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Flake declines to run for Senate reelection.
Never Trumper Senator Jeff Flake announces he is not running for reelection! If only he could take McCain with him! Congress being remade in Trump's image!
:welcome: swing state democrat in 2018 :Cheerlead
Yeah, AZ wants open borders!
Flake. I just cannot imagine that a Senator of his leanings could have been more aptly named. He's just another big government globalist.

Corker. Here we have yet another Senator who believes his job entails much more evidently, than to merely legislate according to the wishes of the electorate to whom he owes his both his service and office. No along with Tennessee, subverting the will of the people of the other states by unashamed and open opposition against their choice for President is his cross to bear too it would seem; As he starts his day with unpatriotic tweets, followed by a smattering of TV appearances in which he says the President is a liar and does not deserve his respect. I mean, who the heck told Corker he was all that much that he would feel compelled to attack the President in the first place, and then act like a self absorbed aristocrat when the inevitable incoming arrives? Now ain't that a corker?

ABTW Pick6, did you happen to notice that RINO McCain and Minority Leader Schumer are big buds? McCain would much rather hang with the Dems than his fellow Republicans. Wait a minute...maybe I should have said he'd much rather hang with his fellow Dems, than with the Republicans. :Thumbs:
Flake was running under the wrong party name anyways.

Come 2020, I think it's time to make a clear cut among party lines. Since dems don't have the guts to splitt into their radical left and center celebrity left, I think we should lead by example and seperatre the parties as rinos and new right. The new right of course being the party of Trump (meaning the ideology)for now. No sense in allowing the GOP to continue raising big dollars when the rinos refuse to let our far right agenda come into play. Time for McCain's of the world to go home.
Bannon, Bannon, Bannon!
Flake's an idiot. I'm sure there's a job in government for him as a Democrat somewhere.
Pick6 Wrote:Bannon, Bannon, Bannon!

Hear, hear, hear! A true patriot!

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