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God Bless Planned Parenthood
Those words were stated by Obama at the end of his speech to the Planned Parenthood gathering last week.

Was Obama trying to mock Christians or was he trying to mock God? Probably both. After all, Obama isn't exactly what one would call a person with true beliefs in a Supreme Being- other than himself, of course.

On the other hand, Christians will merely sit with their thumbs planted firmly up their rearends and neither say or do anything while Obama and his minions continue their attack against the sacred tenets of Christianity.

The last election left the coffin two nails short of complete closure. The remaining nails will be firmly driven in if the Democrats take back the US House of Representatives in 2014 and if Obama gets to replace one of the conservative members of the USSC.
The passive behavior of those who believe in the basic tenets upon which this country was founded (particularly the "good people" who voted for the abomination even in light of his open hostiliy toward and vicious attack on our most innocent and vulnerable- the preborn) will be the main accomplices. Sitting in their pews, singing hymns, and fine amens won't help then.

Personally, I believe the country is already lost. You people can pray to God all you want. He isn't going to interced. The "good people" brought it on themselves.
The great experiment is failing.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:The great experiment is failing.

I got a different take on that. The experiment was going fine until the mad chemist took over and started throwing things into the beaker we all knew would ruin the recipe.

Those of us with passing grades wanted to get rid of the mad chemist but, all the ones who were getting F's voted us down and now we're stuck with his mess for four more years.

The formula for success is clear and easy to follow, we just have to summon the courage to stand for what we know to be the truth in 2014.
TheRealThing Wrote:I got a different take on that. The experiment was going fine until the mad chemist took over and started throwing things into the beaker we all knew would ruin the recipe.

Those of us with passing grades wanted to get rid of the mad chemist but, all the ones who were getting F's voted us down and now we're stuck with his mess for four more years.

The formula for success is clear and easy to follow, we just have to summon the courage to stand for what we know to be the truth in 2014.

Was it the same formula 8 years before Obama? Or was that just a prototype?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Was it the same formula 8 years before Obama? Or was that just a prototype?

This is neither a Republican or a Democrat issue. The absolute truth, now confirmed by science, is that we are, with premeditation and unparalleled malice, killing our most vulnerable and innocent fellow human beings by the millions and we are either actively or passively supporting this abominable assault on mankind.

You who support the practice can call it "women's reproductive rights" or whatever you choose to call it in order to pacify your position. The bottom line is that it is murder.
But as long as its legal, its okay right? :biglmao:

These liberal goons.
Truth Wrote:This is neither a Republican or a Democrat issue. The absolute truth, now confirmed by science, is that we are, with premeditation and unparalleled malice, killing our most vulnerable and innocent fellow human beings by the millions and we are either actively or passively supporting this abominable assault on mankind.

You who support the practice can call it "women's reproductive rights" or whatever you choose to call it in order to pacify your position. The bottom line is that it is murder.


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