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Heat 104 - Bulls 94 (Game 3)
Heat lead the series 2-1
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Nazr Mohammad is now my favorite UK player. He was going to kick lebrons ass
Go Lebron!
Nazr would have been beaten all the way back to Sudan had Lebron wished to put a beating on him
^But he decided to flop about 10 feet? Yeah, he'd sure whipped Nazr
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Heat in 5 easily.
You can see how mad the Bulls are because they know they cant beat the Heat in this series.
This is why you see ridicolous 4th graders pushing and shoving instead of playing ball.
Its obvious the bulls are frustrated cause they know they cant beat the heat without making the game as ugly as Noah. My prediction is they have a player ejected every game the rest of this series. And that's probably Toms plan from the start.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Heat in 5 easily.
You can see how mad the Bulls are because they know they cant beat the Heat in this series.
This is why you see ridicolous 4th graders pushing and shoving instead of playing ball.

The Bulls know they have ZERO chance of beating the Heat, thus, they have resigned to being the 1993 Detroit Pistons and forgoing basketball when they had no chance to beat MJ at Basketball, they decided they would turn the game into a thug game. Same result, Heat destroy the Bulls, just like the Bulls destroyed the Pistons!
Go Bulls...

Down with the King...
The king of FLOP!!!!!

Some of these comments are crazy. Your telling me that someone as big as Lebron is going to let these people just push him around like he "pretends" to get pushed like.... Come on.

The Refs are not going to call a FOUL on the heat... they are too busy watching the oscar nominee named Lebron James.
^A technical was called on Lebron before Nazr even pushed him. lol keep on hatin.
KHSAA12 Wrote:^A technical was called on Lebron before Nazr even pushed him. lol keep on hatin.
Bout time he got one then.

Keep on loving.
Nazr made a dumb move by intenionally fouling Lebron. Lebron basically flexed a muscle and Nazr hit the ground. I will say the fall was a flop but it worked. Also I hate Noah.. This is great TV.. Watching the Bulls get smacked and then try to fight a team that would obviously whoop them.
CraftCreeker Wrote:Bout time he got one then.

Keep on loving.

Lol have you not watched any of this series? Lbj got a tech in game 2. Only Noah has more this series with three. Keep on hatin bruh.
KHSAA12 Wrote:Lol have you not watched any of this series? Lbj got a tech in game 2. Only Noah has more this series with three. Keep on hatin bruh.

Have you not watched any of this season or playoffs? The guy went a month without having a foul called on him.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Have you not watched any of this season or playoffs? The guy went a month without having a foul called on him.


You're a Funny Guy!!!

254 minutes without a single foul. 6 games. Exaggerated a bit. But crazy.
^ What are you even talking about? Lebron not having fouls called on him???? You mean, his same average fouls per game as Manu Ginobli, or someone you SHOULD know, from the very physical Indiana Pacers, George Hill and Lance Stepehenson? His 15 fouls during the playoffs puts him in the middle of the pack for all NBA players in the playoffs. He was an all-defensive player of the year, should have been Defensive MVP, and no NBA player gets offensive fouls called on them (also known as the Jordan Rule). How is it any different than Kevin Durant having less than 1 foul per game for 8 straight games? I guess it happens to the Superstars hunh?
Quit Dusty, you'll upset him Confusednicker:

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