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What is Matt Bevins thinking?
Bevin’s speech to pro-cockfighting group questioned
FRANKFORT – Republican U.S. Senate candidate Matt Bevin’s decision to speak last Saturday at a Corbin rally organized by a pro-cockfighting group raises questions about his campaign’s judgment as the May 20 primary nears, a Western Kentucky University political science professor and chairman of the Warren County GOP said Wednesday.
Cock fighter will vote...I think. Confusednicker:
He said he didn't know it was a cock-fight rally lol
I would love nothing more than to see every chicken in this state tied to a blue barrel in front of someones single wide trailer taken from them.

Theres nothing that says trash like a "chicken fighter".
What's next a Klan meeting? After all there's voters there as well.
nky Wrote:What's next a Klan meeting? After all there's voters there as well.

I have a feeling Mitch will be at this one and belvin. :lmao:
Sen. McConnell is smarter than that. That's one big issue with the"tea party" they set themselves up to many times to question their actions.
^ I agree. Although I can easily line up with most Tea Party soap box issues, these folks are for the most part novice. And, it would seem they suffer from a false sense of self righteousness and the feeling that being in the right will always guarantee one success. I'd like to think that Bevin's candidacy would at least serve the purpose of getting McConnell's attention to not stray so far from the conservative ideals he was sent to represent, but that doesn't seem so likely. It does however, speak well of someone when they adhere to an interpretation of the Constitution that doesn't allow for changes just because fad adherents, like hippies or the green loons, want them. Freedom is the force that guarantees men rights, not government.

The record of the recent past unfortunately proves that a 'live and let live' approach to our unique idea of a self governing society, was not destined to endure despite the best intentions of Jefferson, Adams and Burr. On the right, folks just want to see America survive, and have therefore generally resisted the incredibly ill conceived wave of change called for from the left who, will never be satisfied because as they say, misery loves company. Basically, apart from the notable exception of our self inflated legislators, the face of the left are college profs and their work product, the indoctrinated youth. The face of the right is the, 'been there done that crowd' who although successful in their time, have committed an unfortunate lapse. Their strength is also their weakness, having fought for and won against all odds our sovereignty and freedoms, they have wrongly supposed their fight to be over. The erosive forces which would bring down the USA will never quit chiseling away at our foundations. It's one thing to subdue our enemies in time of war. It's no lesser a task to continually watch our back door and pass on to our youth the true meaning of freedom and the incredible price paid for it by those gone on before.

But, I digress, our political problems stem from the push to dominate our political landscape by only one party. It is the resultant war between the two parties, that has sterilized our once potent national integrity. Not to mention an effective foreign strategy, or any semblance of viability to those who very recently followed our lead on the national stage. While from the common man's perspective, any polarization too far to the left or too far right, would make all concerned miserable, they are none the less mere pawns to be exploited for votes by those who push "change." Regardless of one's perspective, the nuclear food fight aspect of the machinations in the Chambers of Congress and the words filled with hatred flung about with such reckless abandon on the nightly news, are IMHO, serving to destroy us, not help us. And BTW, every war has an aggressor and one defending himself, hence my contempt with the notion that "both sides do it." Up until late, our system of checks served to maintain a balance tolerable to both extremes and, prohibited one side from attaining an overwhelming advantage with which to subdue the other. However, it is my opinion, that balance has been upset due to the recent all-in, war of words prosecuted by the left. See, in order to accomplish the desired amount of change called for since 2008, one must necessarily upset the balance of powers that would otherwise limit those efforts. In other words, how can one party run over the governing authority of the other? The answer to me is simple court room mechanics. Destroy the credibility of one's opponent through character assassination.

It is one thing to enjoy the freedom to believe in the manner one would choose. It's quite another to ask legislators to change our laws and values to validate those beliefs in imposing them upon the rest of society, especially when such laws would overturn 237 years of conventional wisdom. The idea is to allow happiness, not provide it. No, the only way to govern this land is from the middle. Allow freedom of religion and the right to pursue happiness without the official validation of a particular point of view by the passage of laws which represent only the interests of one side or some minority group. The very idea of such action is destructive to the concept of equality. The left insists the US should look like something off the pages of the history of Sodom, while demanding rabidly enforced separation of Church and State. The right just want things to be like they used to, Americans living together and though not judging others, not necessarily approving of things like homosexuality and certainly not abortion on demand. They especially decry those of an opposing point of view the right to use our own system of law to order "the people" to comply with and even subsidize their depravities and dalliances.

If you will recall, the point of contention between the left and the right used to be solely embodied within the fight to legalize abortion, which should never have happened btw. Once the left won that fight, their focus moved to other issues, gay rights for example. Since the left are uncomfortable with the idea of The Creator, they normally choose to take a view that ensures a wall of separation between the affairs of men and any deity to which they will someday be answerable. They have therefore appointed themselves mother earth caretakers, and they are all about protecting her. A theory which they prefer to substitute as the source of man's origin, via the dubious means of evolution and the big bang. Hence the nightmare of regulations and the rash of supposedly lucid minded men and women denying their fellow Americans access to affordable energy sources. Fossil fuels if you will, and the subsequent scourge of self inflicted job market anorexia many Americans are forced to endure. All in the name of fighting global warming, an idea bereft of scientific substance and propped up instead by contrived data produced by fanatics who are sure their actions will be validated someday.

Condensed, it's the same old tired fight between good and evil. Men dreaming of living out their lives in a sort of utopian bliss of their own hand. And like the guy who slept through his stop on the subway, the nearest thing to utopia existed right here in the good ol USA not so long ago, many of us slept right through it, and the rest couldn't leave well enough alone.
TheRealThing I love reading your comment....But you are way above my pay grade for me to understand them....Keep the good work up. 64SUR. :rockon:
^ Very much appreciate the kind words 64, I'm not trying to shoot over anybody's head but, at the same time, I don't want to waste your time mumbling around and not being clear either. :biggrin: I hate being taken for a moron by elected officials who make their name and their living, trolling for bottom feeders.
TheRealThing Wrote:^ Very much appreciate the kind words 64, I'm not trying to shoot over anybody's head but, at the same time, I don't want to waste your time mumbling around and not being clear either. :biggrin: I hate being taken for a moron by elected officials who make their name and their living, trolling for bottom feeders.

:disappoint: good bye
Believe me when I say Mitch will win Whitley County by atleast a 70-30 margin
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Believe me when I say Mitch will win Whitley County by atleast a 70-30 margin

Run, the last thing I would want to do is to offend my Democrat friends here on BGR. So please accept this as my personal opinion, in no way do I mean of offend anybody. But, I've have seen this thing unfold over the years.

I do believe you. I also believe Mitch will win reelection. It's hard to defend him on every front but, with regard to some very important issues, he's got his act together. Some policies come and go without lasting impact. Economic uh-ohs for instance, can likely be worked out of. On the other hand, one cannot work his way out of responsibility for the 80 million, and counting, slaughtered babies the US has overseen. Nor can we easily make a return to sanity in such areas where we have yielded to sin, as in granting the so-called equality of rights demands of the gay community. Those two mountains of error will hurt us for a long time to come. Mitch understands the end game relative to the 180 degree flip-flop underway right now on social and individual moral issues, and does a good job of representing his country and state in the light of established traditional constitutional understanding. It's easy to sit back here in Kentucky and blast away at him for perceived failures (which are in no small part defined and highlighted by Dems BTW), it really is different there in chambers where all the fighting is going down. And FTR, the vast majority of criticisms of McConnell come from the lips of DEMOCRATS. I for one, am waay tired of hearing folks with a D after their name, telling me what I want. And, presuming then to force feed me enough liberal drivel to choke a whale. I'm sure not going to bite on their reverse psychology which, is intended to steer votes away from the most prominent and powerful Kentuckian at the federal level, who represents a burr under the liberal's saddle blanket by speaking to the concerns of conservative voters.

Looking at things from just the state perspective, Kentucky is floundering despite the rosy predictions coming from the state house. There's a reason we're leading in some pretty damnable and dubious statistical areas. For example, from among our peers on a scale of 1 to 51, (50 states and the District of Columbia), Kentucky ranks a miserable 47th, with only four states having a higher unemployment rate. ObamaCare sign up statistics are nearly as predictable as at one point, Kentucky was rated 3rd highest out of 51. I know for a fact that the reason it went over so well here is because people thought they were going to get free health insurance. Ironically, many of them will.

Our Governor went on MSNBC recently bragging about Kentucky's ObamaCare success story. He said at first he wasn't sure about it but, after having seen a study that showed ObamaCare would result in a windfall of jobs and revenues he realized we couldn't afford not to. You tell 'em Steve. :please:

Meanwhile, certain Kentucky state house leaders have openly bragged that zero pro-life legislation would find it's way to the floor of the house under their watch. It is in exactly this manner that the few, manage to usurp the will of the many, both at the state and the federal levels. Unbelievably, vapor locked voters who know better, keep returning these bozos to office as if they are somehow forced to do it. And why? Heck, they're Democrats No matter what may come, and obviously that would include Hell's fire, certain folks among us just cannot make themselves vote for the candidate. Incapable of putting the good of their own lives and the lives of their children over the fortunes of a political party. A situation which in a word is, INCREDIBLE. Millions of mindless voting zombies with spit dripping off their chins devoid of the gift of lucid thought. NOTE: I firmly believe there are good Democrats in Kentucky's legislature, so don't get the wrong idea! The point is this, if self absorbed politicians really believed voters would hold them responsible next election cycle, you can bet they'd be toeing the mark and they'd drop the liberal agenda that is choking the life out of all of us. This idea is more than obvious as Senators the likes of Mary Landrieu are sweating bullets right now, for worry about their over the top support of ObamaCare.

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