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How Much Water Do You Drink?
I know this may seem like a strange question but I'm curious. How much water do you drink in a typical winter day and typical summer day?
I drink anywhere between .5 liter and 2 liters of water. It all depends on how much I exercise.
I usually drink around a gallon a day at work, and then another half gallon at the house.

I am a water addict..
If I play ball I'd say a good 2 gallons for the entire day for a good estimate.

This is a really good question actually.. I will measure how much I intake starting tomorrow and tell you how it turns out.
Ballers Wrote:I usually drink around a gallon a day at work, and then another half gallon at the house.

I am a water addict..
If I play ball I'd say a good 2 gallons for the entire day for a good estimate.

This is a really good question actually.. I will measure how much I intake starting tomorrow and tell you how it turns out.

I'm not trying to be nosy and I'm not asking you to be specific, but do you have a physically demand job?
Westside Wrote:I'm not trying to be nosy and I'm not asking you to be specific, but do you have a physically demand job?

Not at all. I sit on my *** all day on BGR. :blabbermo
Ballers Wrote:Not at all. I sit on my *** all day on BGR. :blabbermo

lol :lmao:
Not as much as I should. But I'm doing better.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
^ Ditto. I've been trying over the past few months to get back on the Water Wagon!
Drink nothing but water since new years. Have not drunk any soda since then.
I drink a lot of pop.
I can't bring myself to drink a lot of water unless I'm working out.
I've been drinking a lot of sugar-free kool-aid at the house.
That has to be a little healthier than pop lol
I only drink water and milk. No pop unless i go out to eat somewhere and then i usually get tea.
I just cant stand pop, it makes me sick.
I buy 3 of the cumberland gap 20 packs every week and there always gone. Id say i drink any where from 10 to 15 bottles of water a day. Thats including work.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I only drink water and milk. No pop unless i go out to eat somewhere and then i usually get tea.
I just cant stand pop, it makes me sick.
I buy 3 of the cumberland gap 20 packs every week and there always gone. Id say i drink any where from 10 to 15 bottles of water a day. Thats including work.

That's a lot of water.
When I drove a rock truck on a strip mine or worked reclamation jobs that were physically demanding (yes, driving a rock truck was physically demand because I was constantly climbing up and down it and inside it) I drank well over a gallon a day. I always carried a gallon with me or kept one beside me in my truck. When I taught middle school I didn't nearly drink as much because I didn't want it and your bathroom breaks are few and far between. Now days I might drink a gallon a day if I'm lucky in the summer and maybe a fourth of a gallon in the winter.
Ballers Wrote:Not at all. I sit on my *** all day on BGR. :blabbermo

I drink a lot of water and cranberry juice!....Mostly Cran Apple, but sometimes just straight Cran!...not sure how much of either though?...I buy about 2 gallons of Cran a week!

I was drinking Pop pretty often for a while, but like someone mentioned earlier, I've completely stopped since New years!...and I'm hurtin Linda!
as promised.. tracking how much water I drink today..

it is 9:18 in the AM, and I have 29 FL oz under the belt so far..
It is now 12:24 PM just got back from lunch @ subway..

Grand total of water consumed up to this point is 65.9 Fluid ounces which means I am a little over a half gallon for the day.
Westside Wrote:That's a lot of water.

lol I know. I swear if i drank pop like i drink water id weigh in at a heavy 400 pounds lol.
105.9 fluid ounces at 4:10 PM.
Ballers Wrote:105.9 fluid ounces at 4:10 PM.

Do 128 oz equal a gallon?
Westside Wrote:Do 128 oz equal a gallon?

I just googled it. Yes, Westie 128 oz equals 1 gallon.
I drink alot of water. I like Dr. Pepper for when I'm feeling naughty though.
I wish I would I only drink water. But it doesn't happen. I drink about 2 or 3 bottled waters a day.
I've been drinking so much lately that me pee is probably drinkable. Seriously.

Anybody up for proving that theory? Dangerousdaneerfan, you down?
OM-Goodness! lol
vundy33 Wrote:I've been drinking so much lately that me pee is probably drinkable. Seriously.

Anybody up for proving that theory? Dangerousdaneerfan, you down?

Don't give up Vundy. You might eventally find some guy to trade with you.

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