through a clear gas storage unit.
Instead of letting the guy put one on it and help him out, he fined him.
This is what pisses me off. They should be there to help. It wouldnt have taken 30 seconds for him to do that, he had the sign, but that guy was a jerk.
He tried getting me one day and i flew off on him. He has no bearings over me, i have my card, and when im not employed by the company he cant say a thing. It pisses him off everytime he sees me.

Maybe a nice portrait of you all nicely done and matted for the wall of his office is in order. He can hang it right beside all his certificates of credential, LOL.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Over the past few months ive seen MSHA guys come out and do nothing but come out and downright abuse some coal companies.

I seen em fine a company $1000 yesterday because they didnt have a no smoking sign on there CLEAR GLASS building that had acetelyne torches in it. After the owner told him he would go get one not knowing that rule (theres 5,000 different rules on each thing) had to be enforced since he had it through a clear gas storage unit.
Instead of letting the guy put one on it and help him out, he fined him.
This is what pisses me off. They should be there to help. It wouldnt have taken 30 seconds for him to do that, he had the sign, but that guy was a jerk.
He tried getting me one day and i flew off on him. He has no bearings over me, i have my card, and when im not employed by the company he cant say a thing. It pisses him off everytime he sees me.

I seen this everyday for the past three or four years. We once had an inspector right us a violation, we fixed the problem he abated the violation and the next day another inspector didn't like it that way, so he wrote another violation after the previous inspector said it was ok.
This may get interesting.

“Two full committees and one investigative subcommittee of the House of Representatives have asked several federal agencies, including EPA and the White House,” Horner said in a press release, adding that the Department of Justice acknowledged “12,000 emails from Lisa Jackson’s ‘secondary’ email account that discuss the Obama administration’s war on coal, in response to litigation we have filed over this practice.”

Read more:
Old School Wrote:This may get interesting.

“Two full committees and one investigative subcommittee of the House of Representatives have asked several federal agencies, including EPA and the White House,” Horner said in a press release, adding that the Department of Justice acknowledged “12,000 emails from Lisa Jackson’s ‘secondary’ email account that discuss the Obama administration’s war on coal, in response to litigation we have filed over this practice.”

Read more:

The only question is whether Jackson will actually get punished or if she will continue to recieve 6 figure checks from the federal government. We all should understand something here. I have posted a number of times about the shady dealings in which this Obama version of the EPA under Lisa Jackson has been involved with. So, it isn't that sensible folks can't recognize the corruption and graft associated with this administration, rather the problem is the reluctance of the so-called free press to do their job and report when government officials step over the line or blow smoke. Without their positive reinforcement, we citizens feel isolated and a little helpless. Can you imagine the outcry from the left if they were on the other side of something like this? What are we going to call this scandal, EPA-Emailgate? And, as in this case, the discovery of 12,000 emails on 'Obama's war on coal' would pale in comparison to the howling that would certainly be deafening, if George W's administration had been guilty of something like the Benghazi scandals.

The takers would see us in ruins before giving up any part of their free ride. So, this is not a fight conservatives can win in only one election, on the contrary, we will be at this for likely a couple of decades. The only place we can fight this war is at the polls, I hope for our sake it isn't too late by 2014 and republicans gain enough seats in the senate to stop America's slide into a liberal abyss. In the meantime, the level of complicity between liberals in govenment and liberals of the free press should not be underestimated. One could not exist without the full cooperation of the other.
Old School Wrote:I seen this everyday for the past three or four years. We once had an inspector right us a violation, we fixed the problem he abated the violation and the next day another inspector didn't like it that way, so he wrote another violation after the previous inspector said it was ok.

Im sure some wont believe this, but i watched that same inspector walk on to a job, and when he got out of his truck, said, Im going to write some citations today.
It was the same day of my previous story, thats why he resorted to that, the company had everything else up to code and he couldnt find anything.
Bob Seger Wrote:Is there anyone in the Obama administation that is not and out and out crook?

Check this out, this is the kind of behavior our president thinks is worthy of a national boy howdy! "The Environmental Protection Agency and its disgraced former boss Lisa Jackson are under fire from lawmakers and activists for, among other reasons, having recently been exposed violating federal law by using bogus identities and e-mail accounts to coordinate propaganda and policy with media allies, "green" groups, and policymakers to advance the Obama administration’s radical “environmental” agenda. Other EPA corruption is also still in the headlines, too, with the agency being criticized for ripping off U.S. taxpayers and foisting more unconstitutional regulations on the economy by working with extremist pseudo-environmental groups using a controversial scheme dubbed “sue and settle.”

President Obama however, praised Jackson for "an unwavering commitment to the health of our families and our children."

"Under her leadership, the EPA has taken sensible and important steps to protect the air we breathe and the water we drink,"

And there we have it. The mechanism and players involved in a kind of 'political inside training scheme' are at last revealed. Intended to give liberal dems an unfair advantage with which to manipulate and propagandize the people into a state of acceptance of their dubious policies, they are nearly unbeatable. As in the case of the second presidential debate, when Candy Crowley's support of Obama's false assertion that he had referred to the Benghazi attacks as acts of terror during his Rose Garden comments on Sept 10, 2012, (a statement we know to be untrue), none the less, that untruth, as backed up by Crowley, propelled Obama to a second term, while making Romney look to be in error. It always works that way, when the media edifies every thing Obama administration officials do, while mercilessly applying an anything goes, no holds barred approach in their machinations of character assassinations against any and all republicans, they in fact gain an unfair advantage. This is how they do it. By brazen acts in defiance of long established Constitutional practice, all the while being supported by a national press who is willing to drink the liberal monkey puke and laugh any opposition to the liberal agenda to scorn. This exact mechanism is what Harry Reid has used in the past to cause gridlock in the congress while blaming the republicans and calling them the party of no. I mean, who's there to contradict him? Certainly not the press, they're on his side and lying there heads off to prove it.

Gee thanks Lisa! Just one question. After leaving such a noteworthy trail of carnage in the form of agencies and all those folks you ran over to achieve such remarkable results, where do you bury your dead? LOL.
The Clintons may allow her to use their old space.
Granny Bear Wrote:The Clintons may allow her to use their old space.

LOL, that's an apt conclusion Granny. After all, Bill and Hill are the headmaster and mistress at the school of quileful public service. The difference between the way they do it and the way Obama does it is is, as follows. Bill and Hill prefer to maintain the illusion of actually being statesmen (or stateswomen in Hill's case) while, Obama jumped out of the closet like a jack-in-the-box. He's out to redistribute the wealth, elevate the poor (with the money belonging to the rich BTW), in order to buy votes, and he doesn't care who knows it. The liberal vision of a social reckoning is totally afoot! Or like I prefer to say it, a vote for a dem is a vote for taxpayer extrortion and a tidal wave of illegal aliens.
Jackson should already be in jail - a competent, pro-American president would have fired her as soon as the news broke that she and her minions at the EPA were using private email accounts to dodge the Freedom of Information Act. The fact that our Outlaw President allowed her to continue to serve until SHE decided to resign speaks volumes about the man that the dumb masses have elected twice.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Jackson should already be in jail - a competent, pro-American president would have fired her as soon as the news broke that she and her minions at the EPA were using private email accounts to dodge the Freedom of Information Act. The fact that our Outlaw President allowed her to continue to serve until SHE decided to resign speaks volumes about the man that the dumb masses have elected twice.

I have seen this type of thing go down time and again. A person of some power or wealth, (usually both) always has more than a few groupies hanging around. As you know, Obama is like a god to many a recently college ejected liberal who are more than eager to demonstrate they are true believers. Such is not exactly the case with Lisa Jackson and yet, those same parameters apply, none the less.

Enamored with the Obama charisma to the point of worship, she was up to the task of fearlessly propagating his liberally inspired environmental blitzkrieg with no regard to her reputation, or personal well being. I had sincere doubts as to her qualifications when Oblame-a named her director and those doubts turned out to be well founded. You can rest assured, Eric Holder will never allow Jackson to suffer so much as a single singed hair at the hands of the dept of justice. Matter of fact, how much more of a stretch would it really be to imagine Obama swooping in and invoking executive priviledge again?
Oh!!! NO stretch!!
That's his favorite thing to do!

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