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In Your MOUTH! :idea:
Let's hear about having braces, retainers, any of that good stuff that mothers made you do growing up..

I had my first retainer in 4th or 5th grade. I had braces for 18 months, then I got 2 permanent retainers placed behind my teeth, one of them bent, and so now I have a retainer that I am supposed to wear at night but don't.

Your turn.
In the 8th grade, one of my friends somehow almost got their retainer down their throat.

Basicly he almost choked on it, but still... Kinda strange, I thought they were too big to swallow.

Personally, I've never had retainers or braces or whatever else there is. I have straight teeth, but I only brush twice a day and never floss, and I have NEVER been to the dentist in my life.
Yea I know I know. Lucky B-WORD! I still love you though! <3
alright, <3 back at you. You really have to come to my house this weekend though. The next two weekends you will possibly be busy!
Is everyone invited LOL
Sure, if you bring lots of Sad .
Never had braces or anything like that. I have contacts though :x .
some contacts make people's eye colors look cooler and well they help ya see so they aren't too bad are they?
football, like Reizvoll said you can come but instead of popcorn bring chocolate because he didnt have any there last time :x
You're invited Cali. Bring lots of chocolate.
Yes, come to Reizvoll's house EVERYONE and bring LOTS of chocolate and something dealing with Blue Collar Comedy lmao! Idea
I had a lip bumper in like 5th grade.. it made me look like i was chewing. that was pretty embarrassing.then i had braces in 8th grade, which led to the retainers that i'm supposed to be wearing right now but i dont. i couldn't even tell you where they are.

ohh and i also wear contacts, i hate them. my eyes are extremely dry so they kill me. i bet i sound like a pretty big dork.
no its all good bessie. almost everyone had to get through the whole braces/retainer deal. i dont know about the lip bumper thing, but at least it sounds cool...
I had braces my freshman and sophmore year.. and I have a permanent retainer right now
umm for me everything everyone has mentioned would be a big ole negative to me b/c I dont have contacts, never had braces, or teeth are fine and im glad 8)
I had braces for nearly 4 years. I'm supposed to wear a retainer now but I don't. I was given glasses to wear because of migraines. They said my eyesight was the cause of them, but I never wear the glasses either.
what are you into it hanging wright? Smile
LOL. Well it is kinda cold in here. Cap_PDT_0: Smile
O NO.....heres some fire, dont hold to close tho might smell the scorching of hairs we dont want that lol :wink: :wink: :wink:
I had braces for three years.
I had braces twice....5th and 7th grade....and now i have retainers glued in my mouth since 8th grade. Best way to get them, cause you can't lose them or break them! 8)
you can break them technically. i bent my top one and well i didnt really know it until my teeth started to go out of the places that they were perfect in. so yea they started gapping a little bit in the front and i went to my orthodontist and he made me get a new $200 retainer but this time its not permanent so needless to say, i dont wear it too much. i might wear it once a week to sleep in, if that much.
yeah....the glue comes loose every now and then but not too much of a problem.
my glue hasnt came loose yet, just hate it that i bent the damn thing.

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