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New Years Resolutions!

Well both theories have already been proven Dust.
vundy33 Wrote:For all of you that want to lose weight, pay attention, it's easy.

-Run run run. Everyone can run. If you absolutely can't, walk. It sucks and it's aggravating, but if you want to lose weight you have to do it.

-NO SODA!!! You will not lose weight if you drink any pop. Not even one a week. And NO diet. That doesn't help you lose weight, at all. Just don't drink soda. Drink water, all kinds of juices especially very healthy ones like pomegranate, and drink all of the tea you can. And no, not that green tea you can buy at the gas station. I recommend Black Tea.

-Just watch what you eat. You don't have to starve yourself, but use common sense. Don't eat after 9 or 10. You can eat pizza or chips, unhealthy stuff, but just keep it to a minimum.

-Do anything that will make you sweat and burn calories. A few situps or pushups in the morning when you wake up or before you go to bed, a pickup basketball game with some friends, even on your kids' Wii or XBOX Kinect. Anything like that while dieting will help that much more.

If you do those things and don't cheat, I promise you, you will lose as much weight as you want. Don't b***h about it and just do it. It's not that freakin' hard, and millions of people have it worse than you. That's the attitude you have to have to lose weight.

And Filthy, you don't need Adipex. That shat is like a pill form of cocaine. It's not a quick fix. You'll get addicted to it, and as soon as you stop you will gain whatever weight you lost back because you didn't develop any good habits and you won't have the motivation to lose it again. Trust me.

Some of you may be thinking what credentials I have on losing weight? Well, I went from 260 to 185 in 3 months by doing exactly what I described above. I now weigh 180-185 and have alot of muscle and have been that for the last 2 years. It's not that hard, it's called intestinal fortitude. Your quality of life will be so much better. If you're young, females/males will actually pay attention to you. Beautiful ones, not ugly. There's just so many positives and no negatives, there is absolutely no reason not to be motivated enough not to lose it.

OK, back to my resolutions. Well, I want my unit to come home with the smallest amount of casualties possible. I want to have a good year, health-wise. I'd like to meet a good girl for once, and not anymore of these she-devils that use me like I've been with recently. I can go out and have a one-night stand with anybody I want, but there's no emotion besides the 2 hours I'm with her..and I actually like a good relationship and having to please someone. Makes life less boring.

That's pretty much it. Oh yeah, I want to see UK win the National Championship.

Keep dreamin. I'd say youll be making the same resolution next year..:eyeroll:
Ballers Wrote:I don't believe in this at all..
I've gained like 20 pounds over the last year and all I do is drink water, I hardly ever drink pop/cola/etc.
And I do stay pretty active.. Me and one of my buddies are gonna stick to running and biking at least 3 times a week.
Followed by one on one basketball games. I will be jerking out the strength shoes again and hopefully I will be able to walk after a week after using them the first few times.

Push ups are out of the question, I've dislocated my right shoulder twice and everytime I do them I am in pain. Sit ups are fine along with any other excercise. I'd like to build, get my six pack back but I don't know where to begin.

You might have a thyroid problem or something. The weight falls off of me every time i do that. Pop is a killer.
I only drink water and milk. Gatorade, believe it or not, is bad for you as well if your not exercising. You do have to be somewhat active but pushups and situps arent worth a crap. You'll only end up hurting yourself doing those.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:You might have a thyroid problem or something. The weight falls off of me every time i do that. Pop is a killer.
I only drink water and milk. Gatorade, believe it or not, is bad for you as well if your not exercising. You do have to be somewhat active but pushups and situps arent worth a crap. You'll only end up hurting yourself doing those.

I run and play basketball frequently.
On warm sunny days I jump, and just keep jumping.
What is your take on that?

And a thyroid problem? What the? Are you a doctor?
BCF4L Wrote:I prefer that while running.

Wow!...Talented man!!!!!
Ballers Wrote:I run and play basketball frequently.
On warm sunny days I jump, and just keep jumping.
What is your take on that?

And a thyroid problem? What the? Are you a doctor?

Hey man, the thyroid idea makes sense. You say that you are active, you don't drink pop, you live fairly healthy, you may have a thyroid problem.

My sister had one. The doctor told her that once they fixed it she would have tons of energy (before, she had none) and the weight began to roll off.

You may not have a thyroid problem, since you are so active, but if you eat healthy and are very active and cannot lose/keep weight off, you may want to talk to a Dr.... Just saying.
Ballers Wrote:I run and play basketball frequently.
On warm sunny days I jump, and just keep jumping.
What is your take on that?

And a thyroid problem? What the? Are you a doctor?

That was my reason for saying a thyroid problem.
It's unusual for someone to be that active and eat right and to be gaining weight at the same time.
Its very common and can cause unusual weight gains or weight loss.
No i am not a doctor but i know several people with the problem.
One person i know has to take a pill every day because of it. Right now she weighs right at 120. If she doesnt take the pill every day she gains up to 10 pounds a week.
Obviously your not like this, but it was just a suggestion, sorry.
LWC Wrote:Hey man, the thyroid idea makes sense. You say that you are active, you don't drink pop, you live fairly healthy, you may have a thyroid problem.

My sister had one. The doctor told her that once they fixed it she would have tons of energy (before, she had none) and the weight began to roll off.

You may not have a thyroid problem, since you are so active, but if you eat healthy and are very active and cannot lose/keep weight off, you may want to talk to a Dr.... Just saying.

RunItUpTheGut Wrote::Thumbs:

BCF4L Wrote:You must not be down for a good challenge.

Lol. I'm getting too old for challenges and lawsuits etc. I prefer the old bull young bull theory.
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
Maybe its fast food that is getting me, I usually eat from one fast good restaraunt a day.
If it is not fast food, my mom usually cooks a big feast of Fried chicken, mashed taters(or fried) mac and cheese, that kinda thing. Maybe I should check into what I am eating?

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