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Could Michael Cole be fired?
Quote:WWE officials held a meeting last week after the RAW ratings came in, during which Michael Cole's commentary was discussed according to

TV rating's patterns show fans have little interest in seeing anyone on TV besides the top Superstars. It was considered that a reason why might be Cole's continual burial of talent on Raw and Smackdown for the past year or so.

Look I am providing a link. It took me 20 seconds Wink
Coles' voice is like nails on a chalk board.
Cole is about as worthless a teets on a boar hog. BUT, he is much better than John "I cannot even say my lines when the words are in front of me" Larigitus. Make Cole Raw GM.
I think Cole has some potential, but he is not a good heel commentator. It feels as if he is trying too hard to be a heel when he is a commentator and doesn't have the natural flow of it. IMO the roles should be reversed. I thought Jerry Lawler did a great job being the heel announcer. Guys like Lawler and Bobby Heenan always knew how to handle the roles of being the heel commentator. IMO Cole would make a better face or a backstage announcer as he has done in the past. I don't see WWE firing him. He has been with the company for at least ten years, so I would doubt they would fire him unless there was a serious situation behind the scenes going on. Wrestling has been down the past few years, but it would not be down because of one bad heel announcer.
dangerousdaneerfan Wrote:Cole is about as worthless a teets on a boar hog. BUT, he is much better than John "I cannot even say my lines when the words are in front of me" Larigitus. Make Cole Raw GM.

John Laurinaitis has been freakin' amazing these past couple weeks...dude is so funny.

"I am Mr. Excitement!"
LWC Wrote:Look I am providing a link. It took me 20 seconds Wink

You didn't have to provide the damn link, the website was already mentioned in the post, the NO reason to HAVE to provide a link when the sources is MENTIONED....
^Just copy and pasting something without a link even if you tell where it is from is not enough. I know BGR isn't college but if I was writing one of my history papers, and I said that a certain book was where I got my info, I would have failed, I had to let my citations guide the way. One of my history profs said it best, "I want to be able to take your paper to the local library read the citations and find the exact sentence you used."

I could tell you that I found a Broski in New Jersey, but you might never find that particular one. If I gave you his address, you would find him with ease.

I like to rag on you sometimes, and you know it but it is sooooo simple to copy and paste a link. Ready, hit "F6", now hit "Ctrl" and "C" and now go to the post and hit "ctrl" and "V"

Wink You know I love you buddy Big Grin
It's about "Sources". A website is the source. When you post the entire article, you do not have to post a link if the source is mentioned. A Website IS the source. If you are only posting a partial article, then you post the the link for others to read the rest of the story. Sorry, you DO NOT have to post a link when the source is provided! You do as you wish, I will do as I! Wink
^I wish that would work in the real-world Big Grin

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