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While we're at it... More questions and predictions?
A few questions/predictions:

What will the House makeup be after tonight? 240-195 GOP majority.

What will the GOP leadership look like? Boehner will remain the speaker. Unsure of majority leader, but you can be sure that Paul Ryan will remain the budget chief.

Will Nancy Pelosi be removed from power? After her unsuccessful attempts at reclaiming the house, in fact, losing more seats... it'd be hard to justify her staying at the helm. With a more conservative electorate, and house membership... the democrats might consider a blue-dog challenger to San Fransico Liberalism.

Will Harry Reid be removed from power? With all the talk from young democrats and conservative state dems, it looks as if Harry Reid's days are numbered. When he came to power, the democrats projected him as a conservative democrat from a conservative state. Anti-Abortion, anti-gay marriage, pro-guns, and fiscally conserative. While some of that is true, he has been the force behind the progressive movement. A movement that ends tonight.

Will Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Rubio, and Sessions "smartly salute" and rubber stamp the McConnell Machine's rise to leadership? If I were them, I'd offer to stand with Mitch if I could extract some concessions from him. Its important the republican party get firmly behind their leadership, to unite the conservative movement --- but not at the expense of 'compassionate conservatism'. Debt reduction, confirmations, amendment reform, foreign policy course correction, and protecting constitutional liberties should be part of the package.

Joe Biden announced this week that they were 'ready to compromise' with the GOP. Thats nice to hear, but why start now? Taking him at his word.... what do you think the administration is ready to compromise on, and how will they work with the entirely republican congress? I suspect tax reform, debt reduction, and better consultation with congress will be at the top of the agenda.
If Republicans are smart, and there is not much evidence of that, they will not even try to compromise with Obama until after they force Obama to veto a large stack of bills. Once Obama sees his poll numbers nosediving because of his obstructionism, then Republicans can begin negotiating compromises from a position of strength. Of course, I expect McConnell and the Republicans to start negotiating against themselves so that they can get bad legislation passed.
I predict Ted Cruz will continue to be a thorn in McConnell's side but he has earned some favors with his strong campaigning on behalf of several Senate candidates, including some who had defeated Tea Party candidates in primaries.
Reagan, welcome back!

To post my thoughts to your questions...

1. Fully agree about the house - I think we see a small GOP gain there.

2. GOP leadership unchanged in the house, with Ryan as the budget chief.

3. Nancy Pelosi removed from power? Can't see it but certainly wouldn't complain!

4. I just can't see the Republicans fully gaining the senate back...I see something like 49-49-2 in the leadership with VP Biden having to decide who the house leader is. Whether or not that is Reid, I don't know.

5. If I were Ted Cruz and company, I would pick and choose my battles. As you mentioned, Reagan, I would definitely show a form of unity with the leadership. I think a lot of people (AKA - media) have exaggerated the Republican party infighting. I consider it a good sign, that the Republicans aren't going to bow down to their leadership on every little issue as the democrats do.

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