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Death Doc Kermit Gosnell's Silent Co-Conspirators
TheRealThing Wrote:You nailed it Harry Rex. That has been my argument for years. Man is flawed and yet, even a loose adherence to God's law has preserved him since the dawn of time. I believe that our nation and our system of laws were based largely on precepts of Christianity as depicted in scripture. The more America turns her back on Christian principles of acceptable social behavior, the more we will lapse into chaos. It is no more complex an issue than that.

Now, can we realistically govern ourselves like a theocracy? Of course not. And yet, without the absolute of scripture to use as a basis for comparison, every issue becomes a matter for endless debate in what has become an endless argument about what is right and wrong. In other words, the clear line that marked the boundary separating right from wrong has been blurred by compromise, to become a vast gray area of endless argument, littered by the corpses of jurisprudence past. Men not willing to accept His authority have thusly gone off courting disaster, by passing laws which redefine God's clear teachings of morality.

Some lawyer will always be able to come in and dazzle the court with a cleverly worded argument. And like you said, laws, or arguments against them, are made by men, and men always have their own agendas. This idea that we conservatives are ramming our wants down the throats of others and poking our noses into their lives is a perfect example of that. The law they argue against has stood the test of time for thousands of years. Now up jumps the liberal lemmings from among us and all of a sudden, it is they, the very ones who want to make all the changes, that are crying foul in the face of those same thousands of years worth of tradition.

In short, man has no business legislating morality. But, that is what we're seeing and, I agree with you to a certain extent that the err of man's way will be settled mostly at God's judgment bar. And yet, like Israel, America is special. We founded our American ideals on Christian principles and now that we have turned our backs on Him, we will suffer in our time. I predict that death in the form of lawlessness and Jihad, will stalk our streets. I don't have any idea how serious things will be but, we see the beginnings of birth pangs even now.

Excellent and thoughtful post.
I have been listening to some of the testimony from the Gosnell case. This man is truly a monster. He may have murdered hundreds of live born babies over the years. One of the clinic's workers testified that he estimated that about 50 percent of the "abortions" consisted of snipping their spinal cords after birth. Gosnell came into the clinic in the evenings to perform these "procedures" until the wee hours of the morning.

The fact that the mainstream media had to be shamed into covering this mass murderer's trial shows how morality in this country has declined over the past few years.

Gosnell operated with an unqualified staff for years at a time without any inspections by the state. There was even testimony that he hired a 15-year old girl as an anesthesiologist after directing her to read some of a high school science textbook.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I have been listening to some of the testimony from the Gosnell case. This man is truly a monster. He may have murdered hundreds of live born babies over the years. One of the clinic's workers testified that he estimated that about 50 percent of the "abortions" consisted of snipping their spinal cords after birth. Gosnell came into the clinic in the evenings to perform these "procedures" until the wee hours of the morning.

The fact that the mainstream media had to be shamed into covering this mass murderer's trial shows how morality in this country has declined over the past few years.

Gosnell operated with an unqualified staff for years at a time without any inspections by the state. There was even testimony that he hired a 15-year old girl as an anesthesiologist after directing her to read some of a high school science textbook.
100% agree. :Thumbs:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I have been listening to some of the testimony from the Gosnell case. This man is truly a monster. He may have murdered hundreds of live born babies over the years. One of the clinic's workers testified that he estimated that about 50 percent of the "abortions" consisted of snipping their spinal cords after birth. Gosnell came into the clinic in the evenings to perform these "procedures" until the wee hours of the morning.

The fact that the mainstream media had to be shamed into covering this mass murderer's trial shows how morality in this country has declined over the past few years.

Gosnell operated with an unqualified staff for years at a time without any inspections by the state. There was even testimony that he hired a 15-year old girl as an anesthesiologist after directing her to read some of a high school science textbook.

The fact is that the media is not covering the Gosnell case and never will because, to do so, would damage their liberal, immoral, godless agenda.

While I have absolutely no use for Obama, he could not succeed without the media and the government schools. The media spends its time furthering Obama's agenda without reference to anything that would reflect poorly on Obama or his agenda. The government schools are busy indoctrinating our youth to be "accepting" of all viewpoints and life styles, that there are no absolutes, and to find fault is being either a "bigot", a "racist, a "homophobe", or a "useless fool".

Where are all the Christians during this purge? I would conclude that they are sitting in their pews with their thumbs up their butts waiting on a "feel good, possum grin, all is wonderful " message to the dullards from Joel Osteen.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:The fact is that the media is not covering the Gosnell case and never will because, to do so, would damage their liberal, immoral, godless agenda.

While I have absolutely no use for Obama, he could not succeed without the media and the government schools. The media spends its time furthering Obama's agenda without reference to anything that would reflect poorly on Obama or his agenda. The government schools are busy indoctrinating our youth to be "accepting" of all viewpoints and life styles, that there are no absolutes, and to find fault is being either a "bigot", a "racist, a "homophobe", or a "useless fool".

Where are all the Christians during this purge? I would conclude that they are sitting in their pews with their thumbs up their butts waiting on a "feel good, possum grin, all is wonderful " message to the dullards from Joel Osteen.
Fox News has been covering the Gosnell case, and I consider them to be as mainstream as any other media source. FNC even assigned one of their most liberal contributors, Kirsten Powers, to cover the trial. But I agree that this is the most under covered major event that I can recall and it is deliberately being under covered to keep from undermining support of the media's pro-abortion position. Had it not been for Fox and right wing talk radio, the nation's major newspapers and the alphabet networks would have buried this story entirely.

I agree with you about most Christian organizations. Something about Joel Osteen makes my skin crawl. He as the top of my list of TV preachers most likely to embarrass himself, his family, and his followers. That smile just seems to be painted onto his face and it must make talking difficult for him.
Abortion is the sacrament of the liberals.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:The fact is that the media is not covering the Gosnell case and never will because, to do so, would damage their liberal, immoral, godless agenda.

While I have absolutely no use for Obama, he could not succeed without the media and the government schools. The media spends its time furthering Obama's agenda without reference to anything that would reflect poorly on Obama or his agenda. The government schools are busy indoctrinating our youth to be "accepting" of all viewpoints and life styles, that there are no absolutes, and to find fault is being either a "bigot", a "racist, a "homophobe", or a "useless fool".

Where are all the Christians during this purge? I would conclude that they are sitting in their pews with their thumbs up their butts waiting on a "feel good, possum grin, all is wonderful " message to the dullards from Joel Osteen.

All true, but the bolded is a particular pet peeve of mine. I mean it's defies logic as to how something that is so obvious and so patently biased could go unnoticed by so many. You remember when the networks began to go 100% pro democratic in their news slant don't you Harry Rex? It was late Reagan era. The anchors got progressively bolder and bolder until as we see today, there is no attempt whatever to hide their anti republican biases. Since that time however, millions have literally been indoctrinated to the pro liberal, anti-conservative mindset by their teachers, nightly news and liberal news papers.

At one time America was dominantly pro labor because we were still engrossed in expansion of industry, infrastructure and housing. We have plateaued these days, and are sort of trying to get by on what we have. At any rate, the vast majority of the voting public worked for their living until recently and that integrity of meeting one's obligations with pride and responsible behavior showed up at the polls. And yet, as you point out, the work product of media anti-conservative propaganda together with government school indoctrination, are today's entitled feeling, liberally minded masses. We conservatives winked and all this happened right under our noses. As we applied ourselves at the workplace liberals were busy spreading their message. Speak out against it and one quickly sees the level of contempt and resistance he is facing.

I am in a state of shock and amazement as to just how fast my country changed. All the lemmings are in headlong rush for the cliff and the more conservatives call out for them to turn around, the more determined they seem to make the plunge.
You are absolutely correct, TheRealThing. And, I believe the passive reaction of alleged "good Christians" and their willingness to sit back and let those in charge raise and indoctrinate their children will eventually destroy the country as we know it.

All this emphasis on inclusiveness, diversity, and acceptance of all "lifestyles" without any judgment whatsoever now saturating the government schools and the cheapening of human life under the guise of "women's health care concerns" should remind one of taking a lethal poison in a tablet flavored with peppermint.

From the "quality" of students being produced by our government schools, it is painfully obvious that they aren't teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic. The majority of high school graduates are nearly illiterate and are ignorant of basic learning skills. If you doubt it, ask one of them to do a long division problem without a calculator, cellphone, or computer. Or, ask them to write a short paragraph using correct grammar. The truth is that most can do neither. However, they are well schooled in liberal social thought.

Someday soon, those "good Christians" may wake up and wonder what happened to our country. It will, of course, be too late and not even the perpetual grins of Joel Osteen and the lovely Victoria spin of the "prosperity preachers" will be able to pacify them and stem the tide.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:You are absolutely correct, TheRealThing. And, I believe the passive reaction of alleged "good Christians" and their willingness to sit back and let those in charge raise and indoctrinate their children will eventually destroy the country as we know it.

All this emphasis on inclusiveness, diversity, and acceptance of all "lifestyles" without any judgment whatsoever now saturating the government schools and the cheapening of human life under the guise of "women's health care concerns" should remind one of taking a lethal poison in a tablet flavored with peppermint.

From the "quality" of students being produced by our government schools, it is painfully obvious that they aren't teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic. The majority of high school graduates are nearly illiterate and are ignorant of basic learning skills. If you doubt it, ask one of them to do a long division problem without a calculator, cellphone, or computer. Or, ask them to write a short paragraph using correct grammar. The truth is that most can do neither. However, they are well schooled in liberal social thought.

Someday soon, those "good Christians" may wake up and wonder what happened to our country. It will, of course, be too late and not even the perpetual grins of Joel Osteen and the lovely Victoria spin of the "prosperity preachers" will be able to pacify them and stem the tide.

Well, I agree with you except that our short falls and failings are more than passivity. I'd say it's likely in fact, that we are responsible for the whole mess. We haven't been involved in self governance. Most Americans are woefully ill prepared to offer an opinion on what American exceptionalism is, or the cost of freedom or what freedom even is for that matter. Instead of learning how to reproduce and getting a crash course of graphic and over the top exposure to everything there is to know about sex organs. Kids ought to be learning about the sacrifices and heroic actions of our founding fathers and what is has cost us as a nation to remain free.

Christians were totally sound asleep at the wheel when Madeleine Murray O'Hare and the ACLU were making inroads into our schools and national court system, in an effort to liberalize America. People like that were just dismissed as kooks back then.

Boy are we paying for it now. And that is why I often quote scripture in conversation, realizing that many hardly ever hear any. We could never make up for our failings. We can only ask forgiveness and present ourselves a "reasonable sacrifice".
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Fox News has been covering the Gosnell case, and I consider them to be as mainstream as any other media source. FNC even assigned one of their most liberal contributors, Kirsten Powers, to cover the trial. But I agree that this is the most under covered major event that I can recall and it is deliberately being under covered to keep from undermining support of the media's pro-abortion position. Had it not been for Fox and right wing talk radio, the nation's major newspapers and the alphabet networks would have buried this story entirely.

I agree with you about most Christian organizations. Something about Joel Osteen makes my skin crawl. He as the top of my list of TV preachers most likely to embarrass himself, his family, and his followers. That smile just seems to be painted onto his face and it must make talking difficult for him.

even she has enough sense to realize how brutal this is per the article released this morning

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