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CM Punk to retain WWE Title?
- WWE’s creative committee is rumored to be leaning toward CM Punk retaining the WWE Championship next Monday on Raw SuperShow when John Cena cashes in his Money in the Bank contract. According to, there is a lot of talk within the organization that Cena will be the first person to not win a title directly after cashing in the briefcase.
Speculation has it that WWE may have The Rock to interfere in the WWE Championship match between John Cena and CM Punk
It would be good for someone like Cena to be the first to lose it because it would not devastate the way he is viewed, like it might for others.
I'm not sure, I have a feeling John Cena will win.
I've seen the rumor as well that Cena will be interfered with. It would make sense for the Rock be the one to do it in order to set up the next WM. BUT - what if it is someone like Stone Cold????? I'm going to play fantasy booker here:

Ref gets knocked down. Cena has Punk locked up in the STF. Stone Cold comes out and stuns Cena to give the appearance of helping Punk! With the ref starting to come too, Punk gets up to make the winning move on Cena - BUT - Stone Cold stuns Punk as well. Punk loses because of DQ, saving the loss from Cena to keep Cena's record clean - but, costing Cena a cashed in victory. The loss goes to Punk, but sets up the rivalry with Punk and Stone Cold - ONLY to be settled at WM!!!!!
^Sounds good.

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