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Church shooting in TN, leaves 2 dead!
The following is from

A shotgun-wielding man opened fire at a Unitarian church during a children's play Sunday morning, killing two adults and wounding seven others before being overpowered by congregants, officials said.

One of the victims, Linda Kraeger, 61, died at a hospital several hours after the shooting at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church, Knoxville municipal spokesman Randall Kenner said.

Also killed was Greg McKendry, a 60-year-old usher and board member at the church, police said earlier in the day.

A suspect, Jim Adkisson, 58, of Powell, Tennessee, was charged with one count of first-degree murder, Kenner said Sunday evening.

Adkisson is not believed to have been a member of the Knoxville church, and investigators have not determined a motive for the shooting, Knoxville Police Chief Sterling Owen told reporters.

This is truly a sad situation and my prayers go out to their families.

I was reading an article today from, and they reported that the reason for the shooting was because he had a "hatred of liberals" and how they where destroying the country. The Tennessee valley unitarian universalist church has a history of supporting progressive movements like civil rights, and gay rights. Books from many of the hate mongers at Fox news like Bill O'Rielly and Shawn Hannity where found in his home. He also had books from Micheal savage, another right wing idiot, who recently said that 99% of autistic children where brats, who where just acting like there was something wrong. People like these idiots really make me sick, they spew out hate for everything they disagree with, and everyone who disagrees with them. They talk about violence towards others, and then blame every else for the problems in this country.

Excerpt from the report:

Knoxville Police Department Officer Steve Still requested the search warrant after interviewing Adkisson. who was subdued by several church members after firing three rounds from a 12-gauge shotgun into the congregation.

Adkisson targeted the church, Still wrote in the document obtained by WBIR-TV, Channel 10, "because of its liberal teachings and his belief that all liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country, and that he felt that the Democrats had tied his country's hands in the war on terror and they had ruined every institution in America with the aid of media outlets."

That sounds like the crap that those right wing idiots spit out every night. I wonder how they will spin this one, (Probably just blame it on liberals) after knowing they contributed to the death of those 2 church members.
very sad.
Right wing or Left wing - Does it truly matter? Both have their idiots.

While I don't agree with the teaching of this church myself, I find it very sad that this has happened. It could have easily been a so-called liberal shooting up a conservative church and the arguments would have swayed the same from the liberal side. I believe it is time our country realizes we are one nation "under God". I believe we need to repent of our wicked ways and turn to the Lord Christ. However, I truly am in doubt of our country doing so. And it is mostly due to this right wing-left wing gangsta battle. It's worse that the East Coast-West Coast gangs.
WheelsNdaSky Wrote:Right wing or Left wing - Does it truly matter? Both have their idiots.

While I don't agree with the teaching of this church myself, I find it very sad that this has happened. It could have easily been a so-called liberal shooting up a conservative church and the arguments would have swayed the same from the liberal side. I believe it is time our country realizes we are one nation "under God". I believe we need to repent of our wicked ways and turn to the Lord Christ. However, I truly am in doubt of our country doing so. And it is mostly due to this right wing-left wing gangsta battle. It's worse that the East Coast-West Coast gangs.

While it is true that both sides have their idiots, and that we shouldn't be divided in this right vs left battle. But you rarely see any spit out as much hate and resentment as fox news does. They constantly say that Democrats, and liberals, or pretty much anyone who isnt rich and on the right are destroying this country. They do this on a daily basis, and then when one of thier fanatic fans does something this insane, you don't see one mention of the shooter reading any of the fox talking heads books. It's ok to spit out hate, but when something bad happens, they just ignore that they had anything to do with it.

The political situation shouldn't be important here though, because two people lost their lives , and dozens of kids, and church members have had their lives destroyed.

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