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Budget deficit sets record in February
The Obamunists are spending money that the country does not have at an unsustainable level. Yet, Democrats are trying to push an unaffordable health care reform bill through Congress that an overwhelming majority of Americans do not even want. Who will ultimately pay for the mess that Obama is creating when the bill finally comes due?

Quote:Budget deficit sets record in February

WASHINGTON — The government ran up the largest monthly deficit in history in February, keeping the flood of red ink on track to top last year's record for the full year.

The Treasury Department said Wednesday that the February deficit totaled $220.9 billion, 14 percent higher than the previous record set in February of last year.

The deficit through the first five months of this budget year totals $651.6 billion, 10.5 percent higher than a year ago.

The Obama administration is projecting that the deficit for the 2010 budget year will hit an all-time high of $1.56 trillion, surpassing last year's $1.4 trillion total. The administration is forecasting that the deficit will remain above $1 trillion in 2011, giving the country thrree straight years of $1 trillion-plus deficits.
Guess what. The budget was balanced and had surplus before Clinton left and Obama asked and Congress approved pay as you go budget rules starting next fiscal year. Of course deficit is high in dollar terms,it has been much higher in percentage terms but due to economic meltdwon economists across political spectrum said spending was necessary or in fact deficit would be higher.
.Plus current health care debate. Reform drastically lowers deficit over next decade and lot more after that. And a lot of spening on bailouts etc. started under Bush though necessary too. But Obama is rightly focusing on deficit after economy straightens out.
bulldog149 Wrote:Guess what. The budget was balanced and had surplus before Clinton left and Obama asked and Congress approved pay as you go budget rules starting next fiscal year. Of course deficit is high in dollar terms,it has been much higher in percentage terms but due to economic meltdwon economists across political spectrum said spending was necessary or in fact deficit would be higher.
.Plus current health care debate. Reform drastically lowers deficit over next decade and lot more after that. And a lot of spening on bailouts etc. started under Bush though necessary too. But Obama is rightly focusing on deficit after economy straightens out.
You wouldn't care to go into detail and explain how it is going to do that, would you?
bulldog149 Wrote:Guess what. The budget was balanced and had surplus before Clinton left and Obama asked and Congress approved pay as you go budget rules starting next fiscal year. Of course deficit is high in dollar terms,it has been much higher in percentage terms but due to economic meltdwon economists across political spectrum said spending was necessary or in fact deficit would be higher.
.Plus current health care debate. Reform drastically lowers deficit over next decade and lot more after that. And a lot of spening on bailouts etc. started under Bush though necessary too. But Obama is rightly focusing on deficit after economy straightens out.

The paygo rule was thrown aside only weeks after being passed. Remember Bunning delaying the vote on a bill a few weeks ago?

Who really deserves the credit for a balanced budget? Was it Clinton? Was it the republicans that took control of congress in 1995? Some would argue that it was neither.

Here's a article that appeared on from 1997 that gives credit to Reagan.
bulldog149 Wrote:Guess what. The budget was balanced and had surplus before Clinton left and Obama asked and Congress approved pay as you go budget rules starting next fiscal year. Of course deficit is high in dollar terms,it has been much higher in percentage terms but due to economic meltdwon economists across political spectrum said spending was necessary or in fact deficit would be higher.
.Plus current health care debate. Reform drastically lowers deficit over next decade and lot more after that. And a lot of spening on bailouts etc. started under Bush though necessary too. But Obama is rightly focusing on deficit after economy straightens out.
Where do you get your misinformation?

The budget deficit, in terms of share of GDP, have never been this high since the immediate aftermath of WWII. Not under JFK, not under Johnson, not under Nixon, not under Ford, not under Carter, not under Reagan, not under either Bush, and not under Clinton.

Do a little research because Obama is just getting started on his quest to bankrupt this country. The next step will be to use the same sort of tricks to get an illegal alien amnesty bill approved that he is using to push through the Medi-scare bill. That is the only chance that Obama and the Democrats have to hang onto the House, Senate, or the White House, so you can bet that is Phase 2 of Obama's plan to destroy private sector jobs while hanging on to power.

If you have any Obama bumper stickers on your car, you might want to get your hands on a good solvent while there is still some left on the shelf. Obama is hands down the absolute worse president this nation has ever elected. Most people have already realized what a big mistake the electorate made in November 2008 and many more soon will.
Deficit figures are official government records.
The budget deficit tripled under Reagan from $1 trillion to $3 trillion and almost doubled under Bush.
..The figures for budget deficit reductions from health care bill come from non partisan Congressional Budget Office which says it reduces deficit $138 billion in first decade alone and much more after that.
..Of course Clinton was responsible for budget in 1990s when economy was good. In fact NO Republican voted for budget reduction bill and he lowered the deficit he inherited each year until he had surpluses the last 3 years.
.Of course deficit is currently high due to worst economic crisis since Depression which Obama inherited. And economists across spectrum from liberal to conservative said higher spending was necessary due to recession or you would have higher deficits due to even higher unemployment,more people on government programs and of course less tax revenue coming in what with higher unemployment.
.But Paygo rules were passed which go in effect in next budget year.
bulldog149 Wrote:Deficit figures are official government records.
The budget deficit tripled under Reagan from $1 trillion to $3 trillion and almost doubled under Bush.
..The figures for budget deficit reductions from health care bill come from non partisan Congressional Budget Office which says it reduces deficit $138 billion in first decade alone and much more after that.
..Of course Clinton was responsible for budget in 1990s when economy was good. In fact NO Republican voted for budget reduction bill and he lowered the deficit he inherited each year until he had surpluses the last 3 years.
.Of course deficit is currently high due to worst economic crisis since Depression which Obama inherited. And economists across spectrum from liberal to conservative said higher spending was necessary due to recession or you would have higher deficits due to even higher unemployment,more people on government programs and of course less tax revenue coming in what with higher unemployment.
.But Paygo rules were passed which go in effect in next budget year.

Well, Budget went caput with the war on terror. We had a war on Terror because Clinton didn't do his job and put Bin-Laden away when he was given to him! So, I will say that Clinton cleaned the budget by doing NOTHING for the Country!
Stardust Wrote:Well, Budget went caput with the war on terror. We had a war on Terror because Clinton didn't do his job and put Bin-Laden away when he was given to him! So, I will say that Clinton cleaned the budget by doing NOTHING for the Country!

Didn't Clinton cut defense spending during his tenure?
Budget went caput for major reasons
Trillion dollar war in Iraq
Tax cuts for wealthiest Americans which certainly didn't trickle down and create jobs for everybody
And Medicare prescription D which wasn't paid for.
..Unlike Bush,under Obama the cost of war is included in budget and not hidden. And as stated in another thread-health reform lowers federal deficit according to nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office by $138 billion over next decade and $1.2 trillion in next decade while covers 32 million more people.And creates millions of jobs while ending abusive insurance practices.

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