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HOW many people are tired of hearing will Manning do it?
I know I am. On every sports channel all you hear is will Manning do it or be another Dan Marino. I'm sorry but they is no comparison Manning is alot better. I'm sorry!
I hope he wins it.
Yea but all the talk is just too much we know he can hes great...
Dan Marino was a great QB as well. Manning better do it this time, because you don't get many chances in the NFL unless your name is Brady, Montana, etc.
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I would like to see him win it and get the gorilla off his back.
Estaban Esteves Wrote:I know I am. On every sports channel all you hear is will Manning do it or be another Dan Marino. I'm sorry but they is no comparison Manning is alot better. I'm sorry!

It doesn't matter how good he is if he can't win the big one........ I'm not tired of hearing it because, until he wins the big one, he's just another average quarterback who always chokes......... he's had the best offense in the league the past 6(?) years
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
I'm tired of hearing it cause I KNOW he will.
BFritz Wrote:It doesn't matter how good he is if he can't win the big one........ I'm not tired of hearing it because, until he wins the big one, he's just another average quarterback who always chokes......... he's had the best offense in the league the past 6(?) years
Would you call Marino average?
A son of a millionaire born with a silver spoon in his mouth oh he will just die if he dont get a ring,,,,give me a break..
I know this isnt the topic of the thread and Ill go waaaaaaaaay off topic but IMO, Manning isnt near the quarterback that Marino was. Manning had more weapons at his disposal, and he had something that Marino never did have, a running game. He's had James and even now, Addai to hand off to when defenses are covering his recievers. Marino NEVER had a running game close to the one they have even right now. Give Marino the weapons that Manning has, and see what his stats would have been. Manning has been good, but IMO, he is the third best QB never to win a superbowl, behind Marino and Dan Fouts. That may change tonight however, but I still dont think he's as good as those guys.
Manning does care and sure doesn't act like a person who has had a silver spoon in his mouth! Any person who knows about football or Peyton Manning will tell you that!
He wants a ring as bad an anyone on that field tonight. And I hope he gets it to.
Wel no need to be tired, like we all said, HE DID IT!
Congrats Manning!
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:Would you call Marino average?

Marino wasn't surrounded with the talent Manning is........ nowhere near the amount of talent that Manning is
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Well Manning has a ring and great stats to go with it all of his surrounding talent!
yeah this post is pretty much irrelevant now, lol
but, IMO, Marino was still the better quarterback.....JMO though, lol
well......we will never know excatly whos better Marino or Manning but maybe manning will get it together and go to another superbowl and show us all what he's made of before hes to old but for now he has a year of bragin rights and i would definately live it up because regardless of all the talk Manning is the man and we all know it i hope he goes right back next year so everyone well let him be great and no he wasn't surrounded by a bunch of talent maybe Marvin harrison who was probably about the best around him and the running game is so opon for your information because they were dropping into coverage as soon as it was snapped i watched the game and the other guys around him are average and he makes them look dont get me started
I guess you think Manning is better than Marino was because Manning broke his TD pass record. That pass record is BS, how many TD's did Manning throw and it 1st and goal from the 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1 yard line. That's ridiculous. Manning is the smartest QB to probably ever play the game, but he isn't the best. I'm glad he got his ring cause I was sick of hearin all that crap. Let me ask you this Estaban, do you think Tom Brady has had more talent on his teams than Manning, NO WAY... And he has won 3 rings and should have had #4 yesterday.
I think we now have the answer for this thread.
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