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Ohioans’ food stamp aid to be reduced Benefit to fall $50 a month starting in January
TheRealVille Wrote:Last winter. As you well know, these things go by the following year. If you pay child support, they go by you previous years earnings. If you sign up for welfare, they go by you previous years earnings.
So, the Obama administration did not know realize that we had a mild winter in 2011-12 until after the following November 2012 election? :hilarious:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:So, the Obama administration did not know realize that we had a mild winter in 2011-12 until after the following November 2012 election? :hilarious:
What month do they evaluate, and set the rates? I don't know, do you?
the reduction was based on falling natural gas prices. What about those poor families that heat by oil or electricity? Guess those mean democrats don't care about those people and just make cuts across the board
TheRealVille Wrote:What month do they evaluate, and set the rates? I don't know, do you?
I am not sure, but it appears that in election years, that determination is made shortly after the first Tuesday in November.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Get on with yours, fraud.

what in the hell you talking about fraud ?
The biggest losers?

The tobacco companies. That is $50 dollars that will actually have to go towards food now.
There should be no such thing as "entitlements".

I'm okay with offering help, but the receiver should have to meet requirements for help.

#1 should be the obtaining of an education - in a field that will provide for employment, with a timeline set also. By doing this, in the long run the person receiving the help will eventually pay back more than they have received.

Really, that's all I think is required. The idea of people just drawing a check for their entire lives should not even be possible. If they are unable to do this and resort to crime, then I would rather they spend their lives in prison, and pay for them to be there, where they can do jobs that are productive.

If we are going to pay for them anyways, let them do it in a jail cell, at least there they won't be able to breed.
vector Wrote:what in the hell you talking about fraud ?
You are using multiple accounts and you are impersonating a semi-literate person. You are a fraud who has demonstrated no sense of honor.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You are using multiple accounts and you are impersonating a semi-literate person. You are a fraud who has demonstrated no sense of honor.

multiple accounts :lmao:
I really wish you all would refrain from driving every thread into personal insults, it is really taking away from the discussion. Some of these threads I would like to get in and give my opinion, and get feedback on my thoughts, but many times by then it has devolved into a pissing contest on who's source is the most credible or who made the most recent typo.

We need a sticky thread where you all can jump in and sling some insults back and forth.
Beetle01 Wrote:I really wish you all would refrain from driving every thread into personal insults, it is really taking away from the discussion. Some of these threads I would like to get in and give my opinion, and get feedback on my thoughts, but many times by then it has devolved into a pissing contest on who's source is the most credible or who made the most recent typo.

We need a sticky thread where you all can jump in and sling some insults back and forth.
Beetle, threads devolve every time that they take a turn that TheRealVille does not like. I appreciate your participation, whether I agree with your opinions or not. Some people have never learned to disagree without being disagreeable. There are some very knowledgeable posters on BGR who rarely if ever post hear because of the problems that you mentioned. I know because some of them participate in BGP's political forums and I have debated them there.

I apologize to you for my part in these exchanges, but it is the kind of debate that RV and vector prefer, and when you have somebody falsely accusing you of being a liar, sometimes a Romney-type response is simply inadequate. Vector gets his kicks by pretending to be nearly illiterate, which I believe shows disrespect to everybody else who participates. You may think that my responses are as childish as their attacks, and I would say that in most cases, you would be right - but you have to consider the intellectual level of the target audience.

Seriously, maybe if enough people complained about the tenor of the debate in this forum, the people who manage BGR would intercede, but the seem to prefer an almost unmoderated environment and they pay most of the bills.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Beetle, threads devolve every time that they take a turn that TheRealVille does not like. I appreciate your participation, whether I agree with your opinions or not. Some people have never learned to disagree without being disagreeable. There are some very knowledgeable posters on BGR who rarely if ever post hear because of the problems that you mentioned. I know because some of them participate in BGP's political forums and I have debated them there.

I apologize to you for my part in these exchanges, but it is the kind of debate that RV and vector prefer, and when you have somebody falsely accusing you of being a liar, sometimes a Romney-type response is simply inadequate. Vector gets his kicks by pretending to be nearly illiterate, which I believe shows disrespect to everybody else who participates. You may think that my responses are as childish as their attacks, and I would say that in most cases, you would be right - but you have to consider the intellectual level of the target audience.

Seriously, maybe if enough people complained about the tenor of the debate in this forum, the people who manage BGR would intercede, but the seem to prefer an almost unmoderated environment and they pay most of the bills.
All I ask is proof of things you say. With the linkedin page, you said something as fact, yet said the page disappeared, magically. Don't quote a page, then in the same post say that the page isn't there anymore. It's a lie if you can't prove it. Hell, I could say a page is saying Kentucky is building a nuclear bomb, then say the page got deleted. It's a lie, until I can prove what I read. Don't post stuff you can't prove, and you won't get caught up.
TheRealVille Wrote:All I ask is proof of things you say. With the linkedin page, you said something as fact, yet said the page disappeared, magically. Don't quote a page, then in the same post say that the page isn't there anymore. It's a lie if you can't prove it. Hell, I could say a page is saying Kentucky is building a nuclear bomb, then say the page got deleted. It's a lie, until I can prove what I read. Don't post stuff you can't prove, and you won't get caught up.
I explained what I read and explained that the link was broken before I could post it. That is no different that somebody repeats something that they heard on the radio or watched on TV. You don't call somebody a liar for not providing proof, when they have already explained why they did not post a link.

Web sites often remove content when a page generates so much traffic that it degrades performance by sucking up bandwidth. It is not unusual when a web page goes viral and shuts down a server. It happens all the time when somebody suddenly gets their 15 minutes of fame. In other cases, people block access to their own web page or account because they have been flooded with unsolicited and unwanted messages. Anybody can pay a subscription fee to LinkedIn that allows them to contact any member directly. I suspect that some members of the media used their LinkedIn accounts to contact Ms. Khawam about her sister's role in the Petraeus scandal.

In the next few minutes, I will be posting screen shots or links to pages showing links to Natalie Khawam's LinkedIn page. I will be doing so, not for your benefit, but to demonstrate to everybody else how you once again went off the deep end with your personal attacks and called somebody else a liar with absolutely no reason. Maybe eventually, you will learn your lesson and we can all have civil debates here without witnessing your emotional meltdowns.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I explained what I read and explained that the link was broken before I could post it. That is no different that somebody repeats something that they heard on the radio or watched on TV. You don't call somebody a liar for not providing proof, when they have already explained why they did not post a link.

Web sites often remove content when a page generates so much traffic that it degrades performance by sucking up bandwidth. It is not unusual when a web page goes viral and shuts down a server. It happens all the time when somebody suddenly gets their 15 minutes of fame. In other cases, people block access to their own web page or account because they have been flooded with unsolicited and unwanted messages. Anybody can pay a subscription fee to LinkedIn that allows them to contact any member directly. I suspect that some members of the media used their LinkedIn accounts to contact Ms. Khawam about her sister's role in the Petraeus scandal.

In the next few minutes, I will be posting screen shots or links to pages showing links to Natalie Khawam's LinkedIn page. I will be doing so, not for your benefit, but to demonstrate to everybody else how you once again went off the deep end with your personal attacks and called somebody else a liar with absolutely no reason. Maybe eventually, you will learn your lesson and we can all have civil debates here without witnessing your emotional meltdowns.
Hell, since you are for letting people smoke their herb in private, I might can get on board with you.
TheRealVille Wrote:Hell, since you are for letting people smoke their herb in private, I might can get on board with you.
I have always favored legalizing drug use, but only if penalties for crimes involving victims are made much, much more severe. If drug users cannot handle the responsibility that would come with that freedom, then I would favor locking them away for good. No revolving rehab door for addicts. It is not a system that I ever expect to see put in place.
In case anybody needs further proof of TheRealVille's lack of character, please note above the number of posts in which he called me a liar for making a reference to the LinkedIn profile belonging to Natalie Khawam, who is the twin sister of the woman who contacted the FBI and triggered an investigation of Gen. David Petraeus. As I explained in my initial post, Mrs. Khwam's LinkedIn profile became unavailable before I posted a link to it. That prompted Mr. Personality to repeatedly call me a liar for not being able to produce a link to the inaccessible web page.

As most of you probably already know, it is not uncommon for web pages that suddenly draw heavy traffic to a server to be disabled. Nor is it uncommon for somebody who is suddenly flooded with messages to disable their own accounts. Tens of millions of lawyers, engineers, managers, programmers, etc. use LinkedIn to manage professional contacts. When somebody is suddenly thrust into the national spotlight, one of the first places that people will go to check them out or try to make contact with them is LinkedIn. Paid subscribers are allowed to make a limited number of direct contacts with other members, and those contacts are usually forwarded to a person's personal email account.

Most likely, Ms. Khawam disabled her own account when her email account was flooded with requests for interviews. Any reasonable person can understand why that might happen when a person suddenly becomes associated with a central figure in a national sex scandal. Not so with TheRealVille. He immediately called me a liar, because as most have you have probably observed, RV likes to call people liars almost as much as he enjoys stretching the truth.

Now, just a little bit of evidence to show who lied in this thread and who has told nothing but the truth.

Link to page, which contains a broken link to Natalie Khawam's LinkedIn profile page.

Reference to Natalie Khawam's LinkedIn profile page, contained in an article, which contains language that I cited after viewing her profile myself. The only difference is that I believe that she had deleted the reference to healthcare fraud and mentioned only whistleblowers as her specialty. The change was apparently made in October.

Jill Kelley's identical twin sister, Natalie Khawam, is a Tampa lawyer who represents healthcare fraud and whistleblowers cases, according to her Linkedin website.

Finally, here is a reference in an article that explains that Natalie Khawam's LinkedIn profile was removed today:

A photo shows Petraeus and his wife, Holly, with the Kelleys and Jill's identical twin sister Natalie Khawam in the Kelleys' front yard, decked out in party beads with a pirate flag in the background. Khawam, is a Tampa lawyer who works on health care fraud and whistleblowers cases, according to her Linkedin profile, which was [SIZE="5"]removed from the professional networking site Monday[/SIZE]. The sisters — hard to differentiate in the picture with their matching long dark locks and black dresses — also competed in a cook-off filmed for a Food Network show called "Food Fight" in 2003.

If anybody has any doubt over who the liar has been throughout this thread, please let me know. This is not the first time, nor will it be the last time, that TheRealVille has falsely accused somebody of lying in this forum. He is the prototypical Obama fanboy and making false accusations is second nature for him, just as it is for his Dear Leader.
^ The point is, why even name something that can't be proven?
^ Which you have asked of me before, knowing I couldn't produce proof either.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ The point is, why even name something that can't be proven?
The point is you are a liar who falsely claims that those who disagree with you are as dishonest as you are. I have shown you proof, as I said, not for your benefit, but for the benefit of the honest members, several of whom you have also falsely accused of lying.

As everybody can plainly see, it would have taken you no more than a couple of minutes to have found the same links that I did, and I encouraged you to do so after you called me a liar. If you want more information on a subject, there is a right and a wrong way to ask for it. You always choose the wrong way.

An honorable man would have apologized when he was proven wrong, but we all know that doing so never entered your mind.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The point is you are a liar who falsely claims that those who disagree with you are as dishonest as you are. I have shown you proof, as I said, not for your benefit, but for the benefit of the honest members, several of whom you have also falsely accused of lying.

As everybody can plainly see, it would have taken you no more than a couple of minutes to have found the same links that I did, and I encouraged you to do so after you called me a liar. If you want more information on a subject, there is a right and a wrong way to ask for it. You always choose the wrong way.

An honorable man would have apologized when he was proven wrong, but we all know that doing so never entered your mind.
Who says those links were right. You have shown proof that some sights have no more information than you do. The linkedin info was never there as far as can be proven. Just 3 more right wing lying sites. What's new in your world?
TheRealVille Wrote:Who says those links were right.The linkedin info was never there.
I see, as usual, you did not bother reading the posts. The best thing for you do would be to drop the subject, because the links and excerpts that I posted are clear to anybody who wants to read them, and I could have posted others had I so desired. You probably overlooked it, but one of the links even states that her LinkedIn profile was taken down yesterday, exactly as I explained that it was. Dig deeper if you want, but the hole is collapsing around you. Confusednicker:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I see, as usual, you did not bother reading the posts. The best thing for you do would be to drop the subject, because the links and excerpts that I posted are clear to anybody who wants to read them, and I could have posted others had I so desired. You probably overlooked it, but one of the links even states that her LinkedIn profile was taken down yesterday, exactly as I explained that it was. Dig deeper if you want, but the hole is collapsing around you. Confusednicker:
Do you honestly think I care what you think? You are a hack, and nothing more. You posted a dead link, and treated it like it was proof.
TheRealVille Wrote:Do you honestly think I care what you think? You are a hack, and nothing more. You posted a dead link, and treated it like it was proof.
:lmao: You once again prove that there is no reason for anybody to take anything that you post seriously. I don't think that I have ever encountered anybody who has so much trouble dealing with the truth or admitting when they are in the wrong. Pathetic.

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