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No More Juvenile Delinquents
The Obama Administration, by and through its Attorney General, Loretta Lynch (she's the female anteater who replaced the male muskrat, Holder) the term "juvenile delinquent" is to be discarded and replaced with the politically correct "justice-involved youth".

Thus, when you are beaten and robbed by some worthless thug juvenile, you will feel better since that reprobate is just justice-involved. Maybe we can provide him with a scholarship to the two year college of his choice as well as some of that free money that so many low level students get to buy their i-phones and drugs.

All ridiculous. Of course. But still all true in the Age of Obama. And, some of you fools think the aged and under accomplished but oversized Hillary in her Chairman Mao designed pantsuits will be different.
It's just getting ridiculous. When does this stop????
^^When enough voters get tired of pulling that handle with the D on it.

Unbelievably, reality is turning on lines strikingly similar to those envisioned in the world of "1984", as authored by George Orwell. In order to get people to swallow certain unpalatable sociological atrocity, modern day liberal progressives would seem to be taking their cues page by page from his play book. In his book, Orwell rightly observed that to get people to change the way they think, one has to change the way people talk.

I can't believe it works so well, but in changing the language used to refer to abortion on demand for example, the mental image many people have of this act of murder by butchery seems to change along with it. So instead of calling it what it is, which is infanticide, liberals have repackaged and renamed this monstrous behavior "women's health." Illegal aliens are now merely undocumented immigrants. Homosexuals are gay folks. Criminal rioters are now become legal protestors. And one dare not refer to any Muslim as a terrorist even though they manage to blow something up every darn day. Thus ISIS is now ISIL, because we can't have people remembering that that last 'S' in ISIS stands for Syria (remember that famous red line?) we want them to focus instead, on the administration substituted 'L' which stands for the Levant, which of course is the area in which Israel is located. That way Islamic Extremists get an upgrade and Israel gets a proper slamming even though they are just as much the victim of terror as is the US.

It follows then, if one allows Democrats to define the world for them, way over one half of our representatives in the Congress, pass from being gentlemen to become rich white greedy passé Republicans, of whom time has marched past leaving them in a fog of irrelevancy and whom enlightened people must therefore shun. And of course as Harry Rex has mentioned, juvenile delinquents have now become justice-involved youth.

And though it might be irritating to some, that is the impetus for the Trump phenomena. It is not that people are just mad at D's or R's, they are tired of lies, they are tired of the guileful dealings of state and federal government. Trump speaks plainly and takes no prisoners and the people love it. I mean how many of these rabid liberals have to go down in flames before they give in to this fact? The answer is all of them. Like a cancer that has ravenged the body, they must be eradicated in toto via the voting booth.

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