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Report: Recent TNA Star Chyna Has Done Another Sex Tape
Former WWE star Joanie "Chyna" Laurer, who worked the last TNA PPV, has done another sex tape titled "Back Door Into Chyna." It features 2 of the biggest male stars in the porn industry in what is being described as a graphic threesome.

For the whole story you can check out the article on TMZ.

This of course is not the first time she has made a sex film as she had another one titled "One Night In Chyna" in 2004 with wrestler Sean Waltman.
This isn't really something that floats my boat, but wow, has Jonie truly went off the deep end? Not this story alone, but she was a Lindsay Lohan for a period of time. I truly feel that the break-up with HHH has scarred this young woman for life.
Oh my! Why make another?
#4 reported this morning that Chyna would be making her much anticipated return to the adult industry in the form of an extremely graphic pornographic video.
Vivid President Steve Hirsch told TMZ he was approached by Chyna “months ago” to create an X-rated film as part of her re-entry into the business.
She shot a movie involving two male adult film stars, tentatively titled Backdoor into Chyna. It is set for release on DVD “in the near future.”
According to Beauty Queen Management, who represent the former WWE Women’s Champion, the report is “totally untrue” as she has not and will not be shooting any porn videos.

“All rumors relating to Chyna and porn are totally false and should be taken with a grain of salt.” her manager Michelle Roberts told Chyna fansite

Meanwhile, Eric Bischoff avoided commenting on her status with TNA Wrestling when asked during an interview earlier this week with Monday Night Mayhem.

Bischoff replied, “That’s a really good question and I’m not going to answer it because it would be inappropriate. So, let’s leave it at that.”
The latest issue of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that TNA has no plans on using Chyna any further, nor the woman originally slotted for the role of Kurt Angle’s associate, Isis the Amazon.

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