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Iraq WMD's Were There After All
"Numerous US troops found and were exposed to chemical weapons while serving in Iraq after the 2003 invasion of the country, and they were plagued by not only the terrible after effects, but substandard medical care and little recognition after the military attempted to keep the discovery of the munitions a secret.

In a long expose highlighting the "secret U.S. casualties" posted Tuesday evening at The New York Times, journalist C.J. Chivers brings to light what has been suppressed for years by military officials. Between 2004 and 2010, according to the Times, soldiers found thousands of rusty, corroded chemical munitions throughout Iraq, though all were manufactured before 1991.

“I love it when I hear, ‘Oh there weren’t any chemical weapons in Iraq,’ ” former Army Sgt. Jarrod L. Taylor told Chivers. “There were plenty.”
Read more:

They knew there were chemical weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I didn't agree with George W on a range of things including lax immigration controls. But, Democrat controlled Congressional committees and leaders politicized the issue then, and are still at it in 2014.
I told you so!
Olé honest gw
They said it wasn't the ones GW was looking for, but old ones from the 80's war with Iran. They could still make you sick, not nearly the deadly form they were in the 80's. I'll find the site I saw it on this morning.
Quote:American troops who fought in Iraq were injured after exposure to chemical weapons abandoned by Saddam Hussein, the New York Times reported Tuesday night. The Pentagon “suppressed” the finds of the weapons, the paper said.

These were not the “weapons of mass destruction” the George W. Bush administration used to justify invading Iraq in 2003. Rather, the Times said, the troops were injured when they stumbled across old, often corroded shells and warheads procured for use in the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s.

The weapons were not the military threat to the United States described by the Bush administration. But the deadly sarin and mustard gas agents troops found were potent enough to cause injury, the paper reported. Unaware of the munitions’ content — which sometimes spilled on to their clothes and skin — as many as 17 soldiers were exposed, and some received haphazard, inadequate medical care.
But they were WMD's?

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
-- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002
nky Wrote:But they were WMD's?

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
-- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002
Yes, but not usable ones. The were old, rusty ones from the 80's, that BTW were supplied to Iraq by the US, to help fight Iran. They were not the ones that Bush spoke of, that put us in the 2nd Iraq war.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yes, but not usable ones. The were old, rusty ones from the 80's, that BTW were supplied to Iraq by the US, to help fight Iran. They were not the ones that Bush spoke of, that put us in the 2nd Iraq war.

Don't say these were supplied by the US! You, to make up you own stupid BS agenda is painting the picture of OUR neighbors, sons, daughters, fathers and mothers on the US poisoning their OWN! You arrogant ass, there is NOTHING that says this was supplied by the US! Western governments is all that is listed, and even at that, where is the proof that is was supplied by a Western Government?

Bottomline - this is the part of the Washington Post article that you conveniently left out as you made up your own Bullshit comment about the US:

“The secrecy fit a pattern,” Chivers also wrote. “Since the outset of the war, the scale of the United States’ encounters with chemical weapons in Iraq was neither publicly shared nor widely circulated within the military. These encounters carry worrisome implications now that the Islamic State…controls much of the territory where the weapons were found.”

That appears to be the FACT! Chemical weapons are chemical weapons. You arrogantly state that these are not the one's GW was looking for! How the F*$^ do you know what they were looking for? These are chemical weapons that obviously still had the potency to hurt REAL Americans! You can be for or against the war, but the fact that that OUR people and the people of that region were threatened by a REAL threat! We went there to eliminate that threat, we found that threat, and WE, REAL AMERICANS were affected by that threat. And who hid that fact? Your hatred for the people of this country is appalling! Others play your game out of boredom, but you are a true American hater!
Stardust Wrote:Don't say these were supplied by the US! You, to make up you own stupid BS agenda is painting the picture of OUR neighbors, sons, daughters, fathers and mothers on the US poisoning their OWN! You arrogant ass, there is NOTHING that says this was supplied by the US! Western governments is all that is listed, and even at that, where is the proof that is was supplied by a Western Government?


Bottomline - this is the part of the Washington Post article that you conveniently left out as you made up your own Bullshit comment about the US:

“The secrecy fit a pattern,” Chivers also wrote. “Since the outset of the war, the scale of the United States’ encounters with chemical weapons in Iraq was neither publicly shared nor widely circulated within the military. These encounters carry worrisome implications now that the Islamic State…controls much of the territory where the weapons were found.”

That appears to be the FACT! Chemical weapons are chemical weapons. You arrogantly state that these are not the one's GW was looking for! How the F*$^ do you know what they were looking for? These are chemical weapons that obviously still had the potency to hurt REAL Americans! You can be for or against the war, but the fact that that OUR people and the people of that region were threatened by a REAL threat! We went there to eliminate that threat, we found that threat, and WE, REAL AMERICANS were affected by that threat. And who hid that fact? Your hatred for the people of this country is appalling! Others play your game out of boredom, but you are a true American hater!
Wow, does QQ let you talk to people like this? Don't be an ass Dusty. Your momma needs a bar of soap for your mouth.
Stardust Wrote:Don't say these were supplied by the US! You, to make up you own stupid BS agenda is painting the picture of OUR neighbors, sons, daughters, fathers and mothers on the US poisoning their OWN! You arrogant ass, there is NOTHING that says this was supplied by the US! Western governments is all that is listed, and even at that, where is the proof that is was supplied by a Western Government?

Bottomline - this is the part of the Washington Post article that you conveniently left out as you made up your own Bullshit comment about the US:

“The secrecy fit a pattern,” Chivers also wrote. “Since the outset of the war, the scale of the United States’ encounters with chemical weapons in Iraq was neither publicly shared nor widely circulated within the military. These encounters carry worrisome implications now that the Islamic State…controls much of the territory where the weapons were found.”

That appears to be the FACT! Chemical weapons are chemical weapons. You arrogantly state that these are not the one's GW was looking for! How the F*$^ do you know what they were looking for? These are chemical weapons that obviously still had the potency to hurt REAL Americans! You can be for or against the war, but the fact that that OUR people and the people of that region were threatened by a REAL threat! We went there to eliminate that threat, we found that threat, and WE, REAL AMERICANS were affected by that threat. And who hid that fact? Your hatred for the people of this country is appalling! Others play your game out of boredom, but you are a true American hater!
You seem to have a bad way of dealing with posters.

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Quote:Participants in the chemical weapons discoveries said the United States suppressed knowledge of finds for multiple reasons, including that the government bristled at further acknowledgment it had been wrong. “They needed something to say that after Sept. 11 Saddam used chemical rounds,” Mr. Lampier said. “And all of this was from the pre-1991 era.”
Others pointed to another embarrassment. In five of six incidents in which troops were wounded by chemical agents, the munitions appeared to have been designed in the United States, manufactured in Europe and filled in chemical agent production lines built in Iraq by Western companies.

Quote:Nonproliferation officials said the Pentagon’s handling of many of the recovered warheads and shells appeared to violate the Convention on Chemical Weapons. According to this convention, chemical weapons must be secured, reported and destroyed in an exacting and time-consuming fashion.
The Pentagon did not follow the steps, but says that it adhered to the convention’s spirit. “These suspect weapons were recovered under circumstances in which prompt destruction was dictated by the need to ensure that the chemical weapons could not threaten the Iraqi people, neighboring states, coalition forces, or the environment,” said Jennifer Elzea, a Pentagon spokeswoman.
What administration was this Pentagon headed by, that was hiding information on these old 80's era weapons.
Stardust Wrote:Don't say these were supplied by the US! You, to make up you own stupid BS agenda is painting the picture of OUR neighbors, sons, daughters, fathers and mothers on the US poisoning their OWN! You arrogant ass, there is NOTHING that says this was supplied by the US! Western governments is all that is listed, and even at that, where is the proof that is was supplied by a Western Government?

Bottomline - this is the part of the Washington Post article that you conveniently left out as you made up your own Bullshit comment about the US:

“The secrecy fit a pattern,” Chivers also wrote. “Since the outset of the war, the scale of the United States’ encounters with chemical weapons in Iraq was neither publicly shared nor widely circulated within the military. These encounters carry worrisome implications now that the Islamic State…controls much of the territory where the weapons were found.”

That appears to be the FACT! Chemical weapons are chemical weapons. You arrogantly state that these are not the one's GW was looking for! How the F*$^ do you know what they were looking for? These are chemical weapons that obviously still had the potency to hurt REAL Americans! You can be for or against the war, but the fact that that OUR people and the people of that region were threatened by a REAL threat! We went there to eliminate that threat, we found that threat, and WE, REAL AMERICANS were affected by that threat. And who hid that fact? Your hatred for the people of this country is appalling! Others play your game out of boredom, but you are a true American hater!

Good post. RV doesn't get it. Drilling holes in the boat because you hate those you're sailing with is the politics of the day.
TheRealThing Wrote:Good post. RV doesn't get it. Drilling holes in the boat because you hate those you're sailing with is the politics of the day.
I supplied two fact filled links, that have easily searchable facts about the US/Iraq relationship, pre 1990's. I'm not drilling any holes, just bringing to light stuff you guys want to keep hidden. I did hate the 2nd Iraq war, because it was based on lies and false information. You guys are quick to think that any weapon the troops found, even though they were old dilapidated weapons from the 80's, were the ones Bush was looking for, but want to hide the fact that the US had involvement in suppling them, back when we had better relations in Iraq. 4800 of our kids got killed because of the Bush administration. You are quick to defend your friend Dusty, and his slamming me,
Quote:You, to make up you own stupid BS agenda is painting the picture of OUR neighbors, sons, daughters, fathers and mothers on the US poisoning their OWN! You arrogant ass, there is NOTHING that says this was supplied by the US! Western governments is all that is listed, and even at that, where is the proof that is was supplied by a Western Government?
because of posting some information that tells exactly where my info comes from. You guys say you care for our kids that were over there, yet you refuse to acknowledge that Bush/Cheney got those 4800 kids killed. The fact is, Iraq had no usable WMD's when we went there, and all that was found, according to the Pentagon's own words, were rusty, dilapidated, old munitions.

Quote:The United States had gone to war declaring it must destroy an active weapons of mass destruction program. Instead, American troops gradually found and ultimately suffered from the remnants of long-abandoned programs, built in close collaboration with the West.
^ It is a disgrace to the 850,000 American soldiers who have died in combat for the sake of the United States of America, and the 1.5M soldiers who have been wounded on every continent of the world all for the sake of keeping America free to allow the hate mongers like yourself call himself an american! Those 2M+ plus soldiers fought for not only the perseverance of the American way, but for the freedoms of death and persecution of those who who were killing MILLIONS of innocent and oppressed individuals. Those 4,800 US military men and women gave their lives freely to allow you to disgrace their mission and their purpose! ALL PARTIES sent these soldiers to death and mutilation, there is NO SINGLE ADMINISTRATION WHO EVER KILLED A SINGLE SOLDIER! EVERY PARTY VOTED YES TO THE EXACT SAME INFORMATION!
TheRealVille Wrote:I supplied two fact filled links, that have easily searchable facts about the US/Iraq relationship, pre 1990's. I'm not drilling any holes, just bringing to light stuff you guys want to keep hidden. I did hate the 2nd Iraq war, because it was based on lies and false information. You guys are quick to think that any weapon the troops found, even though they were old dilapidated weapons from the 80's, were the ones Bush was looking for, but want to hide the fact that the US had involvement in suppling them, back when we had better relations in Iraq. 4800 of our kids got killed because of the Bush administration. You are quick to defend your friend Dusty, and his slamming me, because of posting some information that tells exactly where my info comes from. You guys say you care for our kids that were over there, yet you refuse to acknowledge that Bush/Cheney got those 4800 kids killed. The fact is, Iraq had no usable WMD's when we went there, and all that was found, according to the Pentagon's own words, were rusty, dilapidated, old munitions.

My criticism of Democrats are based on fundamental principles on two fronts. First, is the fact that they think nothing of lying and besmirching the collective reputations of their counterparts across the aisle. Democrats do this in order to degrade the public's perception of Republicans so that they can attain and retain the power of office. The personal attack alleviates today's candidate of the once required investment of the disciplines of fairness, statesmanship and an understanding of issues that, until the age of the modern Democrat which began in earnest with the Bill Clinton Presidency, characterized the behavior of most politicians. For example, this election season 5 billion dollars have been spent on negative campaigning. If Barack Obama has ever taken the podium and not blamed Republicans for all our ills, I've not heard it. I was there when it all started, (I called out Clinton but things banged second gear during the Reagan Presidency) and watching it go down has been the source of much vexation and concern for the well being of our country.

Second, is the apparent willingness to run over established law for the "light and transient causes", as addressed in "The Declaration of Independence."
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

The point is this. There have always been those who would water down, obscure and conflate the true intent and meaning of the US Constitution. The only way we Americans have managed to survive the test of time is by resisting the clamor for exception and change to the American model established by the founding fathers. The Democrats, supposedly known for flexibility, in our day care for only one thing. Exceptions. Reasons why you and I have to be strictly subjected to the law, but somehow minorities and special interests do not. They are therefore given exceptions to the law because of this monster we call social justice.

George W Bush did not lie to the Congress. When one looks at the premise of the liberal argument, which you have adopted as your own, with an unbiased eye, it doesn't make much sense. On the one hand, you contend that George W duped the Congress with lies so that he could lead the US to war. On the other, you contend those same members of Congress who during the last Presidential era were not smart enough to pick off that obvious ruse, are now nearly infallible. They now know everything and Americans should only listen to Democrats. You never even attempted to explain how not one single whistle blower has come forth to spill the beans with regard to this conspiracy of lies and false information you allege took place. I mean, you know somebody would have stepped up if W had done what you charge.

The framework of fabrication woven by the left to establish their case against George W is intricate enough to give the illusion of credibility, I never disputed that. However, If one was alive and paying attention as I was, then he knows what really happened. All of the WMD's they found were a decade newer than this argument is. But all of the WMD's in question were certainly not of the 80's era. Some of them, no doubt were but, this is how the left takes liberties with the facts to make their case seem more credible. In any case, the whole deal is a smoke screen designed to give cover to the Democrats that were all-in to invade Iraq. IMHO, it is nothing short of unpatriotic to blame Republicans for something they did publicly from the floor of both houses and is further a matter of public record. You might sell the rationale to those looking for a reason to justify their politics, but you'll never convince those who truly love their country and have sacrificed for it.
TheRealThing Wrote:My criticism of Democrats are based on fundamental principles on two fronts. First, is the fact that they think nothing of lying and besmirching the collective reputations of their counterparts across the aisle. Democrats do this in order to degrade the public's perception of Republicans so that they can attain and retain the power of office. The personal attack alleviates today's candidate of the once required investment of the disciplines of fairness, statesmanship and an understanding of issues that, until the age of the modern Democrat which began in earnest with the Bill Clinton Presidency, characterized the behavior of most politicians. For example, this election season 5 billion dollars have been spent on negative campaigning. If Barack Obama has ever taken the podium and not blamed Republicans for all our ills, I've not heard it. I was there when it all started, (I called out Clinton but things banged second gear during the Reagan Presidency) and watching it go down has been the source of much vexation and concern for the well being of our country.

Second, is the apparent willingness to run over established law for the "light and transient causes", as addressed in "The Declaration of Independence."
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

The point is this. There have always been those who would water down, obscure and conflate the true intent and meaning of the US Constitution. The only way we Americans have managed to survive the test of time is by resisting the clamor for exception and change to the American model established by the founding fathers. The Democrats, supposedly known for flexibility, in our day care for only one thing. Exceptions. Reasons why you and I have to be strictly subjected to the law, but somehow minorities and special interests do not. They are therefore given exceptions to the law because of this monster we call social justice.

George W Bush did not lie to the Congress. When one looks at the premise of the liberal argument, which you have adopted as your own, with an unbiased eye, it doesn't make much sense. On the one hand, you contend that George W duped the Congress with lies so that he could lead the US to war. On the other, you contend those same members of Congress who during the last Presidential era were not smart enough to pick off that obvious ruse, are now nearly infallible. They now know everything and Americans should only listen to Democrats. You never even attempted to explain how not one single whistle blower has come forth to spill the beans with regard to this conspiracy of lies and false information you allege took place. I mean, you know somebody would have stepped up if W had done what you charge.

The framework of fabrication woven by the left to establish their case against George W is intricate enough to give the illusion of credibility, I never disputed that. However, If one was alive and paying attention as I was, then he knows what really happened. All of the WMD's they found were a decade newer than this argument is. But all of the WMD's in question were certainly not of the 80's era. Some of them, no doubt were but, this is how the left takes liberties with the facts to make their case seem more credible. In any case, the whole deal is a smoke screen designed to give cover to the Democrats that were all-in to invade Iraq. IMHO, it is nothing short of unpatriotic to blame Republicans for something they did publicly from the floor of both houses and is further a matter of public record. You might sell the rationale to those looking for a reason to justify their politics, but you'll never convince those who truly love their country and have sacrificed for it.
At least, thanks for a respectful response, unlike what your childlike, compadre does.
Stardust Wrote:^ It is a disgrace to the 850,000 American soldiers who have died in combat for the sake of the United States of America, and the 1.5M soldiers who have been wounded on every continent of the world all for the sake of keeping America free to allow the hate mongers like yourself call himself an american! Those 2M+ plus soldiers fought for not only the perseverance of the American way, but for the freedoms of death and persecution of those who who were killing MILLIONS of innocent and oppressed individuals. Those 4,800 US military men and women gave their lives freely to allow you to disgrace their mission and their purpose! ALL PARTIES sent these soldiers to death and mutilation, there is NO SINGLE ADMINISTRATION WHO EVER KILLED A SINGLE SOLDIER! EVERY PARTY VOTED YES TO THE EXACT SAME INFORMATION!

-Iraq's noncompliance with the conditions of the 1991 ceasefire agreement, including interference with U.N. weapons inspectors.
-Iraq "continuing to possess and develop a significant chemical and biological weapons capability" and "actively seeking a nuclear weapons capability" posed a "threat to the national security of the United States and international peace and security in the Persian Gulf region."
-Iraq's "brutal repression of its civilian population."
-Iraq's "capability and willingness to use weapons of mass destruction against other nations and its own people".
-Iraq's hostility towards the United States as demonstrated by the 1993 assassination attempt on former President George H. W. Bush and firing on coalition aircraft enforcing the no-fly zones following the 1991 Gulf War.
-Members of al-Qaeda, an organization bearing responsibility for attacks on the United States, its citizens, and interests, including the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, are known to be in Iraq.
-Iraq's "continu[ing] to aid and harbor other international terrorist organizations," including anti-United States terrorist organizations.
-Iraq paid bounty to families of suicide bombers.
-The efforts by the Congress and the President to fight terrorists, and those who aided or harbored them.
-The authorization by the Constitution and the Congress for the President to fight anti-United States terrorism.
-The governments in Turkey, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia feared Saddam and wanted him removed from power.
-Citing the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998, the resolution reiterated that it should be the policy of the United States to remove the Saddam Hussein regime and promote a democratic replacement.

Lets be clear about the reason for the war in Iraq. I'm so tired of hearing it was 'only about WMD' that wasn't found. Its certainly not the truth. Read the resolution. It includes all the reasons above.

Iraq was in possession of tons of WMD. Some declared, some undeclared. Much of it was supposed to be destroyed after the 1991 UN Coalition war. I've seen WMD with my own eyes. Bunkers, completely full of it. The War resolution discusses this.

I wish that those who have not been there, or don't ever plan on protecting our nation themselves, would just hush about it.

It doesn't matter who gave them the weapons, or helped them develop them. Its much like if I had a gun, and let you borrow it... then you committed a mass murder, is it my fault?

"two bunkers with filled and unfilled chemical weapons munitions, some precursors, as well as five former chemical weapons production facilities". Thats what the Iraq government presently reports they have in their possession. Have they made these since the 2003 invasion? No. They included them in the 2009 report to the Chemical Weapons Convention, which they are members of today. We know weapons exist, existed, and will continue to exist.

Debate is over.

We ridded the world of Saddam, and gave them democracy. Obama gave us ISIS.
ronald reagan Wrote:-Iraq's noncompliance with the conditions of the 1991 ceasefire agreement, including interference with U.N. weapons inspectors.
-Iraq "continuing to possess and develop a significant chemical and biological weapons capability" and "actively seeking a nuclear weapons capability" posed a "threat to the national security of the United States and international peace and security in the Persian Gulf region."
-Iraq's "brutal repression of its civilian population."
-Iraq's "capability and willingness to use weapons of mass destruction against other nations and its own people".
-Iraq's hostility towards the United States as demonstrated by the 1993 assassination attempt on former President George H. W. Bush and firing on coalition aircraft enforcing the no-fly zones following the 1991 Gulf War.
-Members of al-Qaeda, an organization bearing responsibility for attacks on the United States, its citizens, and interests, including the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, are known to be in Iraq.
-Iraq's "continu[ing] to aid and harbor other international terrorist organizations," including anti-United States terrorist organizations.
-Iraq paid bounty to families of suicide bombers.
-The efforts by the Congress and the President to fight terrorists, and those who aided or harbored them.
-The authorization by the Constitution and the Congress for the President to fight anti-United States terrorism.
-The governments in Turkey, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia feared Saddam and wanted him removed from power.
-Citing the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998, the resolution reiterated that it should be the policy of the United States to remove the Saddam Hussein regime and promote a democratic replacement.

Lets be clear about the reason for the war in Iraq. I'm so tired of hearing it was 'only about WMD' that wasn't found. Its certainly not the truth. Read the resolution. It includes all the reasons above.

Iraq was in possession of tons of WMD. Some declared, some undeclared. Much of it was supposed to be destroyed after the 1991 UN Coalition war. I've seen WMD with my own eyes. Bunkers, completely full of it. The War resolution discusses this.

I wish that those who have not been there, or don't ever plan on protecting our nation themselves, would just hush about it.

It doesn't matter who gave them the weapons, or helped them develop them. Its much like if I had a gun, and let you borrow it... then you committed a mass murder, is it my fault?

"two bunkers with filled and unfilled chemical weapons munitions, some precursors, as well as five former chemical weapons production facilities". Thats what the Iraq government presently reports they have in their possession. Have they made these since the 2003 invasion? No. They included them in the 2009 report to the Chemical Weapons Convention, which they are members of today. We know weapons exist, existed, and will continue to exist.

Debate is over.

We ridded the world of Saddam, and gave them democracy. Obama gave us ISIS.

Great post. Liberal Democrats took the events and actions of that day, and of which to some appreciable extent you saw with your own eyes, and made anti-Republican political spin out it. This in direct contradiction to what many of us saw going down in real time or what is clearly a matter of public record.

I believe the lies and spin have done far more damage to this country than any war has ever come close to doing. Much of what Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito et-al could not manage to do in the last great war, has been accomplished knowingly or unknowingly by short sighted mental midgets in the Congress. Many of America's greatest enemies are home grown products of the liberal classroom or otherwise deluded by the main stream media.

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