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Bernie Blames Republicans for Wife's Investigation
Granny Bear Wrote:Geez....what else is new?

Well, she certainly shows promise where bad deals, along with bad management and oversight combine in the finest progressive tradition, to render the Dem's cancerous and questionable kiss of death to long established institutions. And it would seem she, like Hillary, has a gift where vanishing money is concerned, especially other people's money. She should really consider following in the footsteps of her socialist prevaricating husband, I'm certain the Dem's would welcome her with open arms.
Eviction of disabled veterans bothered me the most.

Granny Bear Wrote:Eviction of disabled veterans bothered me the most.

I agree, that is particularly heinous. Her ills are about to catch up with her though.
This is going to be fun to watch. Her defense will have to be that she was merely incompetent, and not criminal. It's always hard to tell which one or more it is with these people and their partners in incompetence/crime.
^Not to mention nepotism.
^^ I don't know guys lawyers aren't bound by law anymore, they just make it up as they go along. They could have her claim the insanity defense and say although she was sane, she was just taking her cues from Bernie and only found out later that he was nuts. Confusednicker:
Granny Bear Wrote:^Not to mention nepotism.

$500k woodworking teacher gig? Sweet!!!!:eyeroll:
TheRealThing Wrote:^^ I don't know guys lawyers aren't bound by law anymore, they just make it up as they go along. They could have her claim the insanity defense and say although she was sane, she was just taking her cues from Bernie and only found out later that he was nuts. Confusednicker:

Yep, crazy about other people's money!Confusednicker:
jetpilot Wrote:$500k woodworking teacher gig? Sweet!!!!:eyeroll:

First female woodworking instructor that I ever knew.
What does anyone expect, both are POS liberals who hate Christians.
Isn't it strange that our ultra-liberal friends who are quick to defend these clowns are no where in sight.

Where o where could vector, NEWARK-PERVERT-FAN and Geraldo be hiding?
Bob Seger Wrote:Isn't it strange that our ultra-liberal friends who are quick to defend these clowns are no where in sight.

Where o where could vector, NEWARK-PERVERT-FAN and Geraldo be hiding?

Under a rock?

Like diceman says, liberals are all-in for spending other people's money to give to the poor. When it comes to their own not so much, Uncle Joe Biden gives a whopping 369 dollars a year to charities. They don't mind a bit to steal as much of it as they can for themselves though. But the Sanders are novices compared to the dynamic duo, I'd hate to think how much money the Clintons have 'earned' while in public life.

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