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Russia in Syria, more Obama lies
So Russia has sent the same unit of soldiers that was in Crimea to Syria to support Assad. Intelligence analyst says their reports are being altered to accommodate Obama in regards to ISIS so he can look like he's taking care of them. Obama says prepare for Syrian refugees in the US. What an outstanding president we have and yes I'm being sarcastic...First I ask, will Iraq and Syria see peace again? Second, how's this going to play out with Russia? Third, how in the world is this man still our president?
He came into office vowing to transform the "FACE" of America. He speaks out against Republicans, police, border control, foreign policy as we have always know it to exist, Wall Street, and of course that dastardly Tea Party. While at the time he speaks up in support of gay rights, (one has to wonder if it was his finger that flipped the switch that bathed the White House in rainbow colored lights) abortion rights, illegal immigrants, and the interests of minorities.

But, to answer your 3 questions I would respond as follows;

1) It would seem that the vacuum created in the Middle East by the United State's recent departure, has as was predicted, been filled with violence and upheaval. So, peace does not seem very likely and, after all, Scripture prophetically puts the starting point of the great war there.

2) As you mentioned, Russia is by all accounts firmly behind the Assad Regime. It would seem that Romney's assessment of Russia then, is accurate. They are rapidly emerging in more obvious terms as our most dangerous Geo-political foe.

3) You would have to ask the Democratic Senators who've declared their support of the Iran Deal to answer this one.

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