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Weightlifting Question
Is it common practice to make weightlifting mandatory for football players? I have been told that the coach at the school I support (Fleming County) has told the kids that if they are not playing a spring sport they HAVE to come to weightlifting.
I am not complaining, just curious if that is common practice. Back when I played I dont think they had invented weights!!!!
When I was at Raceland many years ago, it mandatory to lift weights if you were not playing another sport. I just assumed it was mandatory everywhere.
Obviously each school is different, but I know it wasn't mandatory when I was in high school. However, if you were not playing another sport and you didn't show up for off-season weights, your chances of playing were extremely thin. My philosophy is stay active all year, don't sit around doing nothing, get outside and get used to the weather.
It depends on what you want to term mandatory. From the coach, he can dictate to the players that they must come to weightlifting, but he cannot say "or else". Meaning, there is no such thing as mandatory during the off-season. Want confirmation, ask your AD, I guarantee you he will tell you there is zero consequences if you do not come to weightlifting. However, it's at the discretion of the coach as to what to do with you once the season rolls around. You don't show up to his weightlifting, then you may find yourself low on the depth chart. However, if you are an outstanding player, you will play no matter your lifting commitment.
Stardust Wrote:It depends on what you want to term mandatory. From the coach, he can dictate to the players that they must come to weightlifting, but he cannot say "or else". Meaning, there is no such thing as mandatory during the off-season. Want confirmation, ask your AD, I guarantee you he will tell you there is zero consequences if you do not come to weightlifting. However, it's at the discretion of the coach as to what to do with you once the season rolls around. You don't show up to his weightlifting, then you may find yourself low on the depth chart. However, if you are an outstanding player, you will play no matter your lifting commitment.

Stardust, I think at your better programs who have a high EXPECTATION established. I would say at those programs that the best players will have the highest of expectations on them personally to show up each and everytime if not actively playing another sport. Drastic measures taken to set an example of how incredibly important the weightroom is to the sport on many different level: Protection, performance, Growth and maturation of each athlete
In today's day and age there is almost NOTHING that is MANDATORY, especially in the public school system.

If the coach is smart (politically correct), he would just say weight lifting is optional and so is your playing time if you don't make it in.
I know when I was in high school, it was definitely mandatory for players to attend weightlifting. If you missed, you did make-ups.
It is so important for players to become bigger stronger and faster during the off season to stay competetive.
Football at many schools is considered a year round sport and because of that these schools stay a step ahead of their competetion.
I know a lot of players who would not play other sports, basketball, baseball etc. so that they could lift weights and be ready for the next season.
This hurt Whitley in other sports obviously on some occasions but really helped the football team to stay really strong and get better at becoming football players.
IMO, a kid is a lot better in a sport if he only plays that one sport and focuses year around on making his self better at that sport. Of course there is an exception to that with really talented kids, but for the most part football players should be in the weight room during the winter and spring.
I have no problem with making weightlifting mandatory. I would bet any amount of money that all six of this years state champions have all of there football players in the weight room everyday after school and it is mandatory for them to be there.
Stardust Wrote:It depends on what you want to term mandatory. From the coach, he can dictate to the players that they must come to weightlifting, but he cannot say "or else". Meaning, there is no such thing as mandatory during the off-season. Want confirmation, ask your AD, I guarantee you he will tell you there is zero consequences if you do not come to weightlifting. However, it's at the discretion of the coach as to what to do with you once the season rolls around. You don't show up to his weightlifting, then you may find yourself low on the depth chart. However, if you are an outstanding player, you will play no matter your lifting commitment.
Agreed Stardust. You can tell a player he wouldn't play if he doesn't show up for weights but the reality in most cases is different. A coach can tell the team they are "mandatory" but most cases that's coach speak. Football is not in season so there can NOT be repercussions legally against football. There can for lifting competitions and what not but legally weightlifting is not part of the football season.

A nice way to get kids in lifting who are not involved in a winter sport is to use a point to earn a varsity letter. Set lifting and other out of season activities as a percentage of earning a letter
It's mandatory if you want to win on a high level.
Weights and any off season workouts are what you should do. But I don't think you can make then mandatory
toussaints Wrote:Obviously each school is different, but I know it wasn't mandatory when I was in high school. However, if you were not playing another sport and you didn't show up for off-season weights, your chances of playing were extremely thin. My philosophy is stay active all year, don't sit around doing nothing, get outside and get used to the weather.

Same here. To quote my coach, his exact words were, "It's not mandatory, but you better be there."
I went through 2 coaches in high school. One coaches view was you really didn't have to go, but it be nice if you did. With that approach about 4 of us went everyday, and there was some go every now and then. The second coach was kind of more mandatory he made the varsity players take weightlifting as a class at the end of the day we lifted and watched film during this class.
HawksRule Wrote:I went through 2 coaches in high school. One coaches view was you really didn't have to go, but it be nice if you did. With that approach about 4 of us went everyday, and there was some go every now and then. The second coach was kind of more mandatory he made the varsity players take weightlifting as a class at the end of the day we lifted and watched film during this class.

Exactly, if you dont make them go, they wont. Why would they?
I also had a weightlifting class in school. We had to lift during it and then go after school and lift then too.
I think with the size of todays kids you better lift all the weights you can just to keep up.We have a great weight coach at LC ..Coach Kelly
Granted, I haven't had a helmet on in over 30 years, but I did play for a pretty successful program, and even then offseason weights were considered "mandatory".

I can't remember our coaches ever saying a word about having to come to weights, though. They never had to. The upperclassmen made it perfectly clear what was expected of those who wanted to play, and if/when anyone missed weights, the captains/leaders took care of attendance issues themselves.

I suspect the best teams/programs still police themselves.
ewingpirate Wrote:Is it common practice to make weightlifting mandatory for football players? I have been told that the coach at the school I support (Fleming County) has told the kids that if they are not playing a spring sport they HAVE to come to weightlifting.
I am not complaining, just curious if that is common practice. Back when I played I dont think they had invented weights!!!!

Kudos to the Coach! It will take alot of commitment from their players. Are they up for it? You won't get off the porch, by just "attending" an off-season program, they will have to work their butts off. Good Luck it sounds like the program is heading in the right direction. :thumpsup:
BeReal Wrote:Same here. To quote my coach, his exact words were, "It's not mandatory, but you better be there."

lol we didnt even get that.
My coaches exact words were get your __ here lol
Not really much of a choice and yes, it was very mandatory, well only mandatory if you wanted to play football the next year.
Call these schools and ask if weights are mandatory.

Highlands, Boyle, Trinity, X, Beechwood, Danville, Lex. Catholic, Bell, Belfry...etc..

These programs are all proven winners/state champs..If you want to WIN you better be in the wt room.
At X lifting weights is is your playing time.

You don't have to lift weights and you also don't have to play.

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