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The UN “Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.”
You may remember recent attempts by the UN, working with liberals in the US government, to force gun control upon this nation's citizenry thereby circumventing the 2nd Amendment. To date, that attempt has been thwarted but, this is no time to relax. They're at it again, though this time we may possibly be talking about seeing our private land and houses seized and given away to Indian tribes.

This article is incredible!
United Nations Habitat I Conference Report,
"Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes… Public control of land use is therefore indispensable.”
We, as in the United States of America, have no business being in the United Nations.
Seizures of privately owned land by the feds and international organizations through the auspices of the UN, are going completely unreported by the main stream media. They're becoming so prevalent that Oklahoma is moving quickly to protect the property rights of state residents.

“It is very important for states to re-assert their sovereignty and protect the rights of citizens from intrusive and oppressive measures coming down from the federal government and even international organizations like the UN,” Oklahoma Rep. Mike Ritze, a strong supporter of the measure, told The New American. “The states operated for two centuries quite well on their own, so what we are doing now is taking back our rightful powers and ensuring that Oklahomans can continue to live in freedom under constitutionally limited government without outside unconstitutional intervention.”

I just can't believe more folks aren't concerned by this kind of thing. I would love to see the UN sent packing. They siphon off millions of US dollars and generally speaking have done little to aid their kindly American hosts.
More and ever more federal land grabs. Check this one out. (you owe it to yourself to read the following article)

[SIZE="2"]"The Obama Fish and Wildlife Service ruling, announced late last week following a court ruling, adds to the escalating pattern of lawlessness in the federal government’s accelerating war on private property and state sovereignty. -SNIP- It affects about 40 million square acres — more than 62,500 square miles, or about 25 times the size of Delaware for perspective — across five states: Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, and Kansas. Much of the land is privately owned.

In essence, the fraud works like this: A group sues the agency in question to demand some particular power grab that both the agency and the group want to foist on America unilaterally; then the agency agrees to “settle” by adopting the desired scheme while paying massive sums of taxpayer funds to the group that sued to set up future scams. The EPA has become particularly adept at defrauding taxpayers and skirting the Constitution using the plot, yet Congress continues to allow it despite occasional expressions of outrage."[/SIZE]

Believe it or not, long before the idea of a modern day tea party was conceived, I used to say that those Americans who rose up to defy Brittan, and King George in particular, by throwing all that duty burdensome tea into the Boston Harbor would certainly find today's America, a target rich environment, LOL. After that famous party was over, Americans found their feet on the road to independence, and the rest as they say is history. Glorious history though, and as such, edifying to any citizen who would care to consider for just a minute how those days ushered in a 'truly' changed world. Here's a newsflash for liberals pining for change, WE ALREADY DID IT!, and in so doing we changed the entire world.

Today we have calls from the left to turn our backs on our own heritage and the unmentionably steep cost in blood and treasure with which we paid for our own sovereignty and a world governed generally by order, to undo our influence and assume our rightful place, as they see it, in a 'global community' comprised of supposed equals. Now, in order to do that, I would guess one would necessarily need to wink at a few facts. Among them would be the sad economics associated with the Eurozone, Russia, China and the others to whom we are to be equal, and the fact that a few of them don't quite play fair. Slice of the Ukraine anyone? How about an island in the South China Sea? Everything government does however, seems to grease the slide for that inevitable outcome. Forcing US patrols off the world stage through downsizing and budget cuts, ceding authority to the UN, giving the internet away, all the constant deferences to international law that Putin is supposed to cower before, and of course, the one Mr Obama has managed to say often enough to wear out all by his lonesome and that is the much ballyhooed "global community." There is no global community, but they're sure trying to whup one up for us. They need this idea of an identifiable and viable global community to get some things done I suppose. I see it as the transitional link between how things are, to how they want them to be. Therefore, as in the case of the infamous "they" of 'they said' that everybody jokes about, we don't know who this 'global community' is. I know I am certainly not ready to surrender my freedom and our national sovereignty over to something that exists only as an abstraction in the minds of the few. An oppressive idea for which I fear, there is none the less coming a massive and blind willingness to submit. And, an idea which will likely find it's home in the rooms of the UN.

This is why in my view, we've spent so much time and money cultivating a world structure of awareness about items liberals hold the most dear. That being global warming, the laughable assumption that war is a thing of the past and the resultant stripped down militaries, human rights, no slouch left behind, education, universal health care, gun control, socialistic economic equality, gay rights, abortion rights, such are the tenets of secular humanism that liberals espouse. These are the priorities as they see them, and such priorities will subjugate and enslave mankind as we see the end approaching.

As I have asked in the recent past, how could anybody not see how these global implications match up perfectly with prophesy? One world government, with one leader under the banner of peace, safety, and prosperity for all. I'm telling you, it's coming. Further, I believe we will get a feel for how far into the countdown we are, depending on the outcome of the mid-terms. If Republicans sweep, the end may perhaps not be as close as it feels, as they may be able to forestall the global implications of what we see before us. If the Dems hold, it would be conceivable that the prophetic acceleration curve may be unalterably set. One thing is sure. All any of us have to use in any scenario of change is choice. We here in the US each have one vote. And we each have the right to choose to accept the Lordship of the Almighty. Given the fact that He knows at any given moment how many hairs are on the head of every man woman and child on this planet, and given that science calculates that each of us lose about 130 hairs everyday, I'm thinking He knows how we vote. So, though I may not be able to change the outcome with my one vote, it my intention to use it as wisely and honorably as I possibly can. :biggrin:
"Among the many great controversies resolved by the U.S. Constitution was the question of equality among the states that constituted the original United States of America. The principle that emerged was known as the “Equal Footing Doctrine,” which supposedly insured that all states were equal in their sovereign power. Article I, Section 8 specified how the federal government might acquire land and the purposes for which it could be acquired from the states. The 10th Amendment further declared that powers not explicitly granted to the federal government were retained by the states and the people.

Where, then, is the equality for the states west of the 100th meridian?

The federal government owns about 98 percent of the land in Alaska and about 86 percent of Nevada land. Overall, the feds own 65 percent of all the land west of the 100th meridian. This fact makes a mockery of the Equal Footing Doctrine that was so important to the founders."


So, why the massive federal land grab?
TheRealThing Wrote:EXCERPT---
"Among the many great controversies resolved by the U.S. Constitution was the question of equality among the states that constituted the original United States of America. The principle that emerged was known as the “Equal Footing Doctrine,” which supposedly insured that all states were equal in their sovereign power. Article I, Section 8 specified how the federal government might acquire land and the purposes for which it could be acquired from the states. The 10th Amendment further declared that powers not explicitly granted to the federal government were retained by the states and the people.

Where, then, is the equality for the states west of the 100th meridian?

The federal government owns about 98 percent of the land in Alaska and about 86 percent of Nevada land. Overall, the feds own 65 percent of all the land west of the 100th meridian. This fact makes a mockery of the Equal Footing Doctrine that was so important to the founders."


So, why the massive federal land grab?

The ETs have to live somewhere...:biggrin:

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
Spirit100 Wrote:The ETs have to live somewhere...:biggrin:

:thatsfunn You mean after they retire from public service?

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