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McConnell Tells Gov's To Ignore EPA
Ive been gone for a couple of weeks, and im surprised this hasn't made it on here.

Thank you Mr. Majority Leader. For months during the McConnell/Barbie campaign, I watched liberals stand firm in calling out conservative McConnell supporters in this state by asking what McConnell has done for the coal and power industry in this state that he so often campaigns on.

Well, the answer is this. We gave a KY senator the power to lead the senate, and give ourselves a voice instead of a rookie liberal whos ideals would have never been listened to.
I don't expect many, or any Gov's for that matter to take up in support of this, including our own waste of breath Mr Brashear, but calling them out and getting it in the public is the first step.

Personally I am thrilled that we have an asshole like McConnell with enough balls to send a letter out like this more or less telling states to break Obamas illegal laws. Lets hope this translates into further success.

Ill leave an article, and to make it fair, I will make it a liberal one from Ms. Maddow's place over at MSNBC because it was of course the first thing that popped up.

Lets get this myth debunked and continue using what we got.
I am glad that McConnell won the election over his clueless opponent, but I am not thrilled that such a weasel as McConnell is the Majority Leader. McConnell and Boehner are almost as much of a problem in DC as Obama. Obama could not have done half the damage to this country if it had not been for Republicans putting such spineless weasels in leadership as the dynamic dunces.

There are many similarities between McConnell, Boehner, and Obama. Like Obama, the two Republican "leaders" find it much easier to crucify people who should be their allies than it is to punish the real enemies of this country.

It does not take any courage for McConnell to urge state governors to ignore the EPA. They are the ones who will have to answer for defying the EPA and they will not be able to count on McConnell when the going gets tough. McConnell lacks the guts to stand up to Obama on budget matters and he stabs conservatives like Ted Cruz in the back at every opportunity. McConnell is nothing but a political hack whose political cowardice has helped make Obama the monster that he is.

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