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Is This Election a Referendum on Barack Obama or Racial Showdown?
It seems there is no inconvenient time to play the race card. It's the nuclear option, and the dems and libeal media don't mind a bit play it on every hand they get dealt.

'It is an accusation almost impossible to prove, yet it remains inseparable from the African-American experience. The idea, which seemed to die in 2008 when Obama became the first black president, is now rearing its head from college campuses to cable TV as the Democratic incumbent faces Mitt Romney, the white Republican challenger."

No rational person would not be grateful for sound leadership, especially these days, regardless of skin color. What America needs is a patriot sitting the first seat that understands the legacy of American history. Never, has there been a free nation which could come close to the American success story. In fact, the vast majority of problems the citizens of this land experience are due entirely to bad decision making with their personal lives and finances. We have the freedom to mess up and we have equality of opportunity. America is a truly blessed land. Changing things up ala the grand scale of which Obama has envisioned, should be rejected out of hand. Even baby steps of change, should be entered into with much fear and trepidation. The model of how things work lies behind us, not in front of us. The model left us by the founding generation.

Even such organizations as the Little League recognize their proud history of success, and changes come only after much agonizing and study (usually on a one year trial basis). This administration is shaking things up in this country like some kind of Juris-extreme makeover, and they want it done yesterday. Why the big rush? When one guy is so arrogant he actually believes he is smart enough to "fundamentally transform the face of America" shooting from the hip like a character out of a Saturday morning horse opera, the red flags should go up. And I'm not talking about the ones with the hammer and sickle on them either!

It's the insane policies of this administration that are on trial here, not Mr Obama's skin color. The dems intent for this election cycle has always been to avoid the record and confuse reality with accusations, inuendo, distortions, blame and character assassination. And of course, what's the number one character flaw? Being tagged a racist is number one and intolerance generally, is considered unacceptable. I mean, when one truly considers the real meaning behind the comments made by Todd Akin, we see the true dynamic of intolerance. His comments were somewhat benign in that he was speaking up in opposition to the murderous assault on the unborn in this land, and got absolutely skewered for being anti woman. In a word it was rediculous.

So far so good. The dems have muddied the water so much Mr Obama has a lead in the polls for the present. Will America really jerk down the bobber that hard again this election year, in spite of the most abysmal record in modern presidential history?
The race card will always be big to the libs, but thankfully it won't be damaging in this election like it was in 08. If they do want to pull the race card, we can pull the fact out that an estimated 87-93% of black people will be voting for Obama - down from the 98% in 2008.
I believe you are a bit low in your percentage range. Obama will get between 96 and 98 percent of the black vote. And, of course, Obama's supporters, in and out of the media, will play the race card at every opportunity. So, if Romney or Ryan order ice cream somewhere, it better be something other than vanilla. Chris Matthews would be all over it.
your both wrong on the percentages its racist to even consider that people would vote for a candidate or like someone based on their race alone typical conservative racists
WM 03,

What would your song and dance be if 96 to 98% of all whites voted for Romney?
WideMiddle03 Wrote:your both wrong on the percentages its racist to even consider that people would vote for a candidate or like someone based on their race alone typical conservative racists

You know, I think I speak for about everyone on this website, that sometimes you just need to shut up a while when it comes to your constant posting about things that you know nothing about. I assume you did not even listen to the Samuel L. Jackson interview where he claims the reason he voted for Obama was because he was black? You really think he is the only one?:eyeroll:

You just offended me and everyone else on here pal.
BS which is what you are, you don't look at things with an open mind you need to be more open minded
WideMiddle03 Wrote:BS which is what you are, you don't look at things with an open mind you need to be more open minded

I'm not so dumb that I cant listen to a man say something and not understand exactly what he just said. What does "open mind" have to do with anything anyways. It doesn't even fit into the conversation and doesn't make a bit od sense..? Try listening to what Jackson said and then talk to me about open minds or whatever the stupid crap is that you're rambling on about.

By the way I'm highly offended by you calling me BS. I think I'll go whine and crybabby to a moderator like you do.

Just wondering, who was it that told you that you know everything about everything anyways? ...............They lied.
WideMiddle03 Wrote:your both wrong on the percentages its racist to even consider that people would vote for a candidate or like someone based on their race alone typical conservative racists

I for one get real tired of the party line slams coming out of the ranks of liberals aimed at conservatives. In you guy's mind it's a-ok to launch any nuclear tipped slam you can dream up. The truth is conservatives are by definition UNBIASED. Obama likes to compare himself to Abe Lincoln. Here are some thoughts regarding Mr Lincoln---EXCERPT---"Those who actually study Lincoln’s thoughts and speeches know that, in his words, he “never had a feeling politically that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence.” He loved and admired “the sentiments of those old-time men,” our Founding Fathers. He was dedicated to their principles – equal rights under the law, economic liberty, and a fidelity to the Constitution, our fundamental law."
Read More--Link
Contrast that against the sweeping "fundamental transformation" Obama and the liberals want to foist upon our land. It really is time to wake up. Or none of us will be getting much rest.

The conservative ideal described in this article is much closer to the true face of modern day conservativism. You and others might want to 'bone up' a little bit on the truth as it really exists regarding what conservatives really believe, and depend a little less on DNC talking points for some of your most treasured opinions. They've been lying without fear of reprisal from those in the voting booth since Clinton proved one can say anything and get by with it. (to the dems) Party above country is a fast track to losing our freedoms.

BTW, this is exactly how it works on the national level. In a perfect object lesson on irony, we see the murderous assault from the left on the reputations and intentions of the right while screaming at the top of their lungs they are being taken advantage of by the right.
Bob Seger Wrote:I'm not so dumb that I cant listen to a man say something and not understand exactly what he just said. What does "open mind" have to do with anything anyways. It doesn't even fit into the conversation and doesn't make a bit od sense..? Try listening to what Jackson said and then talk to me about open minds or whatever the stupid crap is that you're rambling on about.

By the way I'm highly offended by you calling me BS. I think I'll go whine and crybabby to a moderator like you do.

Just wondering, who was it that told you that you know everything about everything anyways? ...............They lied.

If he could spell he would probably qualify for your typical liberal college professor that comes at you full force and is "offended" when you have an opposing opinion.. Confusednicker:
Bob Seger Wrote:I'm not so dumb that I cant listen to a man say something and not understand exactly what he just said. What does "open mind" have to do with anything anyways. It doesn't even fit into the conversation and doesn't make a bit od sense..? Try listening to what Jackson said and then talk to me about open minds or whatever the stupid crap is that you're rambling on about.

By the way I'm highly offended by you calling me BS. I think I'll go whine and crybabby to a moderator like you do.

Just wondering, who was it that told you that you know everything about everything anyways? ...............They lied.

i don't whine t othe moderator but you guys actually made a good guess my college professor did not lie after all they have big degrees masters and doctorates and are the best in there field today but i don't think that people voting for obama are doing it because of race everyone was just tired of bush after 8 years and we needed a change and now people are seeing that he has us going on the right track he just needs four more years to get things done it's a big mess to turn around
WideMiddle03 Wrote:BS which is what you are, you don't look at things with an open mind you need to be more open minded

Why do we need to be open minded? Many truths and traditions are not open to "amendment" merely because some think we should be open minded.
because conservatives only look at things from there point of view
WideMiddle03 Wrote:i don't whine t othe moderator but you guys actually made a good guess my college professor did not lie after all they have big degrees masters and doctorates and are the best in there field today but i don't think that people voting for obama are doing it because of race everyone was just tired of bush after 8 years and we needed a change and now people are seeing that he has us going on the right track he just needs four more years to get things done it's a big mess to turn around too
Gosh , it would take him or anyone else at least 4 years just to straighten out the mess that you call a post too.Confusednicker: For one thing, I seriously doubt that you are able to pass the first class in college to begin with. I am sure that I'm like everyone else on here in that I cant make heads or tails out of anything you just wrote. Do you know how to capitalize the first word in a sentence and know where to put a period?

Hope I didn't offend you.
i passed my first college class yes i did you just got owned
WideMiddle03 Wrote:i passed my first college class yes i did you just got owned

lol....I swear I dont see how. Basket weaving class?

Hey, and lets just forget about all those pesky periods and capital letters too. Takes all the fun out of trying to decipher all these posts made in secret code.

Hey everybody, looks like we've got a real live one here.Confusednicker:
no it wasn't basket weaving class first semester was math english science and history i don't need to use fancy grammer on here to get my point across\
WideMiddle03 Wrote:i don't whine t othe moderator but you guys actually made a good guess my college professor did not lie after all they have big degrees masters and doctorates and are the best in there field today but i don't think that people voting for obama are doing it because of race everyone was just tired of bush after 8 years and we needed a change and now people are seeing that he has us going on the right track he just needs four more years to get things done it's a big mess to turn around

Would you mind to share with us, of which college are you speaking? I can kind of see what you mean with regard to being open minded. It's sort of like a dumpster, when it's open one can put darn near anything into it.
WideMiddle03 Wrote:no it wasn't basket weaving class first semester was math english science and history i don't need to use fancy grammer on here to get my point across\
English huh?

A point? So you've got a point? Wow!!! :yikes: Who'd a ever thunk it!!!Confusednicker:

Oh BTW, you might want to go back to the drawing board on that little project. It seems like there might be a small glitch or two to work out there .:biggrin:

And as always, hope no offense is taken.
TheRealThing Wrote:Would you mind to share with us, of which college are you speaking? I can kind of see what you mean with regard to being open minded. It's sort of like a dumpster, when it's open one can put darn near anything into it.


I see you noticed that too.
WideMiddle03 Wrote:i passed my first college class yes i did you just got owned

1 out of 5 class = academic probation. Not a good average
Bob Seger Wrote:Gosh , it would take him or anyone else at least 4 years just to straighten out the mess that you call a post too.Confusednicker: For one thing, I seriously doubt that you are able to pass the first class in college to begin with. I am sure that I'm like everyone else on here in that I cant make heads or tails out of anything you just wrote. Do you know how to capitalize the first word in a sentence and know where to put a period?

Hope I didn't offend you.

The professor quote was all I needed to see from him. He has been liberalized.
WideMiddle03 Wrote:i don't whine t othe moderator but you guys actually made a good guess my college professor did not lie after all they have big degrees masters and doctorates and are the best in there field today but i don't think that people voting for obama are doing it because of race everyone was just tired of bush after 8 years and we needed a change and now people are seeing that he has us going on the right track he just needs four more years to get things done it's a big mess to turn around

Oh my gosh. I just read the other thread where you implied that Obama was the better candidate simply because he has the "celebrity" vote. And I thought that was about as low as it could go.

And now this. You really think that because your college professors have a degree, that it makes their opinion on political issues "better" than other people? Or that they wouldn't lie to you or other students, just to push their leftist propaganda?

You mentioned in this thread about being open-minded. In my experience, hardcore liberals are the most closed-minded people on the face of the earth. They get an idea in their head, and they won't change it no matter how much evidence to the contrary is placed in front of them. And to top it all off, if you have obviously shown their argument to be wrong, they start tossing out words like racism and intolerance, just to try to make themselves look like less of a fool.

Really, this is a big part of what's wrong with our country today, too many young kids taking their voting cues from what their college professors tell them they should do. Or even worse, from what Puff Daddy or Eva Longoria tell them to do.

WideMiddle03 Wrote:i passed my first college class yes i did you just got owned

As a college professor, I can assure you that, in most colleges of today, it is very difficult to fail a class. Most colleges are driven by numbers and financial support. They prostitute any semblance of academic credibility in order to increase the amount of student aid coming in to the "students" and the colleges. Student aid can't flourish if students don't "pass' classes. Therefore, nearly all "pass" to continue another semester of largess.

Student aid is, in a great majority of the cases, criminal. The colleges and the "students" work together to perpetrate the fraud. Since both benefit financially and since the system encourages collusion between them, the victim of the whole mess is the taxpayer.

After all, the taxpayer foots the entire bill. and in the end the result is more and more people with college hours and maybe even a college degree who are as dumb as they were when they were socially promoted from some public high school. But they did enjoy their free years in college at the expense of the taxpayers. And, they know that there are far more handouts ahead with Obama than with Romney. So, they will vote accordingly and seek unemployment, disability, or some other similar government program to provide for their "needs".
Memo Luna Wrote:As a college professor, I can assure you that, in most colleges of today, it is very difficult to fail a class. Most colleges are driven by numbers and financial support. They prostitute any semblance of academic credibility in order to increase the amount of student aid coming in to the "students" and the colleges. Student aid can't flourish if students don't "pass' classes. Therefore, nearly all "pass" to continue another semester of largess.

Student aid is, in a great majority of the cases, criminal. The colleges and the "students" work together to perpetrate the fraud. Since both benefit financially and since the system encourages collusion between them, the victim of the whole mess is the taxpayer.

After all, the taxpayer foots the entire bill. and in the end the result is more and more people with college hours and maybe even a college degree who are as dumb as they were when they were socially promoted from some public high school. But they did enjoy their free years in college at the expense of the taxpayers. And, they know that there are far more handouts ahead with Obama than with Romney. So, they will vote accordingly and seek unemployment, disability, or some other similar government program to provide for their "needs".

It doesn't matter what government program one is at odds with. The same mentality regarding welfare which, (and this is where I can accept the theory of evolution without reservation) at some time past, 'evolved' into a state of acceptance of same. Is now, a source of pride and entitlement for folks who play the system without working "a lick." Many folks are inherently prone to take the easy path, even if that means sticking taxpayers with the bill. Honestly, if the program was run with integrity, things would be much better. And, there are students with high standards that benefit from a college education subsidized by the government.

I have never subscribed to the notion that quality of education is directly comensurate to money invested. Educators don't agree with me on this however, there are an awful lot of egg-headed over achievers out there, that hail from modest origins education wise. I believe people who really want an education are prone to make the most of their experience in school. And, I believe that attribute starts early, and is in no small way passed on from parents. Lack of parental wisdom is the real scourge of the American educatonal scene. Teachers fancy themselves the quicksilver connection between diamond in the rough students and self fulfillment. Certainly that can happen, but the problem is more one of character than of finance. Just MHO
I can assure you, TheRealThing, that there is very little relationship between money spent on education and successful outcomes in education. The success of a student is far more dependent on competent teachers, demands for performance, parental involvement, and the ability of the students.

We should be able to control the first two. The third depends on the parents who, unfortunately, often were "social promotees" living off the government themselves. The fourth factor is beyond our control since, if we are honest, we know that many students don't have the mental faculties to learn much. Unfortunately, they are usually valedictorian material in reproducing.
Memo Luna Wrote:I can assure you, TheRealThing, that there is very little relationship between money spent on education and successful outcomes in education. The success of a student is far more dependent on competent teachers, demands for performance, parental involvement, and the ability of the students.

We should be able to control the first two. The third depends on the parents who, unfortunately, often were "social promotees" living off the government themselves. The fourth factor is beyond our control since, if we are honest, we know that many students don't have the mental faculties to learn much. Unfortunately, they are usually valedictorian material in reproducing.

LOL, a man after my own heart. :Thumbs:

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