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Wrestlemania 29 Results
[YOUTUBE="Living Colour performing for CM Punk at Wrestlemania 29"]YceD7eVlt3U[/YOUTUBE]

[YOUTUBE="Undertaker vs. CM Punk at Wrestlemania 29 Highlights"]kA14sdxqIRo[/YOUTUBE]

[YOUTUBE="Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 29 Highlights"]-MrSUZw2bSU[/YOUTUBE]
[YOUTUBE="Wrestlemania 29 Highlights"]a6Y6o7_cDfM[/YOUTUBE]
Thanks for posting these SK. Was there any doubt that Mark Henry was going to reign supreme.
[YOUTUBE="Triple H's entrance at Wrestlemania 29 (Awesome)"]b4ndC5HpGm0[/YOUTUBE]
Westside Wrote:Thanks for posting these SK. Was there any doubt that Mark Henry was going to reign supreme.

Your Welcome. WWE was actually thinking about having Ryback go over in the match. They change their minds like I change underwear
[YOUTUBE="Undertaker Entrance at Wrestlemania 29"]R-LtLrjzOCA[/YOUTUBE]
Not a bad show. It was obviously predictable. I'm not sure I understand the Brock situation though. Why bring him in and then job him in 3 matches already! Punk was great, but I never could get into it because I knew he was going to lose. Rock and Cena did an awesome job. Rocky has never, I repeat NEVER worked the pace he did last night. I take my hat off to him. As for Cena, what a great worker this guy is. I love how everyone hates him and the WWE uses that hate to rub it into their faces.
^ Well said SD!
It was a mixed result for me. I liked the fact that some of the young up and comers got wins, but I felt some of the other matches were completely predictable.

Pre-show: Miz over Barrett - makes me feel bad for the IC title. I thought for a while that they were really going to do something with the belt when Rhodes had it, but I was wrong. Barrett needed this one more than the Miz, I thought. Miz is so dry as a babyface that I feel sorry for him and by losing to the Miz, Barrett's once promising run looks like is going to be on hold yet again.

6 man tag - good win for the Shield. They looked really good. The Big Show turn at the end was predictable and a waste. Would have been a perfect chance for Orton to turn and give him a fresh look as he is being wasted in his current role. The only person that is being used worse than him is Drew McIntyre, at this point.

Mark Henry over Ryback - loved this finish. Henry wins without cheating and Ryback basically slips on the proverbial banana peel and loses while having the gigantic Henry on his back and ready to get the win. Absolutely loved it. Henry is the best "monster" on the roster right now

Team Hell No over Biggie and Ziggie - thankfully, Kane and Bryan get the win. Zigler gained nothing by being in this match and winning the titles would have only prolonged that. Hopefully, he can get in a singles title picture again soon

Fandango over Jericho was a good win for Fandango as the brass knows that Jericho is going to be fine whether he wins or loses and this was a good chance for Fandango to make a good showing. Jericho dominated most of the match with brief flashes of offense for 'Dango. The finish was a little to similar to Henry/Ryback but was still effective

Del Rio over Swagger - solid match. Del Rio seems to be getting more comfortable in his new role and the crowd seems to be coming around as well. Good win for him. Never have been a Swagger fan and the new gimmick doesn't cut it for me, either. Would rather see Dutch "Zeb Coulter" Mantell vs. Del Rio

Taker over Punk was very good as most thought it would be. The problem with the Taker's streak at Mania is that it is at the point now that it is upstaging the matches that follow. They may need to make it the main event from here on out. This was a very good match, although I thought his matches with HHH and the match with HBK were much better.

HHH over Lesnar was a much better match than the crowd would let you believe. Solid brawling and good storytelling which are both HHH's strengths. Crowd was a little tired from Taker and Punk , I think. Good win for HHH. Hopefully, he is back full time at some point. The roster really could benefit from his presence. Lesnar will slip back into the darkness until he is needed to come out and job for another top guy.

Rock and Cena was okay. The finish was totally predictable as Rock passes the torch with the loss and the handshakes at the end. The match was good for what it was. Too many false finishes especially following two other matches were guys kept kicking out of each other's finishing moves. Definite overkill here and the crowd seemed like they were not feeling it, at times. However, by the time it was over Rock and Cena had them where they wanted them and worked their tails off.

Like I said, a mixed bag for me. My biggest grip with WM is that it seems like every time they have this PPV, no one in the main event can win with their big move. They beat people with it all year long, but on that day, it just won't work for crap. Must be the moon or something. Regardless, it was WM and an average 'Mania is better than pretty much any other ppv the WWE or TNA ever put on and it reminds you every year of how special that show is.

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