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What did that Liberal Say?!
[ame=""]YouTube- Maxine Waters Spars With Bernanke Commentary by Richard Pryor[/ame]

Maxine Waters (D), California, has represented the 35th District since 1991. Before that, she was a member of the California state assembly from 1977 to 1991. She serves on the Financial Services Committee yet she does not know the difference between the Federal Reserve 'Discount Rate' and 'Federal Funds Rate.' This is comedy gold. No wonder our country is in such a mess.

The challenge on this thread is to spotlight liberal gaffes.
It would, of course, be possible to argue via "youtube" selected clips that tea party conservatives and right wing flirties are all manner of nutty and silly and goofy and mean and inconsistent and hypocritical... but, now, really, what would that prove? Same as all this garbage: nothing... or maybe that all human beings (political class included) can be nutty and silly and goofy and mean.
thecavemaster Wrote:It would, of course, be possible to argue via "youtube" selected clips that tea party conservatives and right wing flirties are all manner of nutty and silly and goofy and mean and inconsistent and hypocritical... but, now, really, what would that prove? Same as all this garbage: nothing... or maybe that all human beings (political class included) can be nutty and silly and goofy and mean.
You would be hard pressed to find or create any Youtube clip of Maxine Waters that would not make her look silly. This clip is not of some random leftwing nutjob, it is of a specific leftwing nutjob who is a 19-year veteran of the US House of Representatives and a member of the Financial Services Committee.

All Americans should be concerned that this whack job does not know the difference between the Federal Reserve 'Discount Rate' and 'Federal Funds Rate.' It is her job to know. It is the job for which taxpayers are footing the bill.

Your willingness to defend any and every liberal, regardless of their level of incompetence, is absolutely stunning. Maxine Waters is the same idiot who threatened to "socialize" the American oil industry.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You would be hard pressed to find or create any Youtube clip of Maxine Waters that would not make her look silly. This clip is not of some random leftwing nutjob, it is of a specific leftwing nutjob who is a 19-year veteran of the US House of Representatives and a member of the Financial Services Committee.

All Americans should be concerned that this whack job does not know the difference between the Federal Reserve 'Discount Rate' and 'Federal Funds Rate.' It is her job to know. It is the job for which taxpayers are footing the bill.

Your willingness to defend any and every liberal, regardless of their level of incompetence, is absolutely stunning. Maxine Waters is the same idiot who threatened to "socialize" the American oil industry.

I'm not defending Maxine Waters. I'm suggesting this whole "scour YouTube" stuff cuts both ways and proves little or nothing. Maxine Waters is in the hands of her constituents, as she should be. I'd like to see you debate ol' Maxine in her district there, Hoot. I doubt you'd find her a "whack job."
thecavemaster Wrote:I'm not defending Maxine Waters. I'm suggesting this whole "scour YouTube" stuff cuts both ways and proves little or nothing. Maxine Waters is in the hands of her constituents, as she should be. I'd like to see you debate ol' Maxine in her district there, Hoot. I doubt you'd find her a "whack job."
I am not one of Maxine's constituents but she makes decisions that affect my family, friends, and neighbors. In any setting, the woman who accused the CIA of injecting crack cocaine into "her" district to destroy black neighborhoods, is a whack job. You certainly have every right to defend Waters if you want, but you lose credibility every time you reflexively defend one of these socialists - particularly the lunatics like Maxine.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I am not one of Maxine's constituents but she makes decisions that affect my family, friends, and neighbors. In any setting, the woman who accused the CIA of injecting crack cocaine into "her" district to destroy black neighborhoods, is a whack job. You certainly have every right to defend Waters if you want, but you lose credibility every time you reflexively defend one of these socialists - particularly the lunatics like Maxine.

"Roll 'em".... Once again, I am not defending Maxine Waters. I am suggesting that were you to debate Ms. Waters, in her district, your "whack job" stuff might not play as well. That's all.
thecavemaster Wrote:"Roll 'em".... Once again, I am not defending Maxine Waters. I am suggesting that were you to debate Ms. Waters, in her district, your "whack job" stuff might not play as well. That's all.
Waters does not represent me in Congress and yes, you did defend Waters. You tried to equate her to Tea Partiers who are in no position to vote on legislation that they do not understand. Whether my opinion of Maxine Waters would play well to her constituents is irrelevant and a poor attempt by you to divert the debate away from your blind defense of liberals in this forum.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Waters does not represent me in Congress and yes, you did defend Waters. You tried to equate her to Tea Partiers who are in no position to vote on legislation that they do not understand. Whether my opinion of Maxine Waters would play well to her constituents is irrelevant and a poor attempt by you to divert the debate away from your blind defense of liberals in this forum.

Nay, nay.... I do suggest that Tea Partiers, and, in fact, all human beings have their fair share of goofy, nutty, silly, foible type stuff. Is that "defending" Maxine Waters? Apparently you need to believe it is. Carry on, Hackster. You've got YouTube videos to search.
thecavemaster Wrote:Nay, nay.... I do suggest that Tea Partiers, and, in fact, all human beings have their fair share of goofy, nutty, silly, foible type stuff. Is that "defending" Maxine Waters? Apparently you need to believe it is. Carry on, Hackster. You've got YouTube videos to search.

Actually your reponse is somewhat socialist in nature. Everyone is the same if liberials are stupid then conservatives are stupid. This lady is totally nuts and you can say everyone else is nuts, even if that's right she's still a nut.
notamoocher Wrote:Actually your reponse is somewhat socialist in nature. Everyone is the same if liberials are stupid then conservatives are stupid. This lady is totally nuts and you can say everyone else is nuts, even if that's right she's still a nut.

"Psst... hey, hey you, over there, look, there's a socialist behind that tree." Now, Moochie, I don't think it's socialist to suggest that a liberal could search YouTube and find plenty of giddy ammo rendering Tea Partiers and Right Wing Flirties in unflattering pose. Conservatives aren't "stupid." Liberals aren't "stupid." However, individual human beings often behave foolishly, often say foolish things. I sort of doubt that observation is "red" in nature. Thanks for the laugh, though.
thecavemaster Wrote:"Psst... hey, hey you, over there, look, there's a socialist behind that tree." Now, Moochie, I don't think it's socialist to suggest that a liberal could search YouTube and find plenty of giddy ammo rendering Tea Partiers and Right Wing Flirties in unflattering pose. Conservatives aren't "stupid." Liberals aren't "stupid." However, individual human beings often behave foolishly, often say foolish things. I sort of doubt that observation is "red" in nature. Thanks for the laugh, though.

But that response defends her just because you can find the same or worst on the other side doesn't change her statements she is still nuts and you sir are still defending her.
notamoocher Wrote:But that response defends her just because you can find the same or worst on the other side doesn't change her statements she is still nuts and you sir are still defending her.
Exactly. CM, as usual, made no attempt to compare apples to apples. I challenge anybody to find any member of the Financial Services Committee more incompetent than Maxine Waters. In fact, I challenge anybody to find a more incompetent person in the House of Representatives than Maxine Waters. She embarrasses her party and her country on a regular basis. If one can defend Maxine's performance, then one can defend anything.
[ame=""]YouTube- Maxine Waters grills Geithner about Goldman Sachs connections[/ame]

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington named Maxine Waters one of the 15 most corrupt members of congress in 2005, 2006 and 2009.

Citizens Against Government Watse named her the June 2009 Porker of the month when she attempted to obtain an earmark for the Maxine Waters Employment Preparation Center.

I'm glad they are on the same side. Hilarious!
My all time favorite Maxine moment occurred during a hearing at which Waters threatened to "socialize" or to "basically take over" the American oil industry. I loved the reaction of the two people to Waters' right, who fought the urge to burst out in laughter. Their expressions were priceless. I wonder if they were fellow Democrats. :biggrin:

[YOUTUBE="Maxine Waters (D/Socialist California)"]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
Hoot Gibson Wrote:My all time favorite Maxine moment occurred during a hearing at which Waters threatened to "socialize" or to "basically take over" the American oil industry. I loved the reaction of the two people to Waters' right, who fought the urge to burst out in laughter. Their expressions were priceless. I wonder if they were fellow Democrats. :biggrin:

[YOUTUBE="Maxine Waters (D/Socialist California)"]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

I bet she let them have it after she saw that clip. :lmao: What a fruitloop!
notamoocher Wrote:But that response defends her just because you can find the same or worst on the other side doesn't change her statements she is still nuts and you sir are still defending her.

Nay, nay.... I said: Maxine Waters will answer to her constituents, per our system. I said: human foible and frailty can be found in abundance on YouTube, irregardless of party or political philosophy. It is not mine to defend Maxine Waters. I am simply pointing out that YouTube is a fertile field for liberal or conservative, but really resolves little in real philosophical debate.
thecavemaster Wrote:Nay, nay.... I said: Maxine Waters will answer to her constituents, per our system. I said: human foible and frailty can be found in abundance on YouTube, irregardless of party or political philosophy. It is not mine to defend Maxine Waters. I am simply pointing out that YouTube is a fertile field for liberal or conservative, but really resolves little in real philosophical debate.
Well i guess I misunderstood the thread I thought it was about Maxine Waters and you must have thought it was about youtube. Since your reply only addressed youtube and not her. So if that's the case I agree with you on youtube.
notamoocher Wrote:Well i guess I misunderstood the thread I thought it was about Maxine Waters and you must have thought it was about youtube. Since your reply only addressed youtube and not her. So if that's the case I agree with you on youtube.

The thread is a YouTube clip of Maxine Waters "making a fool of herself," according to Right Wing Flirties. If you can't perceive how the use of YouTube is used by the Right Wing Flirties on this forum, well, I'll just leave you in your bewidlerment.
thecavemaster Wrote:The thread is a YouTube clip of Maxine Waters "making a fool of herself," according to Right Wing Flirties. If you can't perceive how the use of YouTube is used by the Right Wing Flirties on this forum, well, I'll just leave you in your bewidlerment.
Being caught making a fool of herself by the C-SPAN cameras, with a video clip making its way to Youtube makes Maxine no less a fool. If this woman were on trial for corruption, her lack of competency would make an excellent defense.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Being caught making a fool of herself by the C-SPAN cameras, with a video clip making its way to Youtube makes Maxine no less a fool. If this woman were on trial for corruption, her lack of competency would make an excellent defense.

:rockon: That sums it up in a nutshell! :Clap:
thecavemaster Wrote:The thread is a YouTube clip of Maxine Waters "making a fool of herself," according to Right Wing Flirties. If you can't perceive how the use of YouTube is used by the Right Wing Flirties on this forum, well, I'll just leave you in your bewidlerment.

First of all, CAMERAS DON'T LIE (particularly C-SPAN Cameras)!!! Forrest Gump said it best, "Stupid is as stupid does!"

What is your problem with sourcing? A relevant video, story, or article brings facts and evidence to support the point being made. For instance, I could come on the forum and say 'Maxine Waters is an incompetent congress woman.' That is an unsupported opinion and you know what they say about opinions. However, with a video (or any other media) illustrating, in this case Maxine Waters's incompetence, my point is made in her own actions and words. Now, anyone who takes the time to watch the video can reach their own conclusions about Maxine Waters. However, cavey, there you go again, doing the typical liberal thing, taking the focus away from the main subject of 'What did that Liberal Say?!' and attempting to refocus the discussion to, in this case, 'the use of YouTube by right wing flirties.'
Joe Friday Wrote:First of all, CAMERAS DON'T LIE (particularly C-SPAN Cameras)!!! Forrest Gump said it best, "Stupid is as stupid does!"

What is your problem with sourcing? A relevant video, story, or article brings facts and evidence to support the point being made. For instance, I could come on the forum and say 'Maxine Waters is an incompetent congress woman.' That is an unsupported opinion and you know what they say about opinions. However, with a video (or any other media) illustrating, in this case Maxine Waters's incompetence, my point is made in her own actions and words. Now, anyone who takes the time to watch the video can reach their own conclusions about Maxine Waters. However, cavey, there you go again, doing the typical liberal thing, taking the focus away from the main subject of 'What did that Liberal Say?!' and attempting to refocus the discussion to, in this case, 'the use of YouTube by right wing flirties.'
Very well put Joe.:Thumbs:
thecavemaster Wrote:The thread is a YouTube clip of Maxine Waters "making a fool of herself," according to Right Wing Flirties. If you can't perceive how the use of YouTube is used by the Right Wing Flirties on this forum, well, I'll just leave you in your bewidlerment.
Bewilder- 1. To cause to lose ones bearings.
2. To perplex or confuse especially by a complexity, variety, or multitude of objects or considerations.
Well, weve found another word besides "huh?" to describe most of your posts..
Anyways, does it really matter where the clip came from? Would it matter if it came from YouTube, Soul Train, Captain Kangaroo, CNN, or CSPAN? The clips werent cropped together to make her look like an idiot. She did that ALL BY HERSELF. Maxine Waters is an idiot who has no place in government. Anywhere. And your constant defending of that idiot (among others) continues not only to bewilder, but baffle us all.
Maxine Waters is in the hands of her constituents. I'll leave it to you Flirties to call them idiots. Tons of religious folks use prooftexting to support whatever agenda they have. Same with YouTube clips amongst you guys.

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