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West Jessamine job?
I still can't believe coach is leaving Polson. West is in one of the weaker regions and West will have a chance every year to go. New coach will have a very good shot first year to make state tournament.

Who are the frontrunners or is the job already guaranteed to someone?
This would be a perfect job for Eddie Whitaker.
zulu Wrote:This would be a perfect job for Eddie Whitaker.

Yes it would!! that would put josh more in the lime light up there...
it will also get a spotlight on his son also.
zulu Wrote:This would be a perfect job for Eddie Whitaker.

Where is he from?
Eddie is from Letcher County
58fan Wrote:Eddie is from Letcher County

What kind of program did he run there?
Eddie has been Head Coach at Whitesburg and Bell County High Schools. He would be an asset to any program.
Has been assistant to Coach Holland at Hazard the last two years. His son is an incoming Sr PG this year.
Eddie runs a clean program, loves hard nosed man to man, but is smart enough to realize that a high school teams talent does not always match what you want to do. In other words he adjusts to his talent, a very good coach
Sounds like a Quality coach
would be tough for him to leave a good program that has another shot at going to the state tourney for the 3rd year in a row, but he is wanting to coach his son one more time I think. Big decision for him and everyone involved.
sure sounds like a lot of coaching changes going on in the state of Kentucky
Eddie will not get a shot at West. Too much history between himself and West Principal Jones who was the former Head Coach at M'boro. They have some bad blood.
Are there any new updates on the coaching search? Is Polson possibly considering transferring?
Bobcat_Dad Wrote:Eddie will not get a shot at West. Too much history between himself and West Principal Jones who was the former Head Coach at M'boro. They have some bad blood.

Does he have bad blood everywhere in the state. I was told he has bad blood with Anna Craft who is the Supernatant at Letcher Co.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:Are there any new updates on the coaching search? Is Polson possibly considering transferring?

No, he's staying...
cougarpride08 Wrote:Does he have bad blood everywhere in the state. I was told he has bad blood with Anna Craft who is the Supernatant at Letcher Co.

Yep, sure sound's like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Problem with the West Job is available teaching positions...Math and one more, not sure what it is. May be awhile before it is filled.
Would be a great fit for Damon Kelley - former Lafayette coach. (math teacher). Outstanding coach and overall great guy.
oldschool Wrote:Would be a great fit for Damon Kelley - former Lafayette coach. (math teacher). Outstanding coach and overall great guy.

Heard he had applied.
a current assistant coach will be named very soon...Confusedhh:
Chuck Taylor Wrote:a current assistant coach will be named very soon...Confusedhh:

Assistant coach will not get the job.

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