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Don Knotts dies at the age of 81
Tv has lost a true icon when Don Knotts passed away at the age of 81 today.
Man the old TV celebs are dropping like flies these days...Big loss for the entertainment world...
That is so sad, the world will suck without ol' Barney Fife.
So sad. Barney was one of the best television characters ever created.
See ya on the other side. . . . .
Don was great for laughs.

I honestly think that his best work may have been on Three's Company . . . . . . . (But Barney Fife was/is/and will be classic forever.

This guy was great. Lets not be too sad--guys like this should be CELEBRATED!
Grew up watching Barney back in the early '60s. Truly one of TV's great celebs. Pure class all the way. Barney Fyfe put the 'C' in comedy IMO. Doubt we'll ever see his kind again.

Don Knotts was a great comedien/actor. A noted loss.
I absolutely love this man, not only as Barney Fife but in his movies also...RIP
One of the all time best. Actually they're now saying he passed late yesterday. Terrible news.
Hated to hear this news Don was one of my favorite actors. Without him The Andy Griffith show would not have been what it is today.
I loved him... he was a great actor.. such sad news Sad
I really hate to hear this, he was great.

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