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Rick Perry's OneStar scandal broke
Quote:BurntOrangeReport has a post up today that Rick had to high-tail it out of SC not because of the wildfires in Texas but because of breaking scandal with one of his Faith and Family appointees (who seems to be a busy gal).

He swore this past weekend to his conservative pals that there weren't nothing in his life that would cause them embarrassment.
NSFW links:
Link to RickPerrysOneStarScandal site.
Quote:So it begins. Rick Perry may be a fundamentalist Christian (of the New Apostolic Reformation variety), and eager executioner, and possible ground-breaking Republican candidate — but by all accounts he's also deeply corrupt, a crony of the first water.

So this one could have legs. As the article notes, the aides involved are Deidre Delisi and David Carney. The former is a former chief of staff and current senior policy advisor; the later is a long-time strategist. (That's Deidre Delisi pictured in the linked story.)

Murray Waas and Peter Henderson, writing in Reuters (my emphasis):
In a civil suit later filed by Chris Bell, Perry's Democratic challenger in that race, the testimony of aides David Carney and Deirdre Delisi was directly contradicted by a sworn statement from Perry's own gubernatorial campaign committee.

At issue were the circumstances surrounding a $1 million contribution to the campaign, and whether the Republican Governors' Association, which paid out the funds, was used as a conduit to camouflage their true origin. The lawsuit alleged that the actual donor was Texas multi-millionaire Bob Perry, a long-time supporter of Rick Perry (no relation) better known for bankrolling the Swift Boat campaign that torpedoed Senator John Kerry's presidential bid.

Carney has long been the Texas governor's closest political strategist. Delisi was formerly Governor Perry's chief of staff and now serves as a senior policy advisor to his presidential campaign.
The current Perry campaign won't comment, and for an interesting reason. That earlier case was settled out of court, note the authors, in "a 2010 settlement, which required Perry to pay $427,000 to Bell's campaign, [and] barred either side from saying anything further."

So the original case was possibly corrupt to begin with (unless Perry settled and was innocent), and now we find his top aides could well have lied in giving testimony. There's certainly enough prima facie evidence to warrant an investigation.

The story is beautifully researched, and has all the mustered details we associate with the excellent Murray Waas. Please do read.
Quote:The Rick Perry Gardasil Scandal - We've Only Seen the Tip of the Iceberg
Submitted by Dquixote1217 on Wed, 09/14/2011 - 14:11
Politics & Law
corruption gardasil Perry pork Scandal
At the recent GOP Tea Party debate, Rick Perry came under fire for his attempt to make Gardasil vaccinations mandatory for young Texas schoolgirls. At one point, Perry responded to Michele Bachman voicing concern about his connections to Gardasil maker Merck and donations from Merck to Perry. His response was to blatantly lie and say that he received $5000 - and that may be only the tip of a much bigger iceberg.

Records show that Perry received far more than $5000 from Merck. But it gets much worse than just the Merck contributions. Perry, who is noted for funneling state money to his big contributors, steered a $1.75 million grant to Gradalis, a biotechnology firm in Carrollton, Tex., whose backers include James Leininger, who has given more than $264,000 to Perry’s campaigns. Another Gradalis investor, John McHale, had traditionally supported Democratic candidates, but gave $50,000 to Perry’s re-election campaign four days after the state grant to Gradalis was announced. As a recent press release by the vaccine safety organization SANEVAX noted: change the letters around and Gradalis becomes Gardasil.

The SANEVAX press release, titled "Black Monday for Gardasil" also noted that it was rumored in 2007 that Perry made a lot of people wealthy, including his family, by mandating the Gardasil vaccine in the State of Texas.

Thus the question that might be posed to Perry is similar to the old line about a prostitute: "We have already established the fact that you are a whore. Now it is just a matter of establishing what your price is."
Good stuff. I can't wait until we see how many volunteer that they had sex with him. That's just like who were the 30,000 that attended the game that Bobby Thompson hit the famous homerun and the replies were 30,000,000
At issue were the circumstances surrounding a $1 million contribution to the campaign, and whether the Republican Governors' Association, which paid out the funds, was used as a conduit to camouflage their true origin. The lawsuit alleged that the actual donor was Texas multi-millionaire Bob Perry, a long-time supporter of Rick Perry (no relation) better known for bankrolling the Swift Boat campaign that torpedoed Senator John Kerry's presidential bid.

Thank god it's going to someone that could make a difference than to any of the idiots on the democratic side of the house. Good grief

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