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CM Punk walks out on WWE?
Anybody seen anything on this? Reports are hes livid over Batista getting the headline spot at Wrestlemania 30 and has left the company. Major loss if true.
WWE removed his DVD from netflix and unfollowed him on twitter.

Its really hard to tell at this point if its a work or not. I can see Punk coming in through the crowd and raising hell to set up Punk/HHH at mania.

Been 100 different reports on "why" he quit though.
WWE is acknowledging it never happen, So it might be legit that punk is gone, They never did mention him Monday.
He said he was tired of the part-time wrestlers that come back and leap frog full time wrestlers. Like Batista coming back and is now main eventing Wrestlemania.

Can anyone actaully blame him? I can't. I think it's ridiculous that WWE has talent backstage that isn't getting used for anything and brings in part-timer's and gives them a push more than the guys in the back.
I could understand letting the Rock by with it, Because he is one of the greatest overall talents to hit WWE. [Still talks positive about wwe and encourages fans to it even though he is doing something else with his career].

But batista no.. Hes terrible..Cant blame Punk at all if its legit.
Well.. I am anti-cm punk.
He just bored me.. I've never been a fan of his.
He's a little guy, in a real fight I could probably take him it's people like him and Rey mysterio who ruin wrestling... Let the little guy win.. Same with Daniel Bryan. I just now got back into wrestling really and every match went just the way I wanted. Couldn't believe they let orton beat cena. Everyone thinks cena is god. I hate him. Reigns from shield will be something special.
Nash is an ole warrior. The nwo gave a great taste to wcw. I hope somehow they bring it back. Dx will never be the same without all of them back. The Wyatt's is probably the best group in wwe right now.

If it was up to me I'd give the title to golddust. Lol
He is the best wrestler on the planet Ballers..

Best in the world.
Shield is the best thing yet, Too bad they are about to split..Dean Ambrose 4 life
LOL, Pro Wrestling is a W-O-R-K!!!!!!

I love CM Punk, but no, he's not right about being upset because of a part time wrestler comes in and gets to headline an event that the outcome is pre-determined! LOL at CM Punk, and LOL and anyone who thinks CM Punk has a point!

Let's get real and not be Marks guys! Pro Wrestling is 100% entertainment! So pick whatever show is your favorite show. What is it, Breaking Bad??? So, do the charecters who are under contract to "ACT" out prewritten scripts, have the right to be upset if during sweep week, the producers of Breaking Bad bring in "The Rock", a major box office attraction to try and beat the competition, get a few more viewers, and ultimately MAKE EVERYONE ON THE SHOW MOOOORRRRREEEEE MONEY!!!! Get real, and stop pretending this is wrestling, and please understand that it is "Broadway in Tights"

CM Punk is too old school for himself! I love that guys like punk want the title to really mean something, but let's get real, the title can be put on the greatest worker in history - Ric Flair, or can be put on monumental PUKES like the Great Khali!
Punk is like a God
^ LOL, yes he is! Just like Zeus, Apollo and Poseidon, he a God of mythical proportions....:biglmao:

Here I am making fun of my own most favorite form of entertainment. But I have to laugh at this one. This whole incident is truly ridiculous! I swear, if WWE thought that the Boogie Man and Bastion Booger could draw, then that would be this years WM Main Event! And if the WWE got the TV Buys for it, then more power to them! But for guys who get paid GUARENTEED contracts to act out the script, it just is mind boggling!

So, if CM Punk wants to go to ROH and be appreciated for "Honoring the Code", then I wish him luck. I won't see him, because I rarely give ROH more than 10 minutes of viewing time a year, but let him go there, make 80% less money, but be happy about where he is at on the card.....

Id join Jeff Jarrett and Toby Kieth's wrestling. What a winner than will be :eyeroll::trolldad:
AJ Lee (CM Punk's actual girlfriend in real life or at least use to be) posted on twitter that Phil a.k.a CM Punk had indeed left WWE that she didn't know what all had happened but that more would be out in the next few days and that this was not a work. She has since deleted that tweet.

I believe he's gone. He was gonna quit this summer when his contract runs out. WWE has taken his DVD off the market or whatever it was, they've unfollowed each other on twitter and he is no longer avertised for upcoming shows. He wasn't at Monday's RAW nor Tuesday's Smackdown tapings.

I don't think it's a work I believe he's gone. If for some reason that it is a work then it's the most stupidest work WWE has ever done IMO.

In away Punk is right. It's bull crap that WWE brings in part timers and gives them big pushes when they have wrestlers in the back that have been blowing it up in the ring such as Daniel Bryan (hottest wrestler right now), CM Punk, Antionio Cesaro would be good by hisself as well as Roman Reigns, that deserve pushes but aren't getting them because Vince wants to being in part timers.

Btw, I am NOT a CM Punk fan...

Bully Ray posted on twitter something about punk going to TNA. If I'm Punk I do not even consider going to that train wreck of a company. You won't get paid on time and they'll have you in 2 year long storylines for stupid reasons.
CM Punk wasn't upset about part timers, he actually likes Batista.

He's just burnt out constantly, and he's probably upset about his direction and I don't blame him there.
^ that's not what he went around saying
Strikeout King Wrote:^ that's not what he went around saying

Yeah, he's actually really good friends with Batista but, he is obviously highly upset that Batista was allowed to come back into the WWE after being gone for 5 or 6 years and get an instant title shot and headline at WrestleMania. I like Batista but, I completely agree with Punk.
Strikeout King Wrote:^ that's not what he went around saying

No SK, that is wrong. You should have said "That's not what was reported that he went around saying". Unless you can show me an interview with him, this is just another "Reported" story that usually comes up wrong when it comes from Scoops!
The news that CM Punk quits WWE has reached to the heights on numerous wrestling sites. Last time we saw CM Punk was at Royal Rumble pay-per-view in which he was eliminated by Kane. The next night on RAW, CM Punk was nowhere. Punk missed his scheduled appearance and also his next appearance at a Smackdown event in Toledo, Ohio the following day, with his name having now been

removed from all future events (bar Elimination Chamber) on the WWE website. News were surfacing that Punk told Vince McMahon that he is done and is going home. The fans are in a bit confusion that is this all a work or a shoot.

As we all know that CM Punk was injured and in that he wrestled against The Undertaker. He took a short time off and returned. CM Punk gave his best for the company and endured several injuries.
There are many reasons why Punk left WWE weeks before WrestleMania XXX.

★He was deeply frustrated over his character’s direction going in a wrong path. He wanted to be a top star but John Cena is the current. Year before he was the Longest reigning WWE Champion of the modern era, year later he is a mid-carder going in several tag matches and handicap matches.

★He was bruised up, sick and Injured. He was really depressed. He was battling injures and was generally burning out.

★Dave Meltzer reported on the latest episode of Wrestling Observer Radio that CM Punk was not happy about facing Triple H at WrestleMania. Bryan Alvarez noted the Punk felt that a feud and match with Triple H was not his idea of “a big feud and a big match.” CM Punk simply wanted to headline the main event of WrestleMania XXX.

★Past weekend, at Comic-Con he called Batista a friend, but didn’t felt that the time was right to come back because it was so unfair to take away the glory from the other wrestlers who work so hard every day.

★He doesn’t think that Sting should come to WWE because, he doesn’t have anything left in the tank and would again take away from the younger wrestlers.

Many WWE Legends spoke in favor of CM Punk that he needs rest. It will not be wrong to say Punk is one of the best wrestler. The best way should be according to my point of view is that Punk should take time off and get healed up.

Punk has apparently been seeing red over the suddenly prominent role of Batista, who he apparently sees as a part-time wrestler lacking the proper physical conditioning. Punk was apparently livid that Batista was scripted to win at the Royal Rumble, setting the stage for him to compete in the title match at WrestleMania.

Their's two, how many more do you want? They all are saying the same thing that he was peed because WWE was bring back part time wrestlers instead of pushing the younger guys in the back.
According to it wasn't the return of Batista that Punk wasn't happy about, instead it was the return of another part timer that he didn't care too much for. He also apparentley has been dealing with some nagging injuries since last year. He also wasn't too happy with the Triple H/CM Punk match at Mania and he wasn't too happy with the way his character was headed..

On a side note, did anyone see the picture floating around the net of Batista flipping off fans after winning the royal rumble when he was walking back up the ramp (RR had done gone off the air)
I don't like Punk but I don't blame him for being mad.
Casey Kulas of ESPN Cleveland ( @CaseyKulas ) noted on his Twitter that there he heard from sources at this past Monday's RAW in Cleveland that there was a heated exchange backstage between CM Punk and WWE staff.

According to Kulas, the clash had to do with Punk being diagnosed with a concussion. Punk was reportedly heard saying, "I passed all your damn concussion tests" and "I'm not going out and telling fans that BS."

Again, there are lots of stories going around as to why Punk left, so take this as a rumor for now.

"I have faith that CM Punk will end up as a major part of Wrestlemania 30. WWE is THE show, and Punk is a big enough part of THE show to be needed for Wrestlemania."

Sean Waltman a.ka. X-Pac

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