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So now that we have a few fans on her interested in wrestling.... What do you think about each brand.

I know TNA is trying to look more like the old WCW and get WWE superstars to come over and wrestle when they ether were not resigned or fired.... So whats everyone thoughts.

Myself there are alot of superstars on TNA that I would like see come to the WWE.... One in paticular is AJ Styles.

Give me your thoughts.
I think TNA is a rip off of WWE. I know some wrestlers have left WWE ansd went to TNA but it is not as fun to watch as WWE.
WWE isn't great right now, but TNA is even worse.

I've tried to watch it a few times but can't hardly sit through 30 minutes of it.

It just looks so cheap.
ComfortEagle Wrote:WWE isn't great right now, but TNA is even worse.

I've tried to watch it a few times but can't hardly sit through 30 minutes of it.

It just looks so cheap.

I know they are trying to fall back on the old days of the NWA and WCW I watched the pay per view this past weekend and thought I was going to die from boredom... The main even wasnt even the World Title match which was Sting -vs- Rhino.
TNA offers variety right now. With the extinction of WCW, wresting was too boring. The WWE's attempt to make three brands Raw, Smackdown, and ECW just does not work for me.

Though TNA is not at the level of WWE, it does bring some of the old-style booking back into play. You see a lot of the same ideas that were done in the 80's and 90's with a new flare.

Which is better? I don't really have an opinion. I like them both for what they are.

ComfortEagle summed up a comment of mine, I can no longer sit down and watch 2 hours of wrestling. When we have Stone Cold & the Rock vesus NWO, I would watch one promotion, and then watch the taped show right afterwards. It made it a long night not hitting the sack until after 1:00 every Monday.

Now, I have no problems at all getting to sleep on Mondays. When I want to fall asleep, I usually turn on Raw Confusedleep:
I have been a wrestling fan for over 20 years and yes I still watch it. I like what TNA is trying to do, they have way better matches than WWE, but thats as far as it goes for TNA beating WWE. TNA's commentators are horrible, Tenay and Don West make me wanna jump through the screen and kill them both. Their wrestlers, besides my favorite A.J. Styles, are ridiculous as well as the storylines. The latest being this retarded attempt at a new, reinvented NWO with Kurt Angle, Sting, Nash, Steiner and Booker is a laugh and is ridiculous. Besides Kurt Angle, who I absolutely hate, they are just a combination of hot air and old age nothings. I think that may be why Christian is going back to WWE, he was probably sick of all the ridiculous stuff they do.

WWE isnt much better right now, and I agree that when Vince came up with idea of splitting it into three brands, it was his worst idea ever. Thats why you have Jeff Hardy as champion on Smackdown, not that I mind that, hes one of my favorites, but its kinda unbelievable that hes champ. But thats what ya get when you have so few marquee names to challenge for the title. Undertaker is getting too old and stays injured alot lately, so he wont work. I do like Edge's character and the way he portrays it, he is golden on a mic. Triple H is Triple H, hes a solid performer and knows how to get over with the crowd as a face, and even better at it as a ****, which I expect him to turn to soon. Other than those 3, Smackdown doesnt have much to offer. Raw is pretty much the same way. Cena is the biggest star on either brand and does it very, very well. Again though, no one decent enough to challenge him. Shawn Michaels is getting up in years and his back is getting worse with every show and they are destroying his character by having him work for JBL, which is so stupid, who in the **** is going to believe that Shawn couldnt afford to take care of his family, my god. Thats the problem with WWE, they come up with these out of this world storylines and they expect fans to believe them. Im not even going to talk about ECW, I dont watch it at all because its not worth watching.

I will continue to watch WWE and TNA in hopes that they will get the idea that what they are doing is not working anymore and they need to change their directions. I'll hope Vince will come to his senses and put the brands all together again on one show, but I dont see that happening anytime soon, with Smackdown getting a new contract and network. TNA has alot of work to do storyline and staff wise, at least when it comes to Tenay and West. Their best assets are Styles and Angle and I wouldnt be surprised that if this time next year they arent both on WWE. If so, I would just hope that Vince gives Styles a chance to shine like I and other fans know he can. He has carried TNA on his back over the last few years, and was great when it first started, the guy is a real talent that shouldnt be overlooked, if he was to jump ship to WWE, which in all honesty I dont think he would do, Vince should go all out with him, do all he can to make him a superstar along with the only other real superstar they have in John Cena.

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