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Smokeless Tobacco: Dip vs. Snus?
I was recently at my nearby Speedway and saw a new tobacco product called Snus. Snus isn't the brand (I forgot what brand it was), but it is rather a style of smokeless tobacco.

The package claimed that it was a smokeless, spitless tobacco.

After some internet searching, I found out that snus is quite popular in European places like Norway and Sweden. According to what I read, it differs from American dipping tobacco by the way it is made and that you put the snus under your upper lip rather than bottom lip. If used correctly you should not have to spit when using snus and can even eat or drink while using it. Also, snus should be refrigerated when you are not using it. When using snus, it is usually kept there for a couple to several hours depending on the user.

Studies have shown that while snus does not contain anywhere near as many carcinogens as cigarettes or dip, the health effects are unknown. However, Swedish men (where snus is very popular) have the lowest rate of lung cancer in Europe.

"Snus may be less harmful than other tobacco products; according to Kenneth Warner, director of the University of Michigan Tobacco Research Network,

"The Swedish government has studied this stuff to death, and to date, there is no compelling evidence that it has any adverse health consequences. ... Whatever they eventually find out, it is dramatically less dangerous than smoking."

Has anyone here tried snus before?

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