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Survey Says: Republicans Know More Than Democrats
No surprise here. :biggrin:

Quote:[INDENT]Survey Says: Republicans Know More Than Democrats

When it comes to the goings-on in the news, some folks are more knowledgeable than others, with Republicans and older Americans scoring better on a current-events quiz.

In fact, out of the 12 multiple-choice questions asked in a Pew Research Center phone survey of more than 1,000 adults, Republicans answered an average of about 6 questions correctly compared with 5 for Democrats. (The survey was conducted between Jan. 14 and Jan. 17, and included cell phones and landlines.)

These political-party differences are partly a reflection of the demographics, with Republicans tending to be older, well-educated and male – all factors associated with political and economic knowledge. Even after accounting for these factors, however, Pew scientists found a gap.

But Dems can't take all the blame for national ignorance. Just 2 percent of the public answered all questions correctly, while 6 percent failed to answer a single question right. On average, Americans got just 5 out of 12 correct.

Even so, many people still talk the talk. For instance, even though respondents consistently expressed strong interest in the health care debate, just 32 percent knew the Senate passed its version of the legislation without a single Republican vote. And, in what proved to be the most difficult question on the quiz, just 26 percent knew that it takes 60 votes to break a filibuster in the Senate and force a vote on a bill.

(The survey was conducted before Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown won a special election to the Senate on Jan. 19; Brown's election means Senate Democrats can no longer count on a 60-vote majority once he takes office.)[/INDENT]
Well Duh - I didn't need a study to know that....:biggrin:
Hmmmmmm, could this be one of the reasons Republicans are so much smarter? :yes:

A new poll released shows that Fox News is the most trusted news network among the American general public and largely ahead of CNN, ABC News, CBS News and NBC News.
A recent Public Policy Polling survey suggests Fox News is the most trusted news channel in the United States and ahead of such prominent networks as CNN and ABC News, according Press TV. Fox News is watched by over 100 million Americans and leads CNN by a ten per cent margin.
The Public Policy Polling poll shows 49 per cent trusted Fox News and said their slogan is correct when they say, “Fair & Balanced,” while 37 per cent said they didn’t trust Fox News, which was the lowest level of distrust among all of the networks polled, reports the Boston Herald.
Second place was CNN with 39 per cent trust but 41 per cent of distrust, while the network was followed by NBC with 35 per cent, CBS with 32 per cent and ABC with 31 per cent. Of course, there was partisan support for the news networks as 74 per cent of Republicans said they trusted Fox News but Democrats trusted the other four news outlets more.
Dean Debnam, Public Policy Polling president, said, reports the Thaindian, “Fox is brilliant about getting ratings. A generation ago you would have expected Americans to place their trust in the most neutral and unbiased conveyors of news, but the media landscape has really changed. Now they’re turning more toward the outlets that tell them what they want to hear.”
The survey was conducted among 1,151 registered voters between Jan. 18 and Jan. 19 and contains a margin of error of +/- 2.8 per cent.
Only 33 percent of Democrats who were polled knew that Harry Reid is the Senate Majority Leader. 43 percent of independents answered this question correctly and 48 percent of Republicans got it right.

Republicans outscored Democrats and independents on 10 of the 12 questions. Independents outscored Republicans and Democrats on 2 of the 12 questions. Democrats scored dead last on 10 of 12 questions and second on 2 of 12 questions.

Hopefully, Obama will wake up enough moderate Democrats by 2012 so that more of them will be able to cast informed votes, thereby denying the community agitator a second term. Listening to talk radio and watching Fox News would be a good start. :biggrin:

This video was taken on election day 2008. It is about 10 minutes long but it shows how ill-informed most B. Hussein voters were. Be sure to watch it all the way through, it is an eye-opener. The posted website during the video is worth a visit. The point of the interviewer is not to show how 'dumb' (that can be argued now :biggrinSmile the B. Hussein voters are/were but to show how the MSM misinformed the public during the campaign and the election.

[ame=""]YouTube- How Obama Got Elected... Interviews With Obama Voters[/ame]
Joe Friday Wrote:This video was taken on election day 2008. It is about 10 minutes long but it shows how ill-informed most B. Hussein voters were. Be sure to watch it all the way through, it is an eye-opener. The posted website during the video is worth a visit. The point of the interviewer is not to show how 'dumb' (that can be argued now :biggrinSmile the B. Hussein voters are/were but to show how the MSM misinformed the public during the campaign and the election.

:Thumbs::Clap:I started to skip the video because of the length but it was well worth watching. It clearly lays the blame for the election of Obama at the feet of the mainstream media.

No wonder Fox News Channel has become the most trusted news network in this country. People are waking up to the fact that Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Chris Matthews, and Keith Olbermann are not real journalists.

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