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Paranormal Activity (the movie)
I want to see this movie
CatDawg Wrote:Does the picture move around as bad as blair witch and cloverfield?

oh god, i hope not. When Quarantine came out, a bunch of us went and watch it. Within the 1st hour I had to get up and leave, was making me sick, motion sick i guess..

Is this playing in Pikeville.. anybody know?
Those type always make me sick for some reason. Same for the same type of video games unless I'm the one playing them.
NYY10 Wrote:oh god, i hope not. When Quarantine came out, a bunch of us went and watch it. Within the 1st hour I had to get up and leave, was making me sick, motion sick i guess..

Is this playing in Pikeville.. anybody know?

It's nowhere near that bad, as most of it is shot on a tripod.
Ok to much hype. I hope the theatrical version is MUCH better.I didnt find this to be scary at all. One spot gave me a mild jump and that's it.
csabo17 Wrote:Ok to much hype. I hope the theatrical version is MUCH better.I didnt find this to be scary at all. One spot gave me a mild jump and that's it.

Did you watch it in a theater? There's a lot of subtle visual and audio effects that I think are best seen in a theater setting.

I imagine if I were watching this on my laptop, it wouldn't have been anywhere near as affective.
Burnt to disc and watched it on flat screen with surround sound. I heard all the whispers and such, just didn't do anything at all for me.
as i have been told by a reliable source the word is that everyone is supposed to get this movie
I loved the movie but I think that watching it in theaters takes away from the experience. People cutting up after a really disturbing part kind of lightens the mood and takes away from the shock factor for someone watching it for the first time. I think that this movie is MEANT to be played on friday night sitting on the couch with your significant other, with the lights out. That would be perfect.

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