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Katrina Moment
"Rep. Henry Cuellar, a Texas Democrat, warns that President Barack Obama could be facing his own "Katrina moment" if he refuses to visit the border facilities housing Central American children.

Cuellar is among a growing number of Democrats joining a bipartisan push for Obama to take a personal look at what is being described as a "humanitarian crisis" on the border. "

Thousands of aliens from Central America, mostly minors and mothers, have been streaming over the U.S.-Mexican border and surrendering to American border agents in recent months. Parents are paying Mexican drug cartels to smuggle the children under the belief that they will be allowed to stay in the United States.

I would think Mr Obama's advisers are telling him just the opposite. Compassion among the low information voters is sufficiently aroused. News agencies, politicians and pundits from all sides, are adequately framing the crisis as a humanitarian tragedy, rather than a hysterical rush at the US border. At the same time however, a few news outlets are bringing attention to a widely held assertion. The present wave of desperate illegal immigrants are fleeing to the north in the same manner in which boat loads of Cubans were sent to America under Castro, during the illegal immigration surge of that day. Mothers and children are therefore getting help from the governments of the lands through which they must pass, not the least of which are our friends in Mexico. And, the focus over and over again is their desperate plight. I don't know any other way to break it to these guys but, folks in Mexico and Central America have been desperate for centuries, living in a perpetual state of indigency. They, their parents, their grandparents and their ancestors have never known anything else. At any rate, compassion is being stirred among the folks, and any legislator wishing to be seen as benevolent, is getting on board.

The difference in the way both waves of insurgency were dealt with is abundantly obvious. Coast Guard cutters turned many hapless immigrants back to Cuba and many were deported. While political asylum was granted to many others who could establish family connections etc. This one however, is wholesale chaos at the taxpayer's expense from the present day into perpetuity. The bill to pay for all their needs will be astronomic. Part of their "rights" entitlement package, would include housing, healthcare, job training and college expenses, all on the backs of working folks. Working folks who by the way, are straining to pay for their own children's college fees. That fact alone to me is incredible, working honest Americans pay for college, while illegals who've crashed our borders, and in the vast majority of the cases, have side stepped orders to appear in court, later are given the red carpet treatment. And the qualifier? Just one will do for liberals, they are needy.
Seems administration officials are resolute in their decision to avoid the border while in Texas. It further seems that fundraising trumps all else for Dems, except the 5:00 happy hour of course, even war in the Ukraine takes a back seat to that, LOL. Another occasion, if you will recall, was during the heat of the Benghazi debacle when again, fundraising remained firmly entrenched as the administration's top priority. Why then would we assume that the border crisis could divert the Democrat in their zeal to stuff their campaign war chest?

I would think candidates could go all-in in their fundraising efforts, without fear of any sort of criticism. However, after having been elected to the highest office in the world, I would think that responsibilities associated with the solemn oath of office, would dictate that fundraising activities should be done by others. In fact, if I wore the mantle of congressional legislator, I might very well sponsor legislation which would place severe limitations on sitting presidents to engage in fundraising activities. Likely, if Obama were half as good at governance as he is at fundraising, he'd come close to being as great a president as he thinks he is.

But, if Congress is unwilling to pass such legislation, perhaps they might consider changing the song title to "Hail to the Fundraiser".
:help: me somebody I'm beginning to agree with TheRealThing about the Border and Fundraising....just sayin :HitWall:
TheRealThing makes a whole lot of real sense, 64!!
Granny Bear Wrote:TheRealThing makes a whole lot of real sense, 64!!

I think TheRealThing for a price. Would work msnbc.Confusedhh:
Comparing Katrina to what is taking place on the border is silly political banter. ONE was a natural disaster and one is a man made one that could have been avoided.
also over 1800 people lost there lifes in katrina
nky Wrote:Comparing Katrina to what is taking place on the border is silly political banter. ONE was a natural disaster and one is a man made one that could have been avoided.

Agreed, and should have been avoided, rather than solicited. But then, attempts at governance are mostly theater these days anyway. His comparison is getting a lot of exposure but, it does show that at least some Dems are willing to uncircle the wagons at Barack's expense, just a little.

I remember certain Republican's warning that present immigration policy would entice or otherwise encourage something like this. And I remember Barack mocking them and laughing them to scorn for airing those warnings. Arrogance and statesmanship don't go hand in hand. Just like he disrespectfully mocked Romney, for suggesting that Russia was the United State's most dangerous geopolitical foe. The only people still laughing about that one are Russian.
Now if you want to ask why the government isn't helping the children flee the violence in Chicago and where is the request for billions to solve the violence in our own intercities.
nky Wrote:Now if you want to ask why the government isn't helping the children flee the violence in Chicago and where is the request for billions to solve the violence in our own intercities.

If I didn't know better, I might think police in Chicago are sort of taking a back seat to crime enforcement, especially crime that includes gun violence. Gun control is the ultimate goal for these rabid liberals, of which, Chicago Mayor Rahm Immanuel is one and a bosom buddy of our Pres. They might do it under some form of marshal law scenario due to the extreme level violence there. As has been the case in Colorado in the matter of legalized dope, once gun control is established anywhere in this land, the dominos will eventually all fall.
Chicago has the most restrictive gun laws in the country. That can't be the problem, could it?.
lexington kentucky is just as bad.:Sad04:
nky Wrote:Chicago has the most restrictive gun laws in the country. That can't be the problem, could it?.

Nope, not any more than the notion that the problem at the border is our supposed immediate need for comprehensive immigration reform. We advertised our willingness to receive all these illegals, and now they're pointing to the associated human tragedy, which is the direct result of our open solicitation. When one does not choose to enforce the laws already on the books, which are adequate BTW, it becomes obvious that they're trying to exacerbate conditions so that they can write laws more suitable to their own palates.
64SUR Wrote:lexington kentucky is just as bad.:Sad04:

Name a weekend that there were 11 murdered and 60 wounded in Lexington. For that matter, name anything remotely approaching that number in the entire history of the city.
Just heard on TV that much of the 3.7 billion Obama wants to deal with the border situation is earmarked for the PARENTS of these so called children. BTW, many of these children are actually young men older than 16. Nobody is aware of any enhancement whatever, of border control measures included within the 3.7 billion that we taxpayers must borrow from China. In other words, this money is likely to be used to give things to throngs of border crashers presently pouring across into Texas and other border states.

“President Obama created this disaster at our southern border, and now he is asking to use billions of taxpayer dollars without accountability or a plan in place to actually stop the border crisis,” said House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte. “Most of the money requested in the president’s supplemental seems geared toward processing Central Americans than stopping the surge itself.”

Read more:
Create a problem, then tell the people money will fix it. Another attempt to expand the government by the liberal progressives. $70,000 per illegal kid? come on
Anybody with a shred of common sense or half a brain, could have predicted what's gong on. If you listen to the news outlets, it's all about innocent 'kids' traveling alone. Traveling? Hellooo, it's a border crash! And FOX is certainly no exception. The vast majority of the media in fact, are wide eyed and naïve about this and other issues of the day. They just can't seem to make the hookup, what do they not understand about the word administrate, as in administration? You know, as in affecting the 'policy' one's superiors? Bosses/administrators are not going to appoint folks to management, whom they don't trust to do things as they are charged to do. In my experience, managers who don't toe the line, find themselves shipped out in a vacuum of fanfare. While they are yet being ushered out by security, their replacements with 'the vision' and a box full of personal items, have already moved into their office. So, all this mock surprise in which administration officials suggest they have "learned" about everything from the IRS to EPA overreach from the newspapers, is so laughable so as to defy description.

The more lucid have been predicting that the criminal element, yes the very one that this administration thinks doesn't exist anymore, would use the moment to take advantage of US stupidity.

"We have six minors in Nogales who have admitted to killing and doing grievous bodily injuries. One admitted to killing as young as eight years old," an agent tells Townhall anonymously for fear of losing his job for speaking out. "They are being held for placement in the U.S."

We would all do well to note that as is penned above, border agents and ICE agents are afraid they will be fired for speaking out about things they are forced to do, that run contrary to common sense and the American values ingrained within them. But getting back to tacks, that's the MS13 gang we're talking about here. Branded by many as the most vicious gang world wide. US foreign policy as interpreted recently, has sponsored the spread of monstrous elements such as this one, to potentially every population center in this country. We're paying to have criminals shipped in from out of country that make the mafia look like choir boys. They've gotten, (MS13), who knows how many of the most vicious and promising youth from among their ranks from several countries, successfully in line to be placed here in America. And, to facilitate the process in typical mindless fashion, the Red Cross has issued them cell phones. Thusly having already experienced the exhilaration of receiving some of the freebies they heard about back in their homeland. They have used said phones, not to call Mom, but to make contact with MS13 gang lords across the US, and have presumably already established themselves and gotten temporary instructions. But then of course, having been stricken by a form of anti profiling mental illness, we by lack of conviction, are prevented from jerking these murderers out of the immigration process. Under our law, they're minors and cannot be messed with in any way. At any rate, these "children" will be adults in a few years, with a guaranteed pathway to citizenship, that means every step of our demise will have been funded by our own money. LOL, I remember the criminal in the first Dirty Harry movie paying a man to beat him up. Is this what Hollywood means when they say life imitates art?

In other words. We have become such slaves to tolerance here in this land, that even gangland thugs are smart enough to use our own laws against us. The same laws the DOJ has chosen not to enforce if said laws in any way offend their ideological sensitivities. :please: Or like I like to say; they use the law to run over the law. And what justification would an administration have to circumvent existing law which obviously reflects the views and values of those who wrote them? What changed here in America? Obviously said circumvention would be based in contempt for existing law, in favor of a differing view. And what is the differing view? LIBERALISM. All it was to take to effect all the "fundamental transformation" was perhaps a leader who was arrogant enough and, who may have harbored anti-colonial views from the days of his youth and viola. You have Fast and Furious, of which the present crisis is likely ideologically part of BTW. Add to that, Benghazi, Occupy Wall Street, the dismantling of the US military, advances in abortion on demand and gay rights, the mother of all smear campaigns against Republicans who as I have mentioned, represent the will of a least half of "WE THE PEOPLE" of this nation. And, etc.

Not to belabor the point but, IMHO we have seen the ramifications of the liberal vision in both the chaos which is the domestic front and the foreign policy front. What we've been seeing are the birth pangs of something new. Not something which is born of traditional American values, but something that is based in a new ideology. That 'something' has been seen here in the US but had not ever before been implemented. And, I for one, am very uncomfortable with all of it. I would suggest that we voters could possibly abort what's coming in the mid-terms this fall. We shouldn't have to pay four times more for gasoline, electricity, healthcare and all the rest just to please the liberal element among us.

Look at it like this. When the Titanic was going down. Though those folks were put under enormous stress, yet they still realized that only so many of them could fit into a life boat. America, though blessed, cannot possibly save the entire planet from themselves. The only thing difference between here and one of these unfortunate countries, are the choices we make. We choose to approach life honorably, though that process has admittedly been diminished of late. And more importantly, up until recently, we proudly proclaimed our blessing came from God as we bowed before Him. Liberals see man as his own god, hence all of their solutions are blowing up in their faces. Let's quit voting for them.
To understand the crisis at the border in practical terms, I would submit the following. The border in some places, is designated by a mere marker or monument, not a fence. In fact, many places lack any physical barriers whatever. Therefore, the leaders of the insurgency just marshal large groups of potential illegals, say "down, set, GO", and within seconds hundreds of foreign nationals have crossed this imaginary line in the sand into our country. Having thusly crashed our border, they have hit the entitlement lotto and must by law be cared for by border authorities. This is the part where the media acts as if seeking out border authorities somehow protects them in some kind of aura of innocence. I mean to get the goodies, you gotta find "Da Man", right?

Ironically, the 3.7 billion being asked for to provide the above mentioned care, is about the same amount that would be required to erect the necessary fences and barriers, to prevent the soccer field style daily surges of humanity into our country. This is why so many congressional members are saying that we must first secure the border. Not exactly rocket science now is it? Maybe we could never stop the 'drip', but we could certainly stem the 'tide' and why is it not being done?
When the government has a shutdown over night they can block off monument s and national parks. Yet somehow we can't secure the border? Guess it's easier to put the citizens out than the illegals.
nky Wrote:When the government has a shutdown over night they can block off monument s and national parks. Yet somehow we can't secure the border? Guess it's easier to put the citizens out than the illegals.

If more people could see and therefore understand that kind of thing, maybe then they could begin to get a handle on the level of contempt liberals have for traditional America and those who love the country. In 455 AD, the barbarian Vandals relished the sacking and burning of Rome. Largely because small minded minions have always loved to see the powerful fall, even if that means chaos and anarchy where order and plenty once stood. And you can bet, liberals are relishing the overthrow of American values.

The irony of which, is the fact that the masses are being bribed with their own money to keep the destroyers of Americanism in power. The treasury will likely never recover. The US armed services are depleted and tens of thousands of the world's best, are being handed their pink slips. The EPA, IRS and DOJ are on a mission to transform. The word scary don't quite cut it.
My first thought when this issue came up was the number of kids and teens sent over from Europe during the 1800's and 1900's. Many of us whether you know it or not I'd venture to say are here thanks to the efforts of immigrants who sought a better life for their children.

Get them registered and documented. They'll become legal and pay taxes unlike the many who have crossed borders without any accountability. The welfare state needs more reformation than the immigration issue. Tackling disability fraud, and getting able bodied poor back to work and off welfare is key!

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
Spirit100 Wrote:My first thought when this issue came up was the number of kids and teens sent over from Europe during the 1800's and 1900's. Many of us whether you know it or not I'd venture to say are here thanks to the efforts of immigrants who sought a better life for their children.

Get them registered and documented. They'll become legal and pay taxes unlike the many who have crossed borders without any accountability. The welfare state needs more reformation than the immigration issue. Tackling disability fraud, and getting able bodied poor back to work and off welfare is key!

You're a good guy Spirit, and it is not my intention to in any way alienate you. But consider this. We began advertising for illegal immigrants when Obama passed his own Dream Act, in 2012. To your points, to my knowledge they didn't have welfare during the 18 and early 1900's, so said immigrants had to hit the ground running. Not merely report in for 5 to 10 years worth of lavish entitlements. According to history, these folks were honest, eager to work to get ahead, and willing to serve in the military. Oh, and one more thing, they immigrated here legally.

Executive Summary

Unlawful immigration and amnesty for current unlawful immigrants can pose large fiscal costs for U.S. taxpayers. Government provides four types of benefits and services that are relevant to this issue:
Direct benefits. These include Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance, and workers’ compensation.
Means-tested welfare benefits. There are over 80 of these programs which, at a cost of nearly $900 billion per year, provide cash, food, housing, medical, and other services to roughly 100 million low-income Americans. Major programs include Medicaid, food stamps, the refundable Earned Income Tax Credit, public housing, Supplemental Security Income, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
Public education. At a cost of $12,300 per pupil per year, these services are largely free or heavily subsidized for low-income parents.
Population-based services. Police, fire, highways, parks, and similar services, as the National Academy of Sciences determined in its study of the fiscal costs of immigration, generally have to expand as new immigrants enter a community; someone has to bear the cost of that expansion.

Total US debt will be passing the 18 trillion dollar mark later this year. In a bit of irony, we must borrow the 4 billion Obama is asking for to support the current wave of immigrants. To put that into perspective, it takes 32 years for only one billion seconds to tick away. It would take 32 thousand years for one trillion seconds to tick away. (According to some, that could be far more years than the total time of Creation. And, we owe 18 times that amount) But incredibly, the US borrows a staggering 52 thousand dollars a second. We owe an impossibly large amount of money and there is no end in sight to the trillion dollar a year borrowing spree. To make matters worse, I don't know about most folks, but God willing, I intend to live for a while. That being the case, by 2016 the CBO says the Social Security Fund will begin running a deficit. So, maybe you can tell me, since this administration has already syphoned off 750 billion dollars a year from medicare in order to pay for ObamaCare, are we further going to drain away our senior's life blood in the form of social security funds so that we can give it instead to people who aren't even of this country? Additionally, where are all these folks going to work? The current labor force participation rate is a very anemic 62.8 percent.

Student debt topped one trillion in 2014 for the first time ever. Great kids are racking up enough debt to buy a house before they even hit the workforce. And, the ramifications of the new healthcare initiative will double that burden. Illegals get all that handed to them. We already have 50 million on food stamps. In short, the engine which sustains and funds all this world outreach is the US working public, I still call the process taxation. I think we have to ask ourselves a very hard question. Like those who perished when the Titanic went down understood all too well, despite infinite compassion, only so many people can get in a life boat. Do we want to save all that we can, or do we overload the life boat until it sinks and let everybody drown?
Several shows on FOX News have been reporting that there have been over 670 thousand crimes committed against Texans by illegal immigrants over the past 7 years. I suppose like Benjamin Netanyahu, Rick Perry has had enough of the administrative efforts to force him to exercise restraint. If one can believe the news, both Texas and Israel are under siege by destructive forces that threaten the safety of their citizenry. Folks, when one no longer feels safe, that is no longer freedom. In fact, the primary function of your federal government is to defend this nation's citizenry against all forms of threat, both foreign and as is the case in Texas, domestic. I can only imagine the anxiety of Texans whose daily routines are overshadowed by the threat of violent crime. Moms and Dads trying to earn a living are worried about the safety of their kids at school and each other. And, who knows what new threat may have crossed the border into Texas during the night?

There's a reason that each state has a national guard. "The Army National Guard (ARNG), in conjunction with the Air National Guard, are the primary United States federal and state military reserve force. They are simultaneously part of two different organizations, the National Guard of the Several States, Territories and the District of Columbia (also referred to as the Militia of the United States), and the National Guard of the United States. The Army National Guard is divided into subordinate units stationed in each of the 50 states, three territories and the District of Columbia, and operate under their respective governors." [2]WIKI

One could hardly fault Governor Perry for calling up guardsmen in an effort to stem the invasion. The whole idea of living in sovereign America is the guarantee of safety. Life in an orderly and lawful society where Mom and Dad can get up and get the kids off to safe schools and where they can report to work in safe work environments. All of this in a land where equality of opportunity is guaranteed to everybody who is here legally. By contrast, not the present day land of special interests, where classes, minorities and in many cases immigrants, are afforded life's needs by government, at the expense of those deemed to be little more than pinatas or cash cows. The media have done their job to at least one extent, in widely exposing the fact that terrorist sleeper cell members and lone wolf insurgents such as Boston Bomber and illegal immigrant Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, are here on the taxpayer dime.
"Thousands of illegal juvenile immigrants from Central America do not show up for their deportation hearings across the country, the Justice Department estimates, the Dallas Morning News reported.

Eighteen out of 20 unaccompanied migrant children from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador failed to turn up for their immigration hearing in Dallas one day this week, the newspaper said."

Amazing isn't it? Republicans keep trying to warn the nation, and that this is just a way to get these people in here and on the taxpayer dime. There are a few things we can derive from this. First, the Republicans are right. Second, the afore mentioned illegals have no regard for the law (hence the illegal designation). Third, they will be allowed to vote, because as we all know, liberals are foursquare against voter ID's and the DOJ is sworn to keep this land voter ID-less. Illegals have been taught to believe they will continue to stay in this country on the taxpayer dime, as long as they vote Democrat. How much more obvious can it get?

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