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Democratic Stimulus Haul is Almost Double Republicans
No surprise here. I would expect that Democrats would try to "stimulate" their own Congressional districts more than districts represented by Republicans but this is still an interesting analysis. Rush has been saying for weeks that ARRA is nothing but a big Democratic slush fund that they will use to boost their fall campaigns.

Historically, stimulus spending during a recession has consisted largely of infrastructure projects. In my travels around Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, etc., there does not seem to be any noticeable increase in road improvement projects during this recession, despite the unprecedented magnitude of the stimulus spending.

Quote:Democratic Stimulus Haul is Almost Double Republicans

Yesterday The Hill reported that Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that “keeping a Democratic majority in the House is ‘too important to the country,’” which is why “she had no intention of ceding control of the House in this fall’s elections, despite Republican optimism that they can win control of the chamber.” Appearing on PBS, Pelosi addressed potential Democratic losses due to Sunday’s health care vote, “I’ve said if passing this bill means I have to walk out of my office that night, it would be with the greatest pride.” However, she cautioned, “I haven’t any intention of losing the Democratic majority.

I really don't expect a lot of stimulus money to be headed to Kentucky or West Virginia since McCain carried each state by a wide margin.
This has happened before. Ironically, FDR used this tactic quite well to garner his support.
miragesmack Wrote:This has happened before. Ironically, FDR used this tactic quite well to garner his support.
Welcome to the forum. You are right about this not being a new tactic. This is politics as usual on steroids, thanks to the hundreds of billions of dollars borrowed mostly from Japan and China. American votes are being bought by the Chinese government and the Democrat Party is the conduit.

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