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South Floyd Cheerleaders win ALL "A" in game comp. in Richmond!
if the pikeville cheerleaders werent worried about winning first, then why did two of their senior cheerleaders come to the championship game when they werent called to be there.
Maybe because they wanted to come watch a ballgame, and may I also add that maybe they were dating one of the teams players that was playing.. hmmm!
"The Dork" Wrote:if the pikeville cheerleaders werent worried about winning first, then why did two of their senior cheerleaders come to the championship game when they werent called to be there.

how do u know they were 2 senior cheerleaders?? you dont know who they were wat grade w/e and what they were there for get it right

second of all state champs thats lame sf is not the class a state champs period that cheered a game and were judged on how they supported there team and they won that so they are the class a cheerleading game champs big deal and they qualified for nationals??? what nationals uca? or nca thats a little differnt than the uca nationals that all the great squads go to the one that uk goes to for college and if sf is so great how come they didnt win class a state comp. or get outta kapos region yesterday hmmmm just wondering why pikeville would be so jealous when they win there stuff
congrats SF in the boys in-game....too bad u got whooped by hazard in the actual competition (1st place and grand champs)....and didnt hazard win in-game for girls too?? guess hazard is just the best all-around
"buckhorncheer06" Wrote:congrats SF in the boys in-game....too bad u got whooped by hazard in the actual competition (1st place and grand champs)....and didnt hazard win in-game for girls too?? guess hazard is just the best all-around

Smile yeah congrats hazard
ok first of all everyone jus needs to accept what sf won. They know what they won and their not making as big of a deal out of it as everyone on here is. Yea Hazard may have one and stuff but you dont see sf even bragging about anything. IMO this is just a bunch of jealous cheerleaders from pikeville,hazard,and prestongburg.
enough said pickler08
"pickler08" Wrote:ok first of all everyone jus needs to accept what sf won. They know what they won and their not making as big of a deal out of it as everyone on here is. Yea Hazard may have one and stuff but you dont see sf even bragging about anything. IMO this is just a bunch of jealous cheerleaders from pikeville,hazard,and prestongburg.

If the actual south floyd cheerleaders arent making a big deal out of it, they need to tell their buddies that they need to quit talking about it. Those people are just making the south floyd cheerleaders look bad. And i assure you, no one from the pikeville side is jealous. they have more important stuff to worry about. and if anything, they are happy for south floyd. SF wouldnt have won the award if they didnt deserve it.
PvilleCheerAlum , good post and thanks!...We know that our fans won't stop talking and there's nothing I can do about it...I've tried...But, I just want everyone to know we are not the type of girls that are going to get on here and brag and talk crap because we know that anything can happen!...**By the way,Congratz to P.ville and goodluck at state**
"pickler08" Wrote:ok first of all everyone jus needs to accept what sf won. They know what they won and their not making as big of a deal out of it as everyone on here is. Yea Hazard may have one and stuff but you dont see sf even bragging about anything. IMO this is just a bunch of jealous cheerleaders from pikeville,hazard,and prestongburg.

Ohh, I'm so sure that Hazard is jealous of South Floyd. Ya know, Hazard did beat SF, why would they be jealous of them?? lol, same for pikeville. SF has came along way, and i congratulate them on winning the in-game comp for the boys, but quit promoting negative publicity. CONGRATZ SF!

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