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For all of those scared that Obama will take away your guns...
He just signed a bill into law that allows people to now carry guns into national parks.

But wait....I thought he was taking away all our guns...Confusedhh:
ComfortEagle Wrote:He just signed a bill into law that allows people to now carry guns into national parks.

But wait....I thought he was taking away all our guns...Confusedhh:

Its a step but still, it was a rider on another bill.

My fear has always been a reinstatement of the AWB and the 500% tax increase on guns and ammo.
Barry didn't add the gun law himself, it was added by Sen. Tom Coburn R-Okla.

"Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., saw an opportunity to grab on to a comparatively fast-moving target, since lawmakers are under the gun to finalize a credit card bill in the next 11 days. Keeping pressure on Congress, President Obama held a town hall in New Mexico on Thursday inviting consumers who had written or called the White House about their credit card companies.
Coburn, speaking on the Senate floor, said his move "isn't a 'gotcha' amendment" but a genuine step to protect the Second Amendment. The measure would reverse a federal judge's decision in March block a last-minute rule change by President George W. Bush to allow park visitors to carry concealed weapons.
"It was just an opportunity," said Coburn spokesman Don Tatro. "Congressional leadership has been trying to keep it from happening; and this was just the first opportunity."
Capitol Hill experts don't expect the gun amendment to kill the credit card bill. In fact, the gun measure has a small chance of surviving as crunch time on the bill approaches. But the National Rifle Association isn't declaring victory yet."
ComfortEagle Wrote:He just signed a bill into law that allows people to now carry guns into national parks.

But wait....I thought he was taking away all our guns...Confusedhh:

Nahh, just our coal.
ComfortEagle Wrote:He just signed a bill into law that allows people to now carry guns into national parks.

But wait....I thought he was taking away all our guns...Confusedhh:

If Iran can have a right to nuclear power, I guess I can have the right to a 9mm. Seems like a fair trade. Seriously though I believe he would love to tax guns and ammo to point were "all of them were taken away".

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