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Snowden gets Russia asylum
Moscow (CNN) -- The White House is "very disappointed" that National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden has been granted temporary asylum in Russia.
Snowden has legal status in Russia for one year, his Russian lawyer Anatoly Kucherena said earlier Thursday, adding that his client has left the Moscow airport. Hours later White House spokesman Jay Carney spoke about the news in a press conference.
The United States is reconsidering a planned meeting between President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin next month in Moscow before a G-20 gathering in St. Petersburg, he said. "We are evaluating the utility of a summit."
In an interview with state-run Russia 24, Kucherena said that Russia "didn't have a choice" in granting his client asylum.

this should become a bigger issue between the US and Russia but it will not
nky Wrote:Moscow (CNN) -- The White House is "very disappointed" that National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden has been granted temporary asylum in Russia.
Snowden has legal status in Russia for one year, his Russian lawyer Anatoly Kucherena said earlier Thursday, adding that his client has left the Moscow airport. Hours later White House spokesman Jay Carney spoke about the news in a press conference.
The United States is reconsidering a planned meeting between President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin next month in Moscow before a G-20 gathering in St. Petersburg, he said. "We are evaluating the utility of a summit."
In an interview with state-run Russia 24, Kucherena said that Russia "didn't have a choice" in granting his client asylum.

this should become a bigger issue between the US and Russia but it will not

It would be hilarious if not such a serious indication of how lowly America is esteemed among the nations since Obama's arrival. The fact that Obama is "very disappointed" has Putin shaking in his boots I'm sure. :eyeroll:
In other words, Putin just bitch slapped Obama.
runitupthegut Wrote:in other words, putin just bitch slapped obama.

Putin is a BAMF and Obama is not.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Putin is a BAMF and Obama is not.

Putin lost all respect for Obama when he saw that pic of him in those 'Mom Jeans'. :biglmao:
Obama is a capri man
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
Obama is a capri man

:thatsfunn Whatever he is, it's all a big act IMO. The spit and polish he exhibits from behind the teleprompter is an acquired skill. One that he learned at college from profs and one that he later honed while lecturing students himself. Whoever he is, he likes to surround himself with Valeri Jarretts' and Susan Rices.

Forgive me my old school ways but, I for one would rather see some men in these posts. Men who know what they believe through the trials of experience. We are threatened by many things, one of them to be sure is our propensity for politically correct appointees. My daughter wanted to drive when she was very young. I put her up in my lap with her hands on the steering wheel and I helped her drive. I would never have put control of the vehicle in her incapable hands and likewise, I would never put control of the country in inexperienced hands. On the other hand, I have been very impressed with some women I have heard speak on a number of issues. Brigitte Gabriel being an example that comes to mind. In other words, the qualifier cannot be based merely on sex but, that is exactly what goes on.
This is the stuff I'm talking about. Russia acts like we were the country that fell apart just over 20 years ago, not them, and it's like our current administration believes it, lol!
vundy33 Wrote:This is the stuff I'm talking about. Russia acts like we were the country that fell apart just over 20 years ago, not them, and it's like our current administration believes it, lol!

Well, when the grandest country in history decides to elect a bunch of greenhorns that just fell off the back of the watermelon wagon to the highest office in the land, they probably do believe it and this is what we get.

Even Ethiopia laughs at our romper room heads of state. You got to remember, in Obama's mind, Nancy Pelosi is a front line legislator. And I can tell you right now, the entire Arab World laughs her to scorn.

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