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Please Read: Recent discontent with the Political Forum
It has come to my attention that we have had some recent discontent with this politics forum and some members feel that there is a bias among the BGR mods and admins.

This belief comes from recent threads that haven been closed, but let me make it very clear, that no threads will be closed simply because WE do not agree with them.

An example, the recent "Fox News vs. Obama" thread that was closed. That thread was closed by ME. Why did I close it? Was it because I am a right-wing conservative who wants to marry Sean Hannity? No! I strongly dislike Fox News and strongly dislike Sean Hannity. I am a registered Democrat and feel that fall in the range of moderate to liberal.

So why was the thread closed? If you look at the last few posts in that thread you will see that any valuable discussion had ended and it had simply turned into a p***ing contest. There were smart-aleck comments which will only lead to someone getting upset and violating a rule. "Flaming," or insulting another member on the internet is not allowed on BGR and it clearly states that in the rules.

Technically, infractions should have been issued at that point, but instead I was lenient and simply closed the thread to keep anyone from getting suspended and to keep the thread from getting out of control. We want you all to contribute, but we also want it done considerately.

Things you need to know:

When I close a thread it is because of a rule violation, false information, copyright infringement, etc. It is NOT because of my personal beliefs. I should also note, that we are all entitled to free speech, but you must remain civil in voicing your opinion. Calling each other names, makes smart*** comments, and being rude in general reflect poorly on you and lead to threads being closed.

Another note: on the topic of the recent religious-oriented threads.

Threads that blatantly disregard copyright laws will be closed. Copying and pasting information from another site and posting it here without any form of citation is against the rules.

Furthermore, for those of you who do not know. BGR is attacked by spam bots all the time. It is at the very least a couple times a week. These spam bots post links to other sites in an effort to get you to click on them. We delete these posts and suspend the fake members whenever we catch them.

A regular member (who we know is not a spam bot) that continously posts content and links to other sites with no discussion by the OP (original poster) or any other members, will be considered to be spamming this site. BGR is here to permit civil discussion among fellow members. It is not here to promote any other site or to try and draw traffic to any other site.

But now you're saying, "Hey what about the advertisements? Those try to draw people to their sites."

You are correct, they do, but they also pay BGR in return for providing those advertisements on this site.

In short, we do our best to keep discussion civil (this becomes especially hard with topics such as politics and religion that often get people fired up). We do not close threads because of our personal beliefs, they are closed for rule violations or because no more valuable discussion is taking place.

I would like to apologize for giving anyone the impression that we were closing threads because we disagreed with your stance. That is not the case. In the future, please direct and criticisms or comments towards a mod or admin and refrain from doing so in the open forums.

I hope this clears things up,

Great post, CE!
AMEN! Excellent!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
You make some great points and I agree with most of what you said as usual. However, the thread in question is something that is News-worthy and needs to be discussed in a constructive manner. In that particular instance maybe a simple warning would have gotten those in question back on track. It's a judgement call and I happened to disagree. Nothing personal against you or the Staff of BGR. I should have addressed this matter through the proper channels and for not doing that, I apologize.

I appreciate your efforts and the efforts of the BGR Staff for addressing this matter.
Great post, CE! I couldn't have said it better myself. :Clap:

To all non-staff members who post in the political forums:

While I am on BGR staff, I am also a member with my own personal opinions, and I will at times join in discussions on the political forums. If I am on there, feel free to disagree with me without fear of retribution. I will never censor anyone's post simply because I disagree with it.

The political threads can be a great place to debate laws and ideologies. Unfortunately, emotions tend to run high in some of these discussions where people may have very strong beliefs. All too often I see a good debate degenerate into basic name-calling and an insult contest. This is when you will see deleted posts and infractions, or if the original topic seems to be a distant memory, maybe even the thread being closed.

I ask that if you ever receive an infraction from me, please look at the infraction, then re-read your post. Hopefully, you will see that the infraction is for a clear rule violation, not due to any disagreement with your opinion.



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