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Paula Dean- the latest scapegoat for the thought police
Paula Dean hasn't said anything that I feel certain that a majority of citizens living below the Mason-Dixon Line hasn't said many times. Since I live in part of the year in Kentucky and the remainder of the year in South Carolina, I certainly include myself in that group.

In all honesty, are there any of you out there who is able to cast the first stone. I sure am not and I find it beyond belief that the thought police continue to regulate speech according to their personal tastes and no one stands up for the freedom to speak as we please.

On the other hand, George Orwell's 1984 is closing in quickly. I always thought that Big Brother would be a bit more masculine than Obama.
Vladimir Putin kicks sand in Obama's face every chance he gets. Poor John Kerry gets even less respect from him. It is hard to listen to the media say that Kerry is warning Russia and China not to help Snowden and not laugh myself. What leverage does this administration have with either country? Our enemies get everything they want by just being patient as Obama and Kerry make one concession after another.

As for Paula Dean, the Food Channel is a privately owned business. They made a business decision - one which maybe I would not have made, but I am not going to criticize them for it. IMO, when somebody humbles herself by making a confession and literally begging for forgiveness, then that is what second chances are for - unless there is strong evidence that the apology was insincere (as most apologies made by politicians are). I get sick of watching politicians apologizing, in case "anybody took offense" at their words or actions.
I doubt that anyone is afraid of John Kerry. He, after all, has only two claims to "fame".

First, during his abbreviated military service, he received three Purple Hearts in a matter of a couple of months thus qualifying him for an honorable discharge which he, of course, took. There seems to be some dispute as to whether any of his three alleged injuries drew blood.

Second, he is very rich having married the widow of Republican US Senator John Heinz and, thus, living off the Heinz Family fortune. As they say, it helps to marry for money.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Paula Dean hasn't said anything that I feel certain that a majority of citizens living below the Mason-Dixon Line hasn't said many times. Since I live in part of the year in Kentucky and the remainder of the year in South Carolina, I certainly include myself in that group.

In all honesty, are there any of you out there who is able to cast the first stone. I sure am not and I find it beyond belief that the thought police continue to regulate speech according to their personal tastes and no one stands up for the freedom to speak as we please.

On the other hand, George Orwell's 1984 is closing in quickly. I always thought that Big Brother would be a bit more masculine than Obama.

Obama couldn't carry Big Brother's equipment bag out, lol. He is more like the false prophet for Big Brother. A liberal cheer leader. None the less, all of the recent challenges to 237 years of American fundamental rights have resulted in many of them having been excised from law and are now lying on history's scrapheap. Truly no laughing matter.

"Knowledge is power. Information is power. The secreting or hoarding of knowledge or information may be an act of tyranny camouflaged as humility."
Robin Morgan

"Power corrupts and absolute power, corrupts absolutely".
Lord Acton

Put more succinctly, knowledge is power. Absolute knowledge coupled with absolute power is a force no one could ever be able to deal with. One day in the not too distant future, antichrist will control the world's masses, every single living person. He will do that by using the information contained and readily available to him in the vast data base being built (at least partially) as we speak. Movie makers have imagined technological advancements so great, they afforded machines the ability to become self aware. As in the Terminator trilogy, man warred against those machines for the right to live in a new world dominated by those machines. That scenario is not unlike the world to come, where no man will be able to hide from the likes of antichrist. So much information will be out there on folks, there will be nowhere to hide and no way to provide for one's self, much less his family. Therefore, anyone guilty of resisting allegiance to antichrist and who refuses to accept the mark, will be branded an enemy of the state in much the same way as Edward Snowden. Instantly and famously wanted by the world government with no place to go.
You can tell that I am not a follower of the latest liberal scapegoat. It should be Paula Deen instead of Paula Dean.
What Paula Deen said was spoken many many years ago. What Bill Clinton said was spoken only a few years ago. Personally, I think that Clinton's statement about Obama is much more offensive.

Thirty years ago, the "N" word wasn't the taboo that it is at this time. Then, when it was stated as offensive to those of the black race, several words have replaced it over the years....*****, African-American, black, brown...etc. I just spent an entire week on vacation with 9 teenagers; all of which were blasting their stupid music. I haven't heard the "N" word so much in my entire life as I have this past week. All of it was from their music...and by the way, one of our teenagers is black. Now, how can it be acceptable to allow black musicians the right to say the "N" word, and actually use that as an acceptable greeting??
Does THAT not promote racism??
There is no bigger double edged sword than the ones of hip hop or rap music.
Lets burn those who call them that at the stake, but lets call ourselves that in a song.

Blows my mind. It just shows the ignorance of some, which is a small blemish of the entire race.
Granny Bear Wrote:What Paula Deen said was spoken many many years ago. What Bill Clinton said was spoken only a few years ago. Personally, I think that Clinton's statement about Obama is much more offensive.

Thirty years ago, the "N" word wasn't the taboo that it is at this time. Then, when it was stated as offensive to those of the black race, several words have replaced it over the years....*****, African-American, black, brown...etc. I just spent an entire week on vacation with 9 teenagers; all of which were blasting their stupid music. I haven't heard the "N" word so much in my entire life as I have this past week. All of it was from their music...and by the way, one of our teenagers is black. Now, how can it be acceptable to allow black musicians the right to say the "N" word, and actually use that as an acceptable greeting??
Does THAT not promote racism??

I would certainly think so. But then, the double standard rule has been permanently waved for everybody but white folks in this brave new (transformed) world. I think Paula should have said she regrets what she said nearly 3 decades ago and just dropped it.
and yet Alex Baldwin gets another free pass
nky Wrote:and yet Alex Baldwin gets another free pass

Of course. He is one of the liberal elite and an Obama man. Such individuals get a free pass in this warped society.

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