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Someone Stole $100K of Hamburger Patties
Apr 13, 2013 @ 3:44 PM
Expensive jewelry or fat stacks of cash make tempting thief-bait, but lately criminals seem to be setting their sights on edible targets. Between the man who drank $100K of his employer's whiskey, the millions in stolen maple syrup, and the recent theft of five and a half tons of Nutella, it seems no one's food stores are safe. Just this week someone managed to steak more than $100,000 of hamburger patties.
"The hamburger heist went down at BMG Logistics in Linden, N.J., where thieves hauled the container out by truck and headed for the most epic backyard barbecue the Garden State has ever seen," Gothamist reported.
The 40-foot container held 3,000 containers of hamburger patties that were worth $100,000 and were meant to be shipped to the Netherlands, where they were supposed to be distributed to Hilton hotels.
Police are still pursuing suspects in the hamburglary, so the thieves will have to quickly fence their stolen meat. If you find yourself getting a "too good to be true" deal on some bargain burgers that "fell off the back of a truck," check out our best hamburger recipes for some interesting preparation ideas.

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