Poll: How many posts before someone agrees with Hank?
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Are you ready for some Goofball?
Hank Williams, Jr intro pulled from the opening of Monday Night Football after he likens Obama (or maybe it was Boehner) to Hitler. Even the folks on Fox and Fools had to run away from those remarks.

How many posts before someone calls BillyB a dumbass?
Look what Happened to the Dixie Chicks against Bush,
BillyB Wrote:Hank Williams, Jr intro pulled from the opening of Monday Night Football after he likens Obama (or maybe it was Boehner) to Hitler. Even the folks on Fox and Fools had to run away from those remarks.

It was Obama he called Hitler. Good for ESPN for pulling Hank. It is the President, he should at least respect the office. Hank said the President was the enemy.
I, personally, laughed. That's all I have to say about that.
Personally i dont think it was a good judgement call on his part with his deals and celebrity, however how many people have you heard say something just like this?

I hear it on a daily basis. Ive heard everything from socialist, to communist, to get that n word out of office.
Its the world we live in and its a country of free speech here. He's entitled to his own opinion even if we dont agree with what he said.
Its not like everybody didnt know he was joking.

Personally i could care less about the intro song to mnf. Personally college football has gotten so exciting, ive about quit watching the nfl and its soap operas and pros that think they need to do reality television.

ESPN clearly did this to be politically correct and i dont blame them. However, he should have never said it in the first place
TheRealVille Wrote:It was Obama he called Hitler. Good for ESPN for pulling Hank. It is the President, he should at least respect the office. Hank said the President was the enemy.

What are the guildlines to differentiate between respecting the office vs. respecting the office holder? Where is the point when the line is crossed in your opinion?
TheRealVille Wrote:It was Obama he called Hitler. Good for ESPN for pulling Hank. It is the President, he should at least respect the office. Hank said the President was the enemy.
Well that is certainly one way to twist the words of his analogy around around.

All he did was compare Obama golfing with Boehner to Hitler golfing with the leader of Israel. He did not say Obama was Hitler. All he illustrated was that the idea of those two golfing together as pals is absurd when they do not agree on anything. Thus, the analogy is applicable. Was it an extreme analogy? Yes, but he did not just flat out say that "Obama is Adolf f'n Hitler".
If this was Michael Moore calling Bush Hitler, we'd hear the freedom of speech bullshit til the end.
Panther Thunder Wrote:Well that is certainly one way to twist the words of his analogy around around.

All he did was compare Obama golfing with Boehner to Hitler golfing with the leader of Israel. He did not say Obama was Hitler. All he illustrated was that the idea of those two golfing together as pals is absurd when they do not agree on anything. Thus, the analogy is applicable. Was it an extreme analogy? Yes, but he did not just flat out say that "Obama is Adolf f'n Hitler".
Bullshit. He even said Obama was the enemy, and admitted it.. The video is at this link, have a listen.

He got one thing right, Gretchen is hot as hell.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:If this was Michael Moore calling Bush Hitler, we'd hear the freedom of speech bullshit til the end.

Well it didn't work that way for the DIXIE Chicks did it?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Well it didn't work that way for the DIXIE Chicks did it?
I just recall them downing the president, and then everybody stopped buying their shitty albums. Coincidence? Probably not, but one fact cant be argued; They were then, and are now, a terrible band. Personally, and this goes for Hank (who's career hasnt been anything to brag about for 25 years) too, but I wish all of these film directors, musicians, and all of these "celebrities" would leave politics out of everything they do and just shut up. They arent gonna save the world. Hell, most of them dont tip the pizza guy, let alone do anything good with their money.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Well it didn't work that way for the DIXIE Chicks did it?
Country music fans tend to be a pretty conservative group. The Dixie Chicks bashed Bush on foreign soil. They elected to insult a large number of their fan base and paid the price. I am much more tolerant of Americans criticizing the US on our own soil. When they start trashing this country in foreign tabloids but hold their tongues here for business reasons, then they deserve no respect. Will Smith did something similar a few years ago but he basically portrayed the US as a large nation full of racists as compared to Europe. Sometimes the anti-American feelings of these simple-minded celebrities just ooze out when they think that fans back home aren't listening.
Personally, I put zero thought into what ANY "celebrity" spews. I don't understand why anyone, other those that market them would even care. Seriously, do any of you care what Hank says?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Country music fans tend to be a pretty conservative group. The Dixie Chicks bashed Bush on foreign soil. They elected to insult a large number of their fan base and paid the price. I am much more tolerant of Americans criticizing the US on our own soil. When they start trashing this country in foreign tabloids but hold their tongues here for business reasons, then they deserve no respect. Will Smith did something similar a few years ago but he basically portrayed the US as a large nation full of racists as compared to Europe. Sometimes the anti-American feelings of these simple-minded celebrities just ooze out when they think that fans back home aren't listening.

Do u think they thought that no one else would hear about it?

They also had a documentary where they called him a Dumb ****. I'm sure they knew someone would see this. Or was the documentary only available on foreign soil?
Haha, it's Hank Williams Jr. guys. Go listen to some of his songs and tell me if you expect any less...

I don't think he meant to compare Obama to Hitler, I don't think hardly ANYone in this country, no matter how stupid or fanatic, can make that dumbass comparison. It's not even that great of an analogy. The two of them golfing together is hilarious, but it's not even close to Hitler golfing with any Israeli. We all know Hitler is too hipster for Golf...it's so mainstream.

This is 100 times better than anything Obama will ever come up with...
vundy33 Wrote:Haha, it's Hank Williams Jr. guys. Go listen to some of his songs and tell me if you expect any less...

I don't think he meant to compare Obama to Hitler, I don't think hardly ANYone in this country, no matter how stupid or fanatic, can make that dumbass comparison. It's not even that great of an analogy. The two of them golfing together is hilarious, but it's not even close to Hitler golfing with any Israeli. We all know Hitler is too hipster for Golf...it's so mainstream.

Best post by far.
I'm thinking Fox made him mad in this fiasco also.

TheRealVille Wrote:I'm thinking Fox made him mad in this fiasco also.

I watched this interview live when it originally aired. Hank came on acting to me, pretty strange to with begin.

For the life of me I cant figure out why he would be mad at FNF. After he made the comment , Grethen asked him to clarify what he meant and he said directly that he meant just exactly what he said. I cant see how they can be accused of twisting anything around.
I wonder how many people will go with his endorsement to not watch ESPN?

[YOUTUBE="Hank/Fox News"]cDvBmWOf8m0&feature[/YOUTUBE]
We aren't exactly dealing with a valedictorian here....
We need more like Hank, Jr. who say what they think rather than playing politically correct "kissy butt".
Walleye Wrote:We aren't exactly dealing with a valedictorian here....
True, but he is our president. Hank should have chosen another name for his analogy like Mao or Hugo Chavez - people who have admirers within Obama's inner circle.

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