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Dear President Obama
TheRealThing Wrote:I can scarcely believe an Obama supoorter would even try to go where you did but, right back at you. Comparing Chenney to Biden is like comparing the Encyclopedia Britannica to Mad Magazine. In a twist of uniquely apt irony, Mad features morons laughing at anything of substance in the world while proclaiming "What, me Worry?" It wouldn't be that much of a stretch to imagine Biden's face as a viable replacement on the cover.

Vice President Joe Biden is currently under fire for adopting a drawl and telling a group of black supporters that Republicans “gonna put ya’ll back in chains.” But this is not the first time the vice president has been dogged by offensive remarks.

ONE. Biden kicked off his 2007 White House run by condescending to his current running mate, saying that then-Sen. Barack Obama was the “first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

He later apologized for the incident—but his penchant for crossing the line stuck with him on the campaign trail.

TWO. Biden falsely boasted that Delaware was a slave state to explain why he would remain competitive in southern primaries.

“You don’t know my state. My state was a slave state … my state is the 8th largest black population in the country,” he said.

The nation’s first black governor, Virginia’s Douglas Wilder, recently blasted Biden for engaging in racially charged rhetoric. The Daily Mail reports:

‘Slavery is nothing to joke about. And the history of this nation’s involvement with slavery is nothing to pass off in a joke.’

Suggesting that Biden was a liability to Obama, he added that ‘you can’t continue to make gaffe after gaffe after gaffe and believe that it’s going to be supportive of what you and the president are both trying to do’.

THREE. Biden’s treatment of Indian-Americans has earned him plenty of criticism. In 2006, he told an Indian-American supporter that “you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”

FOUR. The vice president decided to practice that accent on the campaign trail in 2012. In a speech criticizing Mitt Romney for outsourcing, Biden donned an Indian accent to mock the notion of Indians trying to speak English.

“How many times you get the call, ‘I like to talk to you about your … credit card,” he said, abandoning the mock accent. “It’s a little over done.”

Biden did not mention that the Obama campaign has spent thousands of dollars on call centers owned by companies in the Philippines and Canada.

FIVE. Biden’s most recent race-based gaffe, in Danville, Va., Tuesday, has increased calls to replace him on the presidential ticket. Obama is sticking by his man, defending Biden’s "they're gonna put y'all back in chains" comment.

Obama told People Magazine that Biden was referring to “you, consumers, the American people, will be a lot worse off if we repeal these [Wall Street reform] laws as the other side is suggesting.”

SIX. "Am I doing this again? ... My memory is not as good as Justice Roberts'."

— Biden, alluding to Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, who flubbed a line during Barack Obama's presidential oath the previous day, before swearing in members of his senior staff. Obama, standing nearby, shook his head disapprovingly and gave Biden a stern poke.

SEVEN. "If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, there's still a 30% chance we're going to get it wrong."

— Joe Biden, speaking to members of the House Democratic caucus who were gathered in Williamsburg, Va., for their annual retreat

EIGHT. "Remember, I said it standing here, if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."

— Joe Biden, telling donors at a private fundraiser in Seattle that Barack Obama will likely be tested by an international crisis during his first few months in office.

NINE. "I'm told Chuck Graham, state senator, is here. Stand up Chuck, let 'em see you. Oh, God love you. What am I talking about. I'll tell you what, you're making everybody else stand up, though, pal."

—Biden, telling Missouri state senator Chuck Graham to stand up at a campaign rally, before realizing that Graham is confined to a wheelchair.

TEN. "I started thinking as I was coming over here, Why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go to a university?"

— Joe Biden, during his first presidential run, lifting passages and even gestures from a speech by Neil Kinnock without giving credit to the leader of the British Labour Party.

Biden's problems continued when C-SPAN footage surfaced two weeks later showing Biden inflating his academic record at law school. (His claims included one that he finished in the top half of his class at Syracuse Law School; he graduated 76th of 85.) Though he later called the accusations of plagiarism "much ado about nothing," he dropped out of the race on Sept. 23.

nky Wrote:^then call him out with a link
^That's only 5 what about the rest? Come on if your're going to do a call out get the right site
Only Biden has made enough gaffes to require them to be categorized by type. Top 5 Race Gaffes? :lmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Only Biden has made enough gaffes to require them to be categorized by type. Top 5 Race Gaffes? :lmao:

Haha, only Biden could do that. Do you think he will be replaced with another VP?
WideRight05 Wrote:Haha, only Biden could do that. Do you think he will be replaced with another VP?
I think enough high profile Republicans like Sarah Palin have either predicted that Biden will be replaced or urged Obama to replace him, that Obama will only replace him as a last, desperate resort. By the time the race reaches that point, a late substitution would only highlight Obama's incompetence. Hillary would make a much better president than Obama but he is still a young man in fairly good health. (Although this former (?) smoker and former (?) cocaine user has failed to release his own medical records, while attacking Romney for failing to release his.)

Maybe Romney should challenge Obama to an impromptu pi$$ing match accompanied complete with lab tests. :biggrin:
Wildcatk23 Wrote:

This supposed to be something significant? Nobody memorizes Biden gaffs, but they're not hard to look up.

BTW, shouldn't vector be the one offended here, or did you get confused again?
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Go ahead and admit it Vund, you think she's sexy and you can hardly contain yourself.

Damn, you got me...Confusedhh::notworthy
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Don't make your mind up about Hillary Clinton without reading some of what Dick Morris has written about her. Morris knows the Clintons as well as anybody in Washington and persuaded me that Bill Clinton was a much better president than I gave him credit for while he was in office. Morris obviously likes and respects Bill but he hates Hillary Clinton with a passion and when you read his account of his dealings with her, it is easy to understand why.

Hillary and Morris are the two people most responsible for Bill Clinton avoiding a Senate conviction following his impeachment. Hillary's contribution was ruthlessly managing the so-called "bimbo eruptions," while Morris correctly identified areas like welfare reform and the budget as politically popular items where Bill could find common ground with Republicans in Congress and keep his approval ratings high enough to survive impeachment.

While you are researching Hillary's years in the White House, pay close attention of how she reportedly treated the military members who were assigned to the Clintons like hotel bell hops. Hillary may be a very smart woman but she is a wicked one as well.

Well, I like him, but Dick Morris is definitely no expert in morality, Wink

And all women are wicked, except Granny_Bear and my grandmother. Too bad she doesn't look like Gov, wicked and good looking would be perfect, lol.
Those VP Biden gaffes are hilarious, haha. It should be a rule that every Vice President should be this funny. We've been lucky, had two idiots in a row.
LMAO...vundy you NEVER cease to amaze me!!!

And all women are wicked, except Granny_Bear and my grandmother. Too bad she doesn't look like Gov, wicked and good looking would be perfect, lol.
Thank you for the sweet compliment, but ALL women aren't wicked. If you don't believe me, ask your grandmother.
Nearly all I've met are she-devils Granny Bear!
I'm sorry to hear that vundy!
I hope 2013 will be different for you. You deserve a good, mountain grown, faithful, "country" woman.....I pray that you find her!
vundy33 Wrote:Well, I like him, but Dick Morris is definitely no expert in morality, Wink

And all women are wicked, except Granny_Bear and my grandmother. Too bad she doesn't look like Gov, wicked and good looking would be perfect, lol.
I agree, but unlike Bill Clinton, Dick Morris has never been accused of rape, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, or perjury. Compared to Bill, Morris is a paragon of virtue - he is just unusually fond of women's toes.
I LOL'd hard at that last sentence, haha.

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