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Some things I want to get off my chest!!!
I don't know who on BGR has gone through someone very close having an addiction but I have for four long years. Four long years ago my wife had some stuff done to her back and she was down for almost two months. She was unable to even walk for a little bit and I had to take care of her and our daughter and everything. The problem is that the damn doctors kept feeding her painkillers! Long story short is she got hooked! I guess for a long time I was just too busy with life to notice the signs but they were there. When I first noticed is when we would have a couple hundred dollars missing with nothing to show for it and then next thing I knew it was 4, 5 or 6 hundred dollars. Then she started to pawn her stuff and then she started to try and still my money and pawn my stuff. I would try everything I could think of to get her off the stuff but nothing worked. I tried to get her in rehab and I tried to get her to go to a suboxone Dr. and I even threatened turning her in to the police! She stopped wanting anything to do with me or our 4 year old daughter and she would tell so many lies a day that I would loose count. She would disappear for days and I would be left wondering if she was dead or what. I finally gave up and moved out, but I was still in love with her and I think I still am. This Wednesday I got a phone call that my wife was in jail and probably facing some pretty good prison time! She sold 17 oxycodone to an undercover cop. On the street they call it 30's and some call it hillbilly heroin. I love my wife that I married years ago but I haven't seen that woman in a long time and I miss her very much! I hope and pray that what ever happens that she comes out the other said as the woman I married. I would love it if anyone on here who prays would pray for me and my daughter as we fight to get my wife and her mother back and most importantly pray for my wife! I would love to hear some other peoples stories who have gone through something like this if you want to share.
This may be God's way to make you a stronger couple. Your wife possibly going to prison may be a blessing in disguise and her rock bottom, saving her from her addiction. My wife's cousin was not that fortunate this spring, he passed away in April from an overdose. He lived in a small town in Michigan (about the size of Lousia) and was friends with a majority of the police dept and they covered for him for years, enabling his addiction.
I wish I could tell you exactly what to do. I used to work in a psych hospital with the majority of the patients were teenagers with addiction issues, I saw first hand what addiction can do to a person. The best thing I can tell you to do is keep praying for her, find scripture for encouragement, be her rock, but don't enable her or make excuses for her, and make sure she goes to her AA or NA meetings and watch her there. Be a dad for your little girl don't forget about her. I know it will be hard, but God won't give you anything that you can't handle.
Sorry to hear about the situation. My first thought is take care of you, get right with how you need to handle this to be a good Dad for your alls daughter. Your daughter comes first....she's #1 at all costs.

Opiad addiction is brutal. A few friends I go to church with were hardcore addicts and only through a spiritually based 12 step program and medication were they able to recapture their lives before either one of them died "sooner rather than later." This happened over a couple years. This being they lived, overcame addiction, and our stronger today than ever before.

Jail time will be a blessing and a good wake up call. As long as she can get dry in jail? She must come to the conclusion that your daughter is more important than the drugs. I'll be praying for Gods divine intervention all pun intended. Hang in there and be good to you. Also prepare yourself for letting go and making peace with that concept!

Lifting you and yours up in prayer do-double!

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. I had five parents of students od and die in one school calendar year and this school is not very big. I guess if you are trying to find a positive spin at least she isn't dead. Years ago I had a medical issue and was given oxycodones. They didn't do a thing for me. It didn't matter how many I took. This was when I was ignorant of over doses or even knew it was possible. I guess the Dr or pharmacist didn't realize how ignorant I was and didn't warn me. I took a handful one night. It knocked me out, but the pain was constant when I was awake. I've never taken a pain pill that has ever helped me when I needed one no matter how many I took. I guess this is a blessing and a curse. I offended up not even filling the last two prescriptions. I wish you luck. I hope things work out for you and your family.
Thanks guys!
To chose drugs over your daughter shows the awful cotrol/destruction that they have on people. Like the others have said, your daughters care needs to come before everythng else. Until your wife decides you/your daughter and her life are more important than the drugs and accepts help, there is not much you can do. I will pray for you and your wife.
Spirit100 Wrote:Sorry to hear about the situation. My first thought is take care of you, get right with how you need to handle this to be a good Dad for your alls daughter. Your daughter comes first....she's #1 at all costs.

Opiad addiction is brutal. A few friends I go to church with were hardcore addicts and only through a spiritually based 12 step program and medication were they able to recapture their lives before either one of them died "sooner rather than later." This happened over a couple years. This being they lived, overcame addiction, and our stronger today than ever before.

Jail time will be a blessing and a good wake up call. As long as she can get dry in jail? She must come to the conclusion that your daughter is more important than the drugs. I'll be praying for Gods divine intervention all pun intended. Hang in there and be good to you. Also prepare yourself for letting go and making peace with that concept!

Lifting you and yours up in prayer do-double!

CR is the program that saved their's more info about the program! CR also provides support to family members of addicts as well.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
I have zero experience dealing with this type of situation, but I'll certainly throw out what I would do if it happened to me just in case something gets out that could be of help.

Her going to prison was a blessing in disguise and maybe the best thing that could have happened to begin the healing process. A couple of people I grew up with had an addiction and went through a "waking up" experience in prison. They were very fortunate to only have to serve a few weeks, and then to only have to go to rehab for a few months after the crime they committed. They were put on probation shortly after that, and they seem to be doing well at this point.

Now is the best time to reach out to her. She's sober, she's going to be more aware once the effects from the drugs wear off. I'm sure she's an outstanding person when off the drugs and probably doesn't even realize she is lying and stealing - that will change now that the drugs have worn off and hopefully she will come to the realization of what she has done. One site I looked at mentioned not to make any emotional appeals to her, saying it's something she will have to come to on her own and that the emotional appeal could sometimes lead her back to the drugs she once struggled with.

Remember that this is a slow process. We live in a society where people expect quick turnarounds. Frustrations often arise in these types of scenarios. Be patient and keep positive - remember that as frustrating as it is, this could be the best scenario for her.

Finaly, Do-double-gg, it hurts me that I don't know enough to provide you good advice...but I did find a link to the Family Drug Helpline. This is a 24/7 hotline that is designed for families and friends of those who are misusing drugs or alcohol. This is a confidential hotline which is staffed with trained volunteers from Monday to Friday 9-5, and has professional counselors during the times afterward. You are always welcome to shoot me a PM, I will go above and beyond to do my very best to help you...but this hotline might have a few people that have been around that situation and know more about what to do. Even with that, you are always welcome to shoot me a PM.

1300 660 068 (I found it odd the last group didn't have four digits...but it's legit)

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