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Well I just found out today that I have to wait an entire year before I can apply to the Athletic Training Program here at EKU. I was supposed to take a class and didn't know and just found out it's required. Guess it's kinda my fault too but they should do a better job at letting me know!!! :redboxer:

So now I'm gonna be in school for atleast another 3-4 years I'm so behind. Maybe I'll graduate by the time I'm 50. I've been thinking about applying to Athletic Training programs out of state though...maybe you guys will see me on TV in a couple years with a team. Confusedtickoutt I've been looking at different universities and stuff and I'm gonna e-mail them and ask about the program. SHHHH Confusedhh: don't tell my mommy though lol, I haven't let her in yet. :beg:

I've been doing my Direct Observation and I got to go to football practice the other day and stand on the sidelines haha...and I'm sure if anyone is still reading this you're thinking "wow" sarcastically. It's awesome though because I do it for 9 weeks. The first 3 weeks I'm with football. The next 3 weeks I'm with another Eastern team and then the next 3 weeks after that I'm with another team. I may get to help with basketball! I'm pumped!!!!!!

Hahaha and like any of you really care about any of this. Just wanted to update some of you who care lmao and vent a little.
Just so you know Cali....I read the whole message! :thumb:
Cali Cali Cali, what are we ever going to do with you? It sucks that they didn't tell you about the class and all but I mean you can figure out a way to do what you want in better time. You WILL be out of school before you are 50, even if you have to transfer, follow your heart and achieve your goals.

That is awesome about the shadowing the trainers and stuff for the teams. It would be awesome to work with the basketball team. Have fun and best of luck.

Keep in touch too.
Best of Luck to you Cali.
Cali, you always have bad you get whatever it is you want tho. Call me sometime, we need to catch up!
Good luck Cali, keep up the hard work I know for a fact that you're a smart girl and I know you can do it. As for being in school for another 3-4 years...You might get to graduate with wouldn't that be fun? lol... I read the entire message mostly because I have nothing better to do with my life and Balla is falling asleep on the phone with me so... but keep up the good work and hang in'll get it sooner or later.
LOL well I was really bored when I typed that message haha. I hate school!
Those terrible college days. Only to be back in Richmond.

PARTY TIME. Like your sig by the way.
You can do it Cali,lol

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