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Obama girl's new man??
Could it be?

[ame=""]YouTube - New Esmagamento of Girl of Barack Obama![/ame]
Sad this makes me sad!
One of the saddest and most pathetic things I've ever seen in my life.
What exactly is this?
If SHE endores Obama, so do I :biggrin:

I wouldn't put it past Eric.
stupidest thing i've ever watched and now i will never listen to man of constant sorrow again..
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
^ lol
I have lost all respect for Jesco White for appearing in that video.
It's just a silly commercial, no need to get your panties all bunched up. I thought it was awful funny. No doubt most of you haven't saw his Raven Riley one. I get a kick out of his stupid stuff.
Eric C. Conn will do anything to get publicity.
Anyone remember when Eric had that $10,000 reward for whoever found his stolen manikin that he puts on top of his billboard signs? :biggrin:
outdoorsman43 Wrote:Anyone remember when Eric had that $10,000 reward for whoever found his stolen manikin that he puts on top of his billboard signs? :biggrin:
Yea, I remember that. He is an idiot that loves attention and will pay dearly for it.
Just lost all respect for Ralph Stanely...PITIFUL!
jetpilot Wrote:I have lost all respect for Jesco White for appearing in that video.

PLAYBOY5 Wrote:Just lost all respect for Ralph Stanely...PITIFUL!

Notre Dame Football…GO IRISH
Disgusting. I can't begin to describe how sad I am that Ralph Stanley "campaigns" for Eric C. Conn. :booo: Very bad move IMO.

I can see people thinking this video was humorous, but, ...... nevermind.

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