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Congress calls for Redskins change
Ten members of Congress are urging the Washington Redskins to change their name because it is offensive to many Native Americans.

The representatives said Tuesday that they've sent letters to Redskins owner Dan Snyder, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, Redskins sponsor FedEx, and the other 31 NFL franchises.

The letter to Snyder says that "Native Americans throughout the country consider the 'R-word' a racial, derogatory slur akin to the 'N-word' among African Americans or the 'W-word' among Latinos."

Among the group sending the letters are the leaders of the Congressional Native American Caucus, Tom Cole, R-Okla., and Betty McCollum, D-Minn.

The nickname is the subject of a long-running legal challenge from a group seeking to have the team lose its trademark protection.

Snyder has vowed that he will never change the name.

Congress has too many more important issues to deal with than a sports team's name. They should just leave Snyder and the rest of the NFL alone.
I am shocked there was ten members of congress actually working.
Complete waste of taxpayers money and if I was a Native American, I for one would embrace the fact that an NFL team was named after my people.
judgementday Wrote:Complete waste of taxpayers money and if I was a Native American, I for one would embrace the fact that an NFL team was named after my people.

They could change their names to the Washington Rednecks so I could get offended :biglmao:

In all seriousness as a lifelong skins fan I hope they never change the name.
This country has got to the point where political correctness is the only standard.
I truly hope that one day everyone will quit the bitching.

The politicians should worry about this horrible economy before they worry about the NFL.
Congress has a lot more important matter to worry about other than the name of a NFL team. They need to worry about the economy first, and the state of this country.

I hope Mr. Sydney holds to his guns and never change the name. Don't see anything bad about the name it's been around for the 50-60 years so why all of a sudden does someone want it changed? Hope he tells congress where they can stick their ideas and stay the hell out the NFL business and that of all sports.
Screw Congress. Snyder should write a letter asking them to change their name to "Incompetent Assholes."
Dumb IMO. Keep the name as the Redskins. They have history with the name.
i cant believe they would even go there, i guess after so many of the old timers come over and took THERE land by killing off everything and by KILLING who knows how many Indians,now they wont to help them out...Whatever, its just to help them out someway in the long run...
^ How did the indians get their land, that is right they killed the other indians to get it? Why do you think there were different tribes? White people are the only people that ever go to war for land or anything else.

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