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7th grade middle school rankings Pike Co.
belfry 7th grade has beat johns creek twice this year no way they are ranked higher than belfry and pikeville beat belfry by one point last time they played.
I was wrong they split the games each winning on the road.
Belfry split with johns creek each winning on the road. Pikeville beat belfry by one point last time they played.
not to try and argue rankings but we have beat phelps b team twice by 15+ points each time and we beat elkhorn at home with a short bench. also, in the 3 minutes johns creek's a team starters played B team, they only managed one point again us. Both of our games with Belfry were very hard fought games. Pikeville only beat us by 1 point the last time we played and we missed 3 lay ups in the last 10 seconds that would've won the how are we not even mentioned?
Your right and like I was trying point out how can it say #1 Feds Creek/Virgie when we beat Virgie twice and have not lost a B-team game. Several people have asked me why the rankings would be set that way. Doesn't Virgie have to have at least beat us once for it to even be cosidered a tie. For the record our B-team that has not lost is all 7th graders so no were not afraid of losing.
The 1 qtr our 7th graders played against Belfry at Belfry it was 27-11.............none of the top 6 played @ JC.

I'm going by what I have saw and talking to other coaches.................did Virgie play Richardson and company and did FC play Cameron and Miller both games?

Bball fan, we play Phelps tomorrow if weather permits, I'll know by 4. If we don't play your more than welcome to bring your 7th graders to Johns Creek or heck we will come to Mullins and we will play.........
This feud is between you and bball fan, leave my boys out of this. We are suppose to be builing our programs together not fighting.
Coach Kidd Wrote:This feud is between you and bball fan, leave my boys out of this. We are suppose to be builing our programs together not fighting.

No problem with your boys at all.

My problem is I spoke up in the meeting about having a 7th grade tourney at your place and PCC and stated, as did all coaches said the rules were 7th grade and other stipulation......then I get on here and read this junk.........

My kids read it, your kids read can get up with me tomorrow, got some ideas for AAU and 5th/6th grade leagues.
I have said over and over, rules and regulations need to be put in place next year for B and C teams. I have also said over and over, if everyone would go back and read, the was nothing we was going to be able to do about the tournament this year. From what I have been told, everything is going to be seeded either just like the A team tournament or by random draws. Neither of those ways will be a honest reflection of the B teams, but also teams did not know about these tournaments before the coaches meeting so they did not know to play all the 7th graders on B team instead of just A team. I have said over and over there are certain issues and regulations that need to be put in place next year! My concerns, if everyone will go back and read in a earlier post which was shared by another reader as well, was for the children who benefit from having so many talented 7th graders in the county. These kids have gotten playing time on the B team all year because the more talented players on there team and in there grade were playing above there age on A team and being saved for A team. My concerns are for these boys feelings when these very talented 7th graders step back down to the level they grade is playing. I know a lot of teams in the county play all there 7th graders on the B team regardless, maybe even all of them. I did not mean anything to be a personal attack on any school and certainly did not mean for some public war of words to get started. You can call my concerns junk or fear if you like. We all have opinions and I was just sharing mine when I stated my concerns. This tournament is not going to be perfect this year, and since it is being thrown together so late in the year, we are going to have a tournament bracket that does not show the true seedings and we are going to put other issues into the limelight. As for my boys at Mullins, we will show up at the tournament and play any team that steps on the floor to the very best of our ability. I realize the last time we played Johns Creek, there best players did not play the entire B team game. They did start the game though and I was proud of our boys for how well we played while they was in the game playing. Yes I got defensive about our boys not being mentioned because like you said, all the kids get on this site and read what is said. Every coach knows kids this age have highs and lows in confidence that effects the way they play. Kids this age also need to know when people have there backs. That is why I spoke out about my team being over looked, or at least that is how it seemed to me. So before anything any worse is said, which would set a bad example not just for my players but for players of any other school, let me say something publicly! Nothing I have said once again, was meant to be a attack, a insult or disrespecting anyone or any team on this page. I know we all take our teams to heart and I know we all grow to care for these kids like they was our own family. I am embarrassed at myself thinking these boys will get on this site and read what little has been said already. Any problems certain people any myself have with each other needs to be settled in private instead on a message board these children will read. This game is suppose to be fun or at least that is the golden rule we all try to teach these children. Us jawing back and forth at each other like we do on this site replaces the true meaning of the game with hatred and anger which can only be played our through these boys. And the only way it can be played out through these boys is by behavior on the court that should not be tolerated or by running up the score. Neither of those teach these children sportsmanship.
When is the B team tournament and what location is the game being played?
Rankings for B team and C team are useless because most teams don't play their better 6th or 7th grade players during season play. I have always been under the opinion that B team and C team were to prepare players for the next year and if they were good enough to play up, let them and help to make a better player from the ones that needed more work. If you play an afterseason tournament, make it a blind draw, if not you would have to take into account that some of the better talent in some schools(Virgie, Dorton and FC) have not played on their B teams this year in all games, if any.
Just wondering if there has been a date set for this tournament? We can't play if we don't know when. I have notice several have asked this same question but no one has posted a date.
Emails have been sent to all coaches, they know the date of the tournament. The B team tournament will be held at Mullins and the C team tournament at Pikeville on the same day. I believe the date is Feb. 13, its the Saturday after the A team tournament ends.
If the age limits are applied to the 7th grade team, that should take care of a lot of Virgie and Dorton,lol!
TurtleToes Wrote:If the age limits are applied to the 7th grade team, that should take care of a lot of Virgie and Dorton,lol!

Actually, the legal age limit would prevent no one from Dorton from playing.
Guys why are they even a debate...Its supposed to be a 7th grade tournament...If you are in 7th grade, then you should be able to play. I just don't understand if the tournament has been set and the rules are in place that if you're in 7th grade or below you can play, why are you even on here stirring up stuff that doesn't even apply to this years tournament...If its not going to change anything this year, don't even get it started...Your just wanting to get things stirred up like a lot of your other post that I've seen on here...Its a 7th grade tournament, let 7th graders play...How hard is that...As far as rankings why argue...I agree with the post above...The only thing that you can do is go by rankings this year...
Feds Creek is undefeated then they are #1 and so on down through the teams...
Their B Team plays all 7th graders but 3 8th graders and none of them start for the A Team...Only 2 start B Team and they get very limited minutes on A Team...
This will only help the competition...Just like Virgie, Feds Creek handled them fairly easy, but add their 7th graders to the mix and you have a good physical, competitive game...Same would be or should be for Johns Creek and others with good 7th graders regardless of what team they play for A, B, C...Its a 7th Grade tournament, not a A, B, C Tournament...
Should be very fun tournament to watch and be at...
Pikeville gave them a good game at Pikeville
Elkhorn gave them 2 good games
Johns Creek 7th graders should be a good team...
Any A teams with 7th graders should be a good team...
bball_fan Wrote:Its going to be hard to set the rules for this tournament in stone because it was given the green light so late in the season. My personal opinion is kids should have to play in a certain amount of games during the regular B team season, with the only exception to this being injury return. I honestly do not know how many 7th grade superstars have played B team this year or not, but I think a lot will be learned from this tournament this year that will make it better in years to come. As for the standings, I think the B team tournament would be wide open going by the B team players who have played every night.

As for what we (Mullins) have done this year, the results that stand out in my mind are...

Lost to Belfry by between 5 to 8 @ Belfry
Lost to Belfry by I THINK less then 5 @ Home.
Lost to Pikeville bad @ Pikeville
Lost to Pikeville by 1 @ home. (We missed 3 lay ups in the last 10 seconds though, really feel we should have won this game but it was a great game)
Lost to Dorton by 5 to 8 points @ home.
Lost to Elkhorn by less then 5 @ home (We had a 10 point lead in the 3rd quarter though.)
Won against Elkhorn by 1 or 2 @ Elkhorn (Only had 7 players that night, was really proud of our boys.)
Swept Phelps (Believe both games was 20+ wins)
Swept Kimper
Won against Johns Creek by 25+ @ Mullins (5 a team starters played the first 3 minutes of the game, score was 1-0 Johns Creek when they left the game.)
Swept Millard

***I do not remember the out come against Feds Creek B team, I think we won but I could be wrong. I do not have the book in front of me and we played them in November. I have been told that Johnny and Cameron play some B team but I do remember 100 for sure they did not play against us because we had planned to run them to death in the B team game if they played.

In our case, our team got a lot better as the season went along thanks to a few transfers and a injury return, however one of my top 7 players quit during Christmas break, and one of my most talented players broke his arm against Belfry at home.

Feds Creek won and neither johnny or camron played B team
Feds Creek has lost only 1 B team game this season to Cowan
I agree if you are in the 7th grade and of the age limit you should be able to play. like I always say you will only get better by playing the best. Because right now it's about teaching and learning the game OF BASKETBALL. So kids from all the schools good luck and have fun out there.

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